At school I learned to become the master of linguistic magic, transforming the bully into the bullied with a singular twist of the tongue. The malicious learning to leave me alone. Today I seek to turn the other cheek and help people become aware of the tactical nature of manipulation - the strategy that governs our collective deception.
Hypnotic suggestion, mind over mind and will over will. Do the symbolised mantras and media-driven incantations of the dark artist (social engineer/propagandist) serve to harness emotion and misdirect our attention? Certainly, linguistic engineering should be understood as a prerequisite to social engineering. From an occultic perspective - to name something or attach a label to someone is to assert control over the perception of the person or thing. From a broader perspective, the application of the word can also separate us from the divinity of the immediate experience - the majestic unity of life becoming the compartmentalised mundanity of the daily experience.
By idolising language, we usher in at our own peril an ‘age controlled by the magic of high-sounding words, and the power of jargon.’ Page 243: The Open Society And Its Enemies by Karl Popper.
Convoluted discourse oft seeks to embarrass the reader who doesn't understand the perspective. As with statute law, their (shamed) silence is taken as acquiescence. That said, convolution often obscures a vacuum of meaning and comprehension - hence, who is the stupid one?
A magic word, correctly pronounced penetrates the other person without resistance, transforms, bewitches them. Then under the spell of involuntary participation the other is porous to the fluid of the magic-making will, it electrically conducts the current which connects with him” Page 79: Yoga und Buddhismus by Heinrich Zimmer. 1973 edition.
Within convoluted discourse the essence of communication becomes lost. In contrast, transparent and direct communication strips away layers of obfuscation and veiled manipulation. The power of simple and direct language stimulating deeper levels of comprehension, cohesion, and mutual understanding. This should not be confused with my previous observations on Basic English and memetic warfare. The dumbing down of the consensus through the premeditated limitation of language and the "triggered" weaponisation of keywords. In this instance, you can create subconscious associations that inhibit the scrutiny of the target audience - a form of cognitive straight jacket.
Page 292: Transcendental Magic its Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi.
Upon hearing pre-programmed words/perspectives individuals/collectives can be triggered into repeating subconsciously programmed ad hominin associations. In essence, this is the erosion of critical thinking under the guise of intellectual superiority. The heretics who question a narrative that is counterintuitive to the interchangeable pseudo consensus (or group mind/egregore) become buried under pejoratives. From this perspective, it's interesting how the word "triggered" has entered our daily rhetoric. Historically, a trigger word is associated with hypnotism and its inherent implication of a conditioned reaction - this is not coincidental.
Here we can also consider the occultic nature of the meme. The internet assumes the role of the astral plane - a form of psychic ether through which magicians can transmit their intentions as a means of cultivating perceptions that give birth to tangible real-world implications.
Through the manipulation of our mental syntax; by contorting the mechanisms behind the formation of language, they are increasingly warping semantics and by virtue our perception of ourselves, the collective, and the world at large. Indeed, the thought forms/beliefs that we derive from certain words (patterns of words & changes/inversions of meaning) act akin to a psychological control mechanism that distorts the foundations of our contextual reality, and ushers in the age of moral relativity. Again, it is no coincidence that at the heart of a practical Kabbalistic theurgy resides the notion that man can invoke/control the creative lifeforce (which we embody) through the esoteric (codified) knowledge of language.
Magnetic words and evocative images serve to bind the subconscious of the passive observer.
To make a magic chain is to establish a magnetic current which becomes stronger in proportion to the extent of the chain. Eliphas Lévi, Transcendental Magic page 99
Within this context, when spoken with intent, words were considered to be conduits of power. The magical nature of language can be found in the ritualistic practice of incantations and spells. Words in a rhythmic sequence were correspondingly believed to create vibrational patterns that influence the subconscious and shape perception. Meticulously crafted mantras and rituals conceived as creating an interdimensional bridge between the vibrational layers of reality. The elements of physicality that are bound together by a resonance that enables a corresponding exchange of information.
