Thanks for the comment, I went in with little understanding of what happened, I researched it and this is my objective comment. I am surprised the U.S. State Department or the NSA, some agency didn't investigate it's not too late, It's not surprising a Chinese citizen is a CCP member, based on what I read Very few times was the CCP mentioned or the Chinese Government, most mainstream sources omitted those facts every time adding to the Construct called J.S. an entrepreneur,lots of flash,a young hip entrepreneur,a young hip Asian Elon Musk designed to acquire as much Blockchain Market Share, without the protest and bad press if the Chinese Government themselves outright did it, The Owner of Steemit sits on the board of the infamous CCP social credit score, if a real investigator or agency looked at this I could only imagine what they could find Tying Steemit as a Legitimate hostile takeover by a nation state,All Data going through Steemit servers are guaranteed being monitored by the CCP especially content posted on Steemit and account information like who is from what country etc. And because Justin Sun owns it no one is afraid of the elephant in the room, the Chinese Communist Party and Government, If I was financially harmed by the Steemit Hijack I would be calling government offices demanding an investigation, as that organization was attacked not by a punk kid but an entire country. It's a trip!
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I like the laissez-faire approach to crypto, the less government moderation for now the better for the blockchain technology to develop more before regulations affect it.