EXPOSÉ UPDATES for The UGLY TRUTH about the Covid-19 Vaccines - Massive Adverse Reactions and Multiple Deaths Reported

in #deepdives4 years ago (edited)


Hi all,

Just thought I'd give you the latest updates (for July) to append to my original exposé entitled The UGLY TRUTH about the Covid-19 Vaccines - Massive Adverse Reactions and Multiple Deaths Reported from last February which was also published in The Duran with over 8,000 views. So here we go...

UPDATES 2021-07-10:

VAERS data released today showed 294,801 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 5,165 deaths and 25,359 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 28, 2021.


This is a reasonable 25-minute video on COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccine. Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the virus & the vaccine including how it works & the spike protein impact...This is really getting out of hand. Twitter should be shut down as an agent of propaganda. How will we ever get the truth with all this political censorship?

June 11, 2021, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out on the DarkHorse podcast about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections, hosted by Bret Weinstein, Ph.D. The podcast was quickly erased from YouTube and Weinstein was issued a warning. (click the link to watch the VIDEO with the Inventor of mRNA Interviewed About Injection Dangers)

The Government and the Big Pharma-Dependent Medical Profession Are Hiding the Facts About Covid and the Vaccine.

There are a huge number of cases of life-threatening reactions to the “safe” vaccine, especially among the young. Yet the social media nazis and google continue to deplatform those who give the alarm. That part of the medical profession that blindly without thought follow the Big Pharma “guidelines” issued by NIH, FDA, CDC, and WHO are accomplices to murder.

The failure of public health authorities to treat Covid with known safe inexpensive treatments enabled the generation of fear and panic that supported mass vaccination with an untested and unapproved experimental technology. This primarily benefited Big Pharma’s profits and government encroachments on civil liberty and has harmed public trust in government and health authorities.

The vaccine adverse reporting system, which at best captures only 10% of vaccine-induced injuries—shows more death and injuries from the experimental Covid vaccine than from all vaccines combined over the past 30 years. Never before in history has a vaccine with such a high death and injury rate been permitted to be administered.

The facts have been kept from the people. Big Pharma has enough scientists on its payroll and supported by its research grants that their careers force them to serve as advocates for Big Pharma’s agendas. The presstitutes follow the hired scientists, not the independent ones.

And the following 2 very worrisome articles posted by z3news.com but since today (July 10) the website is no longer reachable (note that this site has existed since 2013); archives to these 2 articles can still be viewed via the Internet Archive's WaybackMachine:

1 - Graphene Oxide: The Actual Contents Inside Pfizer Vials Exposed! (July 7, 2021)


Dr Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to discuss a scientific report that just came out from the University of Almería School of Engineering in Spain entitled, “Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension: Observational Study in Optical and Electron Microscopy”, where it was found that each dose of the Pfizer shot “was found to contain 6 ng of RNA and 747 ng of graphene oxide, which is 99.103% of the medication.

“These graphene sheets that investigators found in the Pfizer vial, when they get into your system and when they start to penetrate your cells – which they have a lipid nanoparticle that pushes them into your cells – you get oxidative stress…

“It destroys literally everything inside the cell. It explodes the mitochondria. It creates a situation where the body is on a 10-Alarm fire truck and inflammation, cytokines, chemokines. This incredibly violent…inflammatory storm comes in and it has particular affinity for creating acute inflammation of the lungs, it creates an inflammatory storm in cardiac tissue and in brain tissue.

VIDEO: Stew Peters - The ACTUAL CONTENTS inside Pfizer vials EXPOSED! (mirrors: here and here)

2 - Interim report confirms COVID-19 jabs are loaded with poisonous Graphine Oxide (July 9, 2021)


The report concludes there is “strong evidence for the probable presence of graphene derivatives”. However, the findings are not yet definitive so they are proceeding with another analysis...