Chymica Vannus 1666 Alchemy by Johannes de Monte-Snyder
Double Think & Double Bound
For the Hasidic Jews, the purpose of creation is revealed through the revelation of opposites, so they can be comprehended, articulated, and transcended. The articulation of the proposition revealing the true meaning of a cosmological dialectism that is considered to move from non-being, to being, then back to the unified nothingness that preceded creation. The Kabbalistic god Ein Sof comprising an entity and its opposite simultaneously, of being and non-being/nothingness. A proposition that displays how Kabbalism (and the culmination of the aforementioned time-tantra) breaks the laws of contradiction. The non-idealised physical ramifications of which can be found within Orwell's doublespeak.
The multifaceted manipulation of the duality system is the essence of their control mechanism. Perceptualflaws
As we begin to discern the false dichotomies (bars) of the psychologically manufactured polarity prison - we are ushered toward the age of synthetic we are oneism.
The formative controlled (and targetted) insanity of the new age is now increasingly self-evident - as are the preparations for a corresponding mental health crisis. Interestingly, when discussing doublethink, we can find correlations with the concept of the double-bind, an area into which I will be taking a deep (journalistic) dive within a later chapter - documenting how they've spent generations researching how they're going to cultivate a social/psychotic break from reality. To manufacture our final assimilation into the age of illusion.
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." - George Orwell
The double-bind theory was formulated by Gregory Bateson, who I have previously connected to the cybernetics group and the associated Macy conferences that became the foundations of project MK-Ultra.
As highlighted in Orwell's 1984, by giving equal value to two opposing perspectives, we create a world of confusion, uncertainty, and manufactured psychosis. A statement that alludes to the potentiality that we are living through an apocalypse of mind. Conceptions that can be intimately correlated with the aforementioned union of contradictions. The erosion of freedom and moral distinction through hair-splitting technicality and legal alchemy. Oh how the pseudo-intellectuals and philosophical ineffectuals will bask in the relativistic impotence of their Orwellian doublethink.
The principles of non-contradiction are the foundations of reality - in simplicity, something either is or is not - thus, it cannot be both things simultaneously. Neither is there an intermediary between being and non-being. As displayed by Orwell himself - to surrender these metaphorical principles is to open the door to collective insanity and moral destitution.
AL, on the contrary, though it is essentially identical with LA, shows “The Fool” manifested through the Equilibrium of Contraries. The weight is still nothing, but it is expressed as it were two equal weights in opposite scales. The indicator still points to zero. Aleister Crowley
We can observe how the union of contradictions resides in the informational overloads of the moment. I often watch marches (be they nationalist or anti-fascist etc etc) from both a left-wing and a right-wing perspective. The left displays an image of a fellow protestor being arrested and portray it as evidence of the far-right (fascist) pretensions of the police. Conversely, the right displays an image from the same march that shows a fellow protestor being arrested and declare the far-left sympathies of the ruling authorities. Which image is correct? Both! Where does it get you? Nowhere! Division and impotence. The shifting power dynamics of the equilibrium - energising the opposing reaction.
Looking left when one wants to go right is an act of dissembling and prudence; but to throw some weights into the left-hand pan of the scales to make the right-hand pan rise is to know the laws of dynamics and equilibrium. The Great Secret: Eliphas Levi.
The balance is intended to remain consequentially neutralised until the point that they have effectively charged and released an intended clash of opposites. From culture wars to the potentiality of religious wars - notice how every aspect of society is increasingly being drawn into the polarities of the left and right. As previously noted:
Furthermore - with the ever-expanding conflict in the Middle East it is interesting to watch those who otherwise mock religion choosing sides in the potentiality of a religious war. The ideological left increasingly aligned with Islam, the right with Judaism and fake-Christianity - coincidence? Perceptualflaws
Now let's correlate double-think with a brief synopsis of the double-bind. Lending consideration as to how it's playing out throughout the social order - the left/right mind control paradigm, and the reflections of mainstream and alternative media. The latter of which is oft little more than a conspiratorial mirror, a compartmentalised counterproductive (dialectic) counterbalance to the polarities of the former. Consider how this imprisons us within an equilibrium - a neutralised halfway house of two unified opposites that cancel out one another. The impotence of our division rendering us blind to the age of premeditated transmutation. A process that is working toward the absorption and eventual sublimation of its opposing principles - the birth of a new reality. Are you "winning" - or are you being played?
