PURE EVIL: Blackrock buying up every single family house they can find.

in #deepdives4 years ago (edited)


This one is beyond evil folks.

BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager with over $8 trillion in assets, has been gobbling up single family houses all over the United States paying huge premiums in the process.

I'll provide the documentation below; but first, one has to ask why they are doing this?

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh? That's exactly they're current mantra, as they are using banskter funny money from their criminal buddies at the Fed to do this. Their ultimate goal? Simple, to join a conspiracy whereby they and other powerful financial behemoths are colluding together to prevent future Americans from owning a home.

This is pure WEF Great Reset: "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy."


You see, if there are nearly no homes for sale, first-time buyers will have no choice bu to rent. This is pure serfdom they are seeking.

This is beyond greed; it is pure evil.

The dirty details (article, video, tweets):


As the real estate market continues to break records, a cabal of institutional investors has been tossing gasoline on the fire - buying up properties hand-over-fist as middle-American renters watch their dreams of home ownership fade at the hands of pension funds and other financial behemoths.


A must watch video!


A few threads:







Sometimes, I just completely fail to comprehend the level of greed motherfuckers like Blackrock Chariman and CEO Larry Fink have in their veins. Purely Satanic at best.

Spread the word before they fucking buy it all.

God bless.

In Peace & Liberty,



More evil by another "Black" group:


Legit business is one thing, but colluding with other industry giants and using the Fed's counterfeiting is another. Disgusting.

Blackrock + Blackstone = darker than dark evil.