The crowd isn't almost always right. Climate change being caused by humans alone... that's the current consensus of the crowd.
Your NDA is speculation. You can't be beholden to something you didn't agree to or sign anyways. This is what's wrong with the whole legal system. Idiots make laws, and then they get set in stone and hardly ever change because it's now "in stone" as "the law". Executive orders are the same. It's all a cluster fuck of not correcting mistakes and just riding them out in some perverted sense of loyalty.
Climate Change
Here we have a case where interested parties paid off a crowd of experts to manufacture a consensus. That said, I am not sure the crowd will provide accurate feedback in this scenario. I do not know what the crowd's conclusion is on this topic, but what I can tell you is that interested parties will do everything in their power to make you think the crowd's opinion falls in line with their agenda.
You may be getting gaslit by the globalists' Asch-style conformity methods, those questions are posed to the crowd in such a way, as to manipulate the respondent to succumb to a prescribed answer.
Is the NDA speculation?
Don’t you think it’s rather speculative to speculate that I’m speculating about the NDAs? What’s an NDA by any other name? What about the term 'classified,' or 'official secrets act?' This thing is commonplace in all areas of business. Actors, politicians, and wannabe writers buy books from ghostwriters and claim authorship of the work. The NDA makes this, and so many other things possible. The business of government and war is dirty deeds. They cannot let us know the true reasons for these things else they risk losing power.
Secret treaty
A (Qualified) Defense of Secret Agreements
The Broad and Silencing NDAs that Permeate Congress