But as anyone with a comprehension of occultism will tell you - true power conceals itself in the middle ground. Thus, we arrive at a time in human history where the masses are concurrently looking so far left/right that they appear blind to that which is right in front of their eyes. Perceptualflaws
In truth, the narrative and the counternarrative are opposing polarities of the same great game. Egregoric realities replete with their oppositional dogmas and principles.
Consider the correlation between the psychological narratives at play within the law of inversion and the union of contradiction. A world where credit equals a debit and evil becomes equated with virtue. As soon as a proposition is offered, its antithesis is introduced, out of which its intermediary (synthesis) is adopted and then deconstructed into a thesis and antithesis - repeat. The key point here is that as opposed to an organically evolving debate, the key-words, self-definitions, and talking points of the moment are externally introduced as a means of shaping society per a premeditated ideology. A narrative that is incrementally crafting a perceptual wilderness that renders the populace as hapless victims who are unable to distinguish between truth and deception.
As previously documented, it is no coincidence that these base principles (the law of inversion and the union of contradiction) can be found within the formative structure of a financial system that is stealthily working toward the ownership of everything - a singularity of control and commoditisation.
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture, and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy; they are deliberate exercises in doublethink. For it is only by reconciling contradictions that power can be retained indefinitely. In no other way could the ancient cycle be broken. If human equality is to be forever averted -- if the High, as we have called them, are to keep their places permanently -- then the prevailing mental condition must be controlled insanity. George Orwell 1984
Unfortunately, the boundaries between controlled insanity and genocidal madness are very fine - a line that I contend they intend to push us over. Indeed, the people who think they're in control are going to lose control - but beyond that, there is a deeper narrative at play.
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful, murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidarity to pure wind - George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
Doublespeak is akin to the weaponisation of language. A process of communicative subversion that speaks to the calculated distortion of actuality, The infiltration and limitation of perception. Consider a linguistic law of inversion that utilises positive words, slogans, and affirmations, as a means of confusing, obscuring, and reversing negative connotations. In essence, it is the language of the deceiver. It is the dark art of turning lies into truth, misanthropy into philanthropy, Machiavellianism into altruism, and hate into love. It is the transmutation of reality into a carefully crafted story.
Basic to doublespeak is incongruity, the incongruity between what is said or left unsaid, and what really is. It is the incongruity between the word and the referent, between seem and be, between the essential function of language - communication - and what doublespeak does - mislead, distort, deceive, inflate, circumvent, and obfuscate. William Lutz - Doublespeak
The prelude to worldly restoration is destruction - a process that can be concurrently observed at a global, institutional, and psychological scale.
In his book "Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition: Psychoanalysis and Kabbalah" author David Bakan makes the case that Freud was heavily influenced by the Kabbalah. He certainly appears to exhibit a familiar irreverence for the feminine, equating female mental health problems with penis envy and believing that children secretly lusted after their parents. The latter of which was potentially derived from his own childhood experiences and the alleged paedophelia of his father. Likewise, his grandson Clement Freud was latterly accused of being a paedophile.
As discussed in a previous chapter; the below would appear to be based upon a (deliberate?) kabbalistic misinterpretation of polarity - one that potentially borrows from Babylonian sex magick. The masculine (positive) and feminine (negative) equation doesn't mean that the sexes aren't uniquely active.
‘women oppose change, receive passively, and add nothing of their own’. Sigmund Freud: The Psychical Consequences of the Anatomic Distinction Between the Sexes. 1925.
