The Pedophile supporters are all Celebrating now

in #deepdives4 years ago

They all show themselves now. Those who celebrate a Pedophile who is guilty of the most heinous crimes against country and humanity. This sick monster they are celebrating molests children on camera by the dozens. Just imagine what he does off camera.. They are ok with that......Which means they are Sick.

Their HATE for Orange has cost them their souls. Perhaps they were always secretly evil and they now feel they have an outlet and can just let it out free...

Both sides misguided. One side pure evil.
This show is one of our biggest tests....and it is just getting started.

It is pretty amazing to see how many of the idiots are actually listening to the 'media' and ignoring due process...Y'all tipped your hand, which was part of the plan.

Santa is making a list and checking it twice. That's right Ol' Scratch can Smell you now folks.
In your hate, you gave in, to the dark...and as Yoda said, Hate, leads to Suffering.


We have watched the transition from Fear --> Anger --> Hate --> (next up).

The show is just getting started. Role call has been taken. Season 2 will upset the Pedo worshipers a great deal, but is necessary for maximum chaos.

70 million angry conservatives and no riots. When the Justice kicks in and the other side gets angry, there will be, but this time, they will be checked. We all will be. It is Reset time.

For those of you who have not given in to supporting Evil, stay strong. "Voting in Hate" is a dangerous game. -lesser EVIL- is Evil and the force that actually counts, is watching.

This is not an endorsement for Trump. It is just a warning against Evil.

Cheers to those that didn't play in this game.


And the suffering then leads to depression.

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The party on the left is now the party on the right.

One side Loves their hero and the other side hates the other sides hero.
Got Love + Hate on one Idol. A perfect recipe for what is to come.