Rainbow Warriors?
Since the rainbow is a sign that mankind is sinning, a generation that never sees a rainbow is on an especially high level of spirituality and righteous conduct. Chabad
My writings should be considered as an investigation into the principles of an esoteric doctrine that follows a path of strategic infiltration. A process of appropriation, usurpation and wholesale assimilation, that traverses theological boundaries and perceptual limitations. Perceptualflaws
In the first human marriage, Adam and Eve are initially created as "a single, two-faced body." The single being is split in two — a man and a woman — creating the essence of sexual tension: a primal memory of original oneness, countered by the strangeness of otherness and difference.
The Noahide Chabad-Lubavitch movement
Adam Kadmon flows downward into his own nature and so is duality. Page 760 Morals & Dogma by Albert Pike,
Further back in history, the Talmud and other works of rabbinic literature regularly treat intersex phenomena as legal categories and at times consider the possibility of three genders on this basis.
Within Sanskrit, the rainbow bridge is known as the Antahkarana, a bridge between the higher and lower self, and indeed the physical and etheric realms. Within the Luciferian merger with theosophy and New Ageism, the rainbow symbolises the bridge between man and a Lucifer that is equated as the oversoul. Perceptualflaws
The rainbow symbolizes the oneness of everything manifested and unmanifested. This is the reason we can also say that light, the oneness and source of all colours, envelopes darkness, and that darkness, too, contains only the most perfect light of all.
It is a mainstay of Saturnian gnosis that the darkness contains the light. Therefore the darkness is necessary for light to exist. It follows then that in fact the darkness is superior to the light—ohne Finsternis leuchtet kein Licht! Page 45: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.
Biological re- order Out Of Chaos
liminality is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete. During a rite's liminal stage, participants "stand at the threshold" between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way. Source
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Queering The Law Of Inversion For The Final Revolution
“Let there be no difference between any one thing and any other thing.” Aleister Crowley: Page 144
"The process of destroying and reinventing language can be observed in the tantric poets." Page 251: Yoga, Immortality and Freedom by Mircea Eliade.
“Building in part from queer theory and trans studies, queer and trans pedagogies seek to actively destabilize the normative function of schooling through transformative education,” Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood
“This is a fundamentally different orientation than movements towards the inclusion or assimilation of LGBT people into the existing structures of school and society.” Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood
Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnetic-like power of attraction. William Walter Atkinson aka Magus Incognito.
George Brock Chisholm, a Canadian psychiatrist, envisaged the WFMH as an international, nongovernmental body to provide a link to 'grassroots' mental health organizations and United Nations agencies. Source
The Judaic Element in the Teachings of the Frankfurt School BY JUDITH MARCUS AND ZOLTAN TAR
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter. Isaiah 5:20
The first stage of the alchemical process is the blackening; this is where all impurities are brought to the surface and purged in preparation for the new world. Perceptualflaws
"The less we know of how ideas actually took root and grew, the more apt we are to accept them unquestioningly as inevitable features of the world in which we move.” The Antitrust Paradox by Robert Bork.
Androgyny - A Return To Divinity?
After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body.
"Your adolescence will be a joy. You will be androgynous." Rockefeller funded - Barbara Marx Hubbard: Revelation/Hope page 165.
Thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, but different in degree"; "opposites are the same, differing only in degree"; "the pair of opposites may be reconciled"; extremes meet"; The Kybalion
It's very important to understand to understand that transhumanism is simply the transitional stage between humanism and post-humanism. The Singularity is Near - When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil.
It was perhaps the inversion of the male/female binary opposition that thereby neutralized this opposition. By emulating their goddess who was both female and male, they shattered the boundary between the sexes. This was seen as a way of rising above the prison of the flesh.” Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia: The Gilgamesh Epic and Other Ancient Literature by Rivikah Harris.
They were good people, handsome, with looks of the male kind. As they looked, their knowledge became intense. Their sight passed through trees, through rocks, through lakes, through seas, through mountains, through plains.....‘Yet they‘ll become as great as gods unless they procreate, proliferate at the sowing, the dawning, unless they increase. ” Let it be this way; now we’ll take them apart just a little.’ Popul Vuh chapter 4
Who has followed the lecture about the earth evolution some weeks ago knows that we get to a period when the human being was still a hermaphrodite, when the single being was male and female at the same time. Fundamentals of Theosophy Man and his Future by Rudolph Steiner
"Good is on the right, evil on the left, but supreme excellence is above both." Page 46: Transcendental Magick its Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi.
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes. The Kybalion
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This is the crux, the main mechanism that is being used against us. The front lines are in our minds. The effect is that we are cut off from the sources of our life forces, and rendered true zombies.
This article is one of your best if you ask me. And it's one of your longest. I am slogging through it, but I want you to know now that I appreciate this one a lot.
Thank you kindly my friend - all of my writings are (oft out of context) aspects of a broader project that will eventually be conjoined into a singular cohesive narrative. Hence at this moment, some will flow a little easier than others. By posting them it helps me with the editing process - hence most are still very much a work in progress. There were some things in part three that didn't flow as well as I'd liked so I've gone back and edited/expanded certain points - whereas with this one I've pretty much left it as it is - so thank you for noticing. I'm so far pretty happy with the impending chapter five - but I will know for sure once it is up! :D