Firstly I aint buying the whole facebook post changed my vote bollocks. The basic premise of the Russian hacking meme seems an unproven hypothesis to me. Even if they did post lurid hack stories so what? Do you believe everything you read on facebook? Does anybody? That being said, if anyone did try and hack the 2016 election I suspect it was MI6. Almost certainly acting on behalf of the Clinton Foundation and its child trafficking operation.
Firstly it appears that SCL and Cambridge Analytica are ostensibly the same company. SCL is deeply embedded within the British deep state. They have longstanding links with MI6 agent Christopher Steele (he of the dodgy dossier) and the Trump campaign employed them placing (almost certainly) British deep state operatives within the heart of their own campaign. It seems extremely likely Steele would have been in constant communication with those operatives.
Low and behold, shortly after Steele's exposure what happens in the UK? the alleged poisoning of the Skripals. Russia blamed, no evidence required. However it seems Pablo Miller may have been running Skripal when he lived in Russia (before his arrest and subsequent exchange.)
Steele may well have had a close working relationship with Skripal and certainly one with SCL (Cambridge Analytica) working inside the Trump campaign. Which would account for Steels's apparent (claimed) access. It then emerges that Steele was running Pablo Miller and Miller lived in Salisbury where the Skripals were supposedly poisoned (though very obviously not with Novichok as claimed - otherwise they would be dead, as would a considerable number of other people in Slalisbury.)
So how about this for a bit of deep state speculation? Something went wrong between Steele and Skripal, Skripal exposes Steele and local MI6 agent Miller is tasked with silencing Skripal??????
Possibly far fetched but as soon as reports came out about Miller living in Salisbury the British Government slapped D notices all over the story.
That my friend is worthy of a post in it's own right, simply superb, thank you for your thoughts.