As further confirmation of two alarming articles posted here yesterday (see links below) sharing the findings from a scientific analysis showing the ingredients in the solution being injected in recipients of the COVID-19 jabs include a toxic poisonous chemical called Graphine Oxide, this posts provides links to the 17-page Interim Report which provides a descriptive study of the test sample.

The Interim Report is called “DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN AQUEOUS SUSPENSION SAMPLE”. It was originally published in Spanish on June 28, 2021. The analysis was conducted by Professor Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid at the University of Almeria, Spain. Dr. Madrid is a Doctor of Chemical Sciences and has Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences.

alternate link to the Spanish report https://www.docdroid.net/rNgtxyh/microscopia-de-vial-corminaty-dr-campra-firma-e-1-fusionado-pdf (PDF)

The report explains they used optical and electron microscopy to identify microscopic graphene nanomaterial derivatives by comparing it with with literature images and a sample of graphene oxide. Their findings are presented in the photos on pages 3, 4 and 9-17, showing “HIGH SIMILARITY with images of graphene oxide from the literature obtained by the same TEM technique, with similar magnifications.”

You can find out more about this toxic substance from Carter Heavy Industries in their article What Is Graphene Oxide?. Sadly, in it I also found out the following headline whereby they have found this substance in masks (made in China) that were administered to very young schoolchildren in the province of Quebec (Canada) (see CBC.ca - Potentially toxic masks distributed in schools and daycares in Quebec from earlier this year).

The research center is apparently conducting a second evaluation on another Pfizer vial set; but findings have yet to emerge. What to make of the initial report is beyond my level of expertise; nonetheless, I just wanted to put it out there for documentation purposes. The fact that they (whoever they are) went to the extreme of wiping out the website z3news.com completely off the face of the internet is suspect to say the least. Hence, this raises some major red flags as to a possible cover-up of this particular troubling report about what they've found in the Pfizer vials. It will be interesting to see what comes of the second study from Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Bachelor of Biological Sciences at the University of Almería. I get the feeling that they (yes, they) will handle both Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid as well as the University before more truth can be leaked. Pulled funding, retractions, threats, suicides, are certainly all expected in this highly sensitive matter.

Resource: Doctors for COVID Ethics (https://doctors4covidethics.org)

This new organization and website has come to my attention. You can read their About section to see the signatories of doctors involved. They also have a blog with many relevant articles, including the following for our European friends:


Email Template to Send to MEPs, Opposing Vaccine Passports

Related notes:

On Wednesday April 28th 2021, MEPs decided whether to wield coercive pressure upon citizens to submit to medical experimentation, in return for freedoms that once were human rights. They decided in the affirmative.

The precedent that this sets affects all citizens of all countries, threatening human rights, and human beings, everywhere.

Below is a very simple template that you can use to email MEPs. (click their article to view the template).

They also issued and sent out Notices of Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Harms and Deaths Served on All Members of the European Parliament which is really well written and specifically mentions by name every member of the European Parliament (unelected bureaucrats/technocrats) to whom it was sent.

Another article of note from their website is Official Vaccine Injury and Fatality Data: Europe, UK and US which lists vaccines injuries and deaths in the EU, UK, and US:

Figures to mid-June 2021
EU, UK & US combined: 22,821 deaths and 4,085,204 injuries. Given that official data are known to under-represent real-world injuries, if those figures represent 10% or 1% of the real total, fatal injuries would extrapolate to 228,210 or 2,282,100 deaths across the EU, UK and US respectively.

Total Fatalities (only those reported):


Total Fatalities and Injuries (only those reported):

They also have a Twitter account twitter.com/drs4covidethics even though they were heavily censored by them. Who knows how long the Twitter account will remain up and running.

Though there have been countless developments since my original publication of my lengthy and highly-sourced expose The UGLY TRUTH about the Covid-19 Vaccines - Massive Adverse Reactions and Multiple Deaths Reported back in February (which was also published in The Duran with over 8,000 views), I simply haven't been able to document them all but still wanted to add these very significant recent ones to bring them to your attention.



Screenshot from the above video.

This fight is far from over...

God Bless.

In Peace & Liberty,
