West Coast Milblogger 09/24/2023

in #deepdiveslast year

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

Drama around the world this week with the UN taking center stage. Finally, this global political body fulfilled its role, allowing equal representation of Nations.

South Korea made the strongest point as it described the paradox of a UN Security Council permanent member running counter to its own imposed sanctions.

Of course, this alludes to Russia and North Korea trading arms for technology. It has Ukraine calling for Russia’s veto status to be removed from the Security Council. To that, Germany objects as this new dialogue takes shape. Even Russia’s Foreign Minister spoke bluntly and unapologetically in New York City, promoting battlefield negotiations.

It changes the optics of this conflict. Something unseen in the build up to World War II. Representation at the highest-level meeting to discuss hot button topics of the day.

Another example would be the exchange between Albania’s Prime Minister and Russia’s Representative at the UN. A glimpse at what international dialogue could become as 30-second sound bites got exchanged live with nuclear war on the line.

Putin has launched his Nuclear Force into training status much like before invading Ukraine. They have missiles on mobile platforms made famous from the movie: “Spies Like Us”. They can strike the United States from anywhere in the country.

China too seems enraged while repeating outrageous claims about the territory nearest to its borders. They have “will and strength” to push forward when they want too. It’s alright if you’re fighting against America, only they’re actually threatening smaller independent nations in their region. It doesn’t get any crazier than to suggest the United Nations should be dissolved in favor of China’s one mind leadership on global affairs.

Yet just when you think a shift in Western investments can turn away from China to empower India in the Global South there’s an accusation of an assassination on Canadian soil. The played down story about Canada’s Prime Minister unable to leave India after the G20; then suddenly they’re on the verge of war with threats on travel to each other’s countries.

Back to Ukraine and they’re at Poland’s throat with direct insults after masterful cooperation destroying the Russian army. Now this problem with grain when Russia’s navy remains on its heels from drone strikes. Has Zelenskyy’s hold on the international spotlight swollen his ego? Or can the defeat of Russia’s army in a grand style European land battle be more than NATO Allies can stand?

On the Republican side of American domestic politics, they seem to be resonating with the public on the issue of need. In that Ukraine and the West are wrong in the argument against Russa. That there’s no need for NATO with the collapse of the Soviet Union and that its threatening existence became the impetus for Russia’s aggression.

Meanwhile China, the second largest economy, somehow maintains developing nation status while attaching itself to the Global South. It rallies the world around the idea that the United States doesn’t want it to push out militarily, to expand its sphere of influence. Only in response most smaller nations on the border complain about China’s infringement on international borders.

In both cases, there are smaller nations trying to preserve their internal political structure. Thus far in the debate of democratic versus autocratic it seems better suited in the former. Only North Korea armed with nuclear weapons preserves its borders as an autocratic nation other than Russia and China. Helping to ref the border regions.

Mongolia also acts as a buffer state, yet every other country near these modern empires feels threatened with invasion.

We now watch to see if the current world order gives way to the intensions being expressed through its institution to absolve itself.

Can we trust China enough to lay down our weapons? Can we bow down to tyranny as space exploration looks to change the direction of humanity? Are the threats of Russia strong enough to force the old west with the largest military budget to fold its hand? We must wait for next week as the first draft of history continues to be written.

Thank you,
Cyrus Emerson

For more analysis on the war in Ukraine check out Combat Vet News:

Pandemic Manifesto.jpg
Pandemic Manifesto
https://www.combatvetnews.com https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0BN29PWVQ

__Red Roses.jpg
Red Roses


Bowl under the Ukraine already settled the entire grain situation. In fact because of Russian manipulation of the news over that once again we see Russian actions pushing NATO member states closer together.

Excellent post!

Thanks bro. It's going to be a tough winter for the Russians with supply lines in range of Ukrainian Artillery. Hoping for a breakthrough next spring with F-16's in the air.

We just might see the entire Russian military shatter before we hit winter.

How about that invasion of Russia by Russians! Not only that it's only a matter of time until we see Russia marching on Moscow again!

Yeah that was funny. Just a small group of armed men and with the Russians so committed in Ukraine they couldn't send anyone to stop them. Russia could be cool if they had new leadership bent on helping the world.