Hello Hive

in #deepdives6 months ago


Hope you've all been keeping well - it's been a while. What a crazy time to be alive! It's like everyone knows it's crazy - but are divided in their opinions as to why it's crazy, and it's erm - driving them crazy! This shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to anyone who's read my past output. Thus, on a world stage that has blurred the boundaries of reality and reality TV - I thought I'd step back into the lion's den and share why I think it's crazy.

I will be including heavily edited/expanded versions of old posts, edited/updated posts that are new on Hive - but have been shared elsewhere, and a wide selection of articles that I've never shared anywhere before - i.e. new. Well, some are new and others I have sat on for a couple of years waiting for the right time to share them - that time is now! As always, it will be left to the reader to decide who has the perceptualflaws.

Gifs courtesy of giphy.com
Written by @perceptualflaws Banner Gifs create by @doze


Good to see you back! I'll settle in with your next post tomorrow.

Thank you my friend - hope life is treating you well. The further I progress with that series - the more relevant it will become, looking forward to sharing some of the new stuff I've been working on. :)

So happy to see you back and sharing your wonderful work with us all. xxxx

Thankyou my friend, just starting to claw my back to a muffled form of recognition lol - I have a few chapters coming up about the multi-pronged assault on the feminine. I will ask how you are in reply to your other message. :D X

Welcome back.😊 Looking forward to your post too.😊

Thank you kindly @fixyetbroken - hope life is good for you. :)

Same to you.😊😊

Call...8 ball in all 6 pockets! The brain is a consciousness limiter!

Ha - funnily enough -I will be getting into that. lol


Hey dude - trust you've been keeping well? :D

Very tough life changes right now. I will get back to you and keep an eye on your blog.

Sorry to hear that dude, you're not alone - there are a lot of people experiencing a very difficult time at the moment. I was going through it for 3 - 4 years - now coming out the other side. All the very best to you, catch you soon.

Thrilled to see you here. Will read the next post when I have breathed my way through the earth shattering this week. Xx

Hey my friend, don't worry about that at the moment, I will be sharing ideas that go to some deep and dark places. As such, the time might not be right for you at the moment. My words will still be here when you are - no rush. X

Duuude! What’s up man! Really excited to see you are still alive and hopefully you are well.

These are crazy times for sure but that is life!

Hopefully at this point you are done with the renovations LOL, or at least in a more livable spot:D

@albuslucimus you should come on over man! I think you’ll really like the content from this brilliant man!

I’m all in my friend, thanks for the notice - following @perceptualflaws now!

Thank you kindly @cmplxty - still alive and keeping well. I've just been taking a back seat and watching the wheels turn around. lol Hope you've been keeping well and life is good for you. :D

All renovations complete - and I'm potentially eyeing up a move to Portugal in a couple of years. But we shall see how it plays out.

Welcome back! I haven't been on much the last couple years and was just scrolling the feed tonight and saw YOUUU!! Wonder FULL!!

Hey @lynds - I haven't been on here much over the last couple of years either, so nice that our return has been synchronised. Great to hear from you again! :D Trust life is good for you. I think I've got some intersting work coming up. ;) X

Yes, life is good, living on a farm for the last couple years, busy AF! I'm excited for your new material!

Very nice - I can see you on a farm living the country life. :D I've got two posts up at the moment (one posted last night) and they will serve as a foundation for what is to come. :)