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RE: Chapter Two: The Time Matrix & the Cult of Saturn - The Alchemy of Time

in #deepdives5 months ago

Some make the argument that it's coming to an end next year, others that it has nearly half a million years left, whilst Sadhguru is telling his followers that it has already ended. lol Divine years or human years, or have degrees of arc been misinterpreted as years - I don't think anyone is a precise authority on this. Time may not be the devil, but their interpretation of time cycles of awakening and darkness (lights out please lol) allude to their belief in time being some form of prison guard. I intend to display how both contain deception, my key focus being the elucidation of the inherent principles that reside at the heart of similar conceptions.

That said, looking around at the age of filters and plastic surgery we can consider the formation of a war against our biological processes. Personally, I contend that the belief that we can transcend time by some sort of assisted evolutionary process - is fraught with deception. As you know, there is a huge difference between the concept of direct personal salvation - and believing that (under the guise of some form of divine restoration) you have the right to make monumental decisions for the entirety of humanity. I charge it is the latter who has control of this world, and they are intent on nudging us toward a premeditated conclusion. Furthermore, how they have used an esoteric/metaphysical conception of time (right down to the intrinsically occultic nature of the financial system) to construct their world order. Anyway, I'm rambling - but my thoughts will become clearer the further we progress - I hope lol :D


You are spot on...
On a different note, I've a saying, 'make tally sticks great again'...