The Zohar describes how the "celestial father" has a particular fondness for his daughter which stirs the jealousy of the "celestial mother". In his love, the Zohar relates, he calls her daughter, but this is not enough for him and he calls her sister. This too is not enough for him and he calls her mother. An enraged supernal mother says to her daughter, "is it a small matter that you have taken away my husband, for all his love is centered on you?" But at the same time the mother is said to favor the son over her husband [9, Vol. 1, p. 299], thus, completing a sort of cosmic Oedipal triangle; a vision of the universe in which the world itself is conditioned by archetypical interest and desire, the very desire which contemporary psychoanalysts have discerned in the psychology of individual man and at the foundations of human society. Source
The observant will note that these incestuous overtones are prevalent within Saturnian mythology.
According to Freud, repressed erotic love/sexual desire can devolve towards delusions of power and self-grandeur. Conversely, for the aforementioned adept, the process of subconscious repression is brought into the light as a means of ritualistically manipulating, harnessing, and attaining a tangible authority.
The nephew of Freud was Edward Bernays, who would latterly become known as the "godfather of propaganda". His father being Chief Rabbi Isaac Bernays of Hamburg. The paternal great-nephew of both Freud and Edward Bernays is Marc Bernays Randolph, who was the founder and first CEO of Netflix.
Propaganda by Edward Bernays
Whilst broadly accepted as part and parcel of modern society, historically, influencing and manipulating conscious decisions through the infiltration of the subconscious is equated with mind over mind - i.e black magick. Nothing new here, the parasite class has always operated between the manufactured (veiled) polarities of perception - the only difference is that it has now achieved a near-global scale of perceptual infiltration.
Page 57: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition: Psychoanalysis and Kabbala" by David Bakan.
As extensively documented; several academics associated with the Frankfurt School were heavily influenced by the Lurianic Kabbalah, Sabbateanism, and Freudian psychoanalysis. All of which (I contend) are connected by their governing principles. Conceptions that guided the ideology of the Rockefeller-funded Tavistock Institute whilst the Rockefeller-funded University in Exile provided a refuge for Frankfurt academics. Likewise, the Tavistock Institute remains heavily influenced by Freudian psychoanalysis. As documented throughout a previous article the key link between the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute was none other than social psychologist and behaviourist Kurt Lewin - whose influence was also prevalent within the Esalen Institute.
The further we continue the more I will add deeper layers of substance to all these statements.
From there these principles have been (observably) disseminated throughout Western civilisation. Again, isn't it ironic? An individual who had seemingly rejected religion was dancing to the tune of an esoteric ideology. Indeed, below we can observe a psychoanalytic take on the aforementioned union of contradictions. The dissolution of moral distinction, a synthesised conclusion to the age of chaos and confusion. Do as thou wilt. Again, discussing these conceptions within the philosophical is world apart from applying them in the literal sense of the word. Yet, as I will continue to elaborate upon, it is the latter that appears to be physically manifesting itself.
Page 105: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition: Psychoanalysis and Kabbala" by David Bakan.
Page 158: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition: Psychoanalysis and Kabbala" by David Bakan.
As Bakan further notes; in many ways Freud perceived himself as akin to an alchemical Messiah-ben-Joseph, someone who had been tasked with freeing his people from their burden of guilt and conquering their enemies. Much like the aforementioned Maha Siddha/Lord Maitreya/Adi Buddha, the Jewish Messiah is free from the burden of Judaic taboos. From this perspective, one has to ponder whether this distinction gave Freud the self-justification to engage in thoughts, perspectives, and actions, that would have otherwise been prohibited. Indeed, like the adept occultist, the psychoanalyst occupies the middle ground - an intermediary between the dark and the light.
The methodology behind the Freudian conception of conquering enemies exists in the realms of speculation. That said, concerning the scale of information I have yet to share/document - I do not feel it too much of a stretch to correlate this statement against my observations on a manufactured (controlled) social breakdown. An era of mass psychosis as a prelude to the false illumination of a socially engineered induction into an age of totalitarian delusion, that will be equated with a "Great Awakening". The adherent collective akin to the enforcers of the new social/spiritual paradigm. As I have already documented, whether or not an intended outcome, the evolution/weaponisation of psychoanalytical principles gives substance to the formation of this statement.
Although Freud famously rejected religion, the transgressive influence of his Hasidic heritage is evident within his work.
Further correlations between Freud and Kabbalistic thought/word forms can be found within his use of linguistic productions and the role of the word in consciousness and the development of thought/identity. The reader may also note the appearance of a linguistic union of contradictions (a synthesis of meaning) and a law of reversal/inversion. The psychoanalytical conception of which alludes to a union between the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind. His dream work hypothesis further elaborating on both the unification and inversion principles. Both of which would later be dystopianised as double-speak and double-think in Orwells 1984. Indeed, it's not difficult to consider how these conceptions could be weaponised.
Page 267-268: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition: Psychoanalysis and Kabbala" by David Bakan.
Indeed, the metaphors of psychoanalysis and the Kabbalah are so similar that if it were not for the fact that the Lurianic Kabbalah antedated Freud by 300 years we would be tempted to call the entire scheme a "psychoanalysis of God" THIS IS GOLD”: FREUD, PSYCHOTHERAPY AND THE LURIANIC KABBALAH by SANFORD L. DROB, Ph.D
The conjoined polarities of Luciferianism perceives our current state of manufactured decomposition as part of a divine process - one that directly correlates with an alchemical doctrine.
Within psychoanalysis we can also consider an equation with the Lurianic Kabbalahs "breaking of the vessels". Isaac Luria conceived that when God created the world he concurrently crafted vessels to hold the divine light. As light began to fill the vessels they shattered into a multitude of pieces. Sparks of divine light becoming trapped in the shards of vessels whose scattered remnants formed our fallen world. As our world is comprised of shards of broken values, we're engaged in a process of divine restoration.
The restoration relates to the belief that (as per its alchemical counterpart - Solve et Coagula) old structures must be shattered before a new order can be constructed to transcend them. Hence, we are considered to be climbing a duality (dialectic) ladder toward the final synthesis of illumination. A return to a divine state of unified oneness. Concerning my previous observations, I contend that this is the procedural initiation we are currently living through. As per the time tantra - the world (and the psyche of its inhabitants) must be destroyed before it can be reborn from the ashes of its fallen self.
It is a mainstay of Saturnian gnosis that the darkness contains the light. Therefore darkness is necessary for light to exist. It follows then that in fact the darkness is superior to the light—ohne Finsternis leuchtet kein Licht! Page 45: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.
As I will elaborate upon, the Frankists and their Hasidic counterparts were heavily influenced by this philosophy and directly correlated it to the aforementioned law of inversion. Thus, to release the shards of light that are encased in darkness, they practiced a doctrine of redemption through sin. Conversely, the tantric elucidations of the previous chapter, the exterior cloak of light shields an interior agenda of darkness, debasement, and value inversion. This is justified by the belief that it is through the passage of darkness (the great inversion) that we are to be initiated into the (false) light.
In the Mysteries of every nation, the candidate was made to pass, during his initiation, through scenes of utter darkness, and at length terminated his trials by an admission to the splendidly-illuminated sacellum, or sanctuary.
The first stage of the alchemical process is known as the blackening; this is where all impurities are brought to the surface and purged in preparation for the new world. From this perspective, we are undergoing some form of initiation process. Perceptualflaws
Again, we can draw further correlations between both alchemy and Saturnianism. The former relating to the process of separating the veiled gold from the base prima materia. The exterior perception of turning lead into gold, a metaphor for an inner transformative practice. A base principle that has surreptitiously entered the realms of social engineering and assisted evolution. A process that is currently separating the perceived inferior from the superior, the wheat from the chaff - the conformist from the heretic.
The illuminist whispers the false promise of a greater good, the dark artist is sleepwalking us toward a living nightmare. In tandem, they're birthing/manifesting the same outcome. The governing architect controlling both swings of the pendulum.
This principle of shattering and reconstruction ("creative destruction") can be observed within the development of science and the birth of new ideas. Unfortunately, it is also heavily controlled and is being corralled (hence the drive to control the perceived "chaos" of human creativity) to a premeditated destination. One that is (at arm's length) guided by a nefarious agenda, but actualised by the corrupted puppets that believe they're charged with shaping the evolution of humanity and are working towards a perceived greater good. The greater good being the justification for the bloodshed and barbarity that is intended to actualise its polarity.
“Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.“ Michael Ledeen
To create a one-world system and ferment a global awakening that galvanises the monistic technological/social/biological/spiritual boundaries they're blurring, the creative potentiality of destruction requires a global reach. Indeed, irrespective of our current political rhetoric - the ultimate intent is that (from the ashes of the fiery clash of opposites) there rises a bio/technological singularity (an interconnected cybernetic transhuman superorganism that will be imbued by spiritual connotations) and an entirely new reality. The formative steps toward which is intended to be energised by a monumental crisis.
Of course many of Picasso's greatest works of art were born from the chaotic destruction of that which preceded them. Likewise, from a personal perspective; at various stages in our lives, the old structures (self-definitions, thought processes, behavioural patterns) shatter in the face of personal growth. This ("dark night of the soul") can be a very difficult process of change, a shedding of the skin that is often equated with a breakdown and is subsequently diagnosed as depression. By working through it (devoid of external influences) on the other side we can reconstruct ourselves at a higher level of comprehension - hence why (at the expense of personal growth) it's a process that is often medicated away.
Whispers on the winds of change. There is nothing more self-sabotaging than holding onto the patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you.
Believing you have the right to apply these principles at a global scale is an entirely different proposition. Indeed, what we're observing is the instigated cultivation of mass psychosis and social breakdown - the chaos that precedes the age of re-order. They're deliberately (observably) shattering the minds and structures of the social order so that they can be reconstructed per their distorted visions - a verifiable socially engineered collectively realised pseudo awakening that threatens to leave no one behind. One whose inconvenient fallacies and mendacities I will document and reference throughout subsequent chapters.
"All that is real is symbolic - and every symbol is real.
The original Unity contains all possibilities, of being and of non-being. Consequently, it is of androgynous nature. Page 41: The Egyptian miracle by Schwaller de Lubicz
Returning to the base conception of Luria's divine sparks and the intended culmination of creative destruction. In his study "Meditations through the Rig Veda" author Antonio de Nicolás contends that the human sacrifice apparent in the Rig Vedic system is a metaphor for how man fell from a state of primordial androgyny. Further noting that the images of sacrifice are in effect a metaphor for an original topological metaphor. In essence, sacrifice within this system is a metaphor for a process of differentiation that is apparent within the aforementioned Popul Vuh. Again, I want to highlight that we are looking at the reformation of an ancient doctrine that had a largely forgotten potentially global influence.
When they dismembered Man,
Into how many parts did they separate him?
What was his mouth, what his arms,
What did they call his thighs and feet?
By sacrifice the gods sacrificed the sacrifice.
Those were the original and earliest acts.
These powers (of the sacrifice) reach heaven,
Where the Sadhyas and the gods are.
The Vedic Purusa Sukta - the
“Hymn of Man.”
It is in the “midst of the (three) homes of Agni (that) the breathing swift-moving, living, restless enduring One” is found, and that the “mortal has a common origin with the immortal.” The different images of perception, either as confused or non-differentiated in Vrtra, or differentiated as Purusa, Prajapati, Indra, Soma, etc., all end up in the Sacrifice - through decapitation, dismemberment, interaction, or as the sensorium synthesis. God Talks with Arjuna by Paramahansa Yogananda: The Bhagavad Gita: Royal Science of God-Realization pages 148 - 149.
From this perspective, human sacrifice was conceived as a symbolic representation of the fall of man - a fall into a world of differentiation - of masculine and feminine. Thus, the prelude to our return to a state of non-being must be the sacrifice of our individuality and humanity. Once again, we can consider a sleight of hand where a spiritual disconnection is given a physical interpretation. An ambiguation that leads us to this moment in time, the overture to a perceived restoration, observed in my contention that we are living through a manufactured purgation. Indeed, in a very real sense of the word - what we are observing here is a campaign for armageddon. The new world rising from the ashes of the old. But don't take my word for it ...