The 1001 Club

Black was provisionally released from prison in July 2010, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court limited the effect of a federal fraud law that had been used to prosecute corruption cases against business executives like Black and Jeffrey Skilling, the former CEO of Enron Corporation.[1] Source

Those who were, suggested one newspaper, 'range from the Russian mafia to Japanese investors, through drug cartels and Middle Eastern trading companies'. It seemed that Safra, 67, who was renowned for his protective shield of Israeli bodyguards, was a man with no shortage of enemies. Source
Zaid said a document has been found from the Office of Independent Counsel that references a CIA document about Pires. Durrani claims he worked with Pires as go-between for North to get the missile parts Iran wanted. Source

The Aga Khan
In his memoirs, Hassan spelled out his reasons for joining the invading army of the British Raj in the conquest of Afghanistan and Sind from Muslim rulers. Hassan (a Muslim mercenary and so called direct descendant of the prophet!) referred to the British as"the people of God" (khalq 'ullah), and to his role of acting as a secret agent for the British general Sir Charles Napier as"for the sake of God's pleasure" (mahd-i rida-yi ilahi). Source

The Ismaili Imam is guided by the Holy Spirit throughout his life and is therefore infallible (ma‘sum) and sinless in his words and deeds; Source
In 1901, three Syrian Ismailis were arrested in Tripoli as they were leaving for Bombay. They were carrying letters and money collected by these Sheikhs for the Aga Khan. The Sheikhs were arrested from Salamiyya on the charges of illegal "money-laundering". These leaders were charged with murder, attempted murder, and the use of violence for collecting money for the Aga Khan, records Douwes and Lewis. In 1903, the prisoners were tried in Damascus. In 1905, the Court issued a verdict condemning all the accused to life imprisonment. Page 218
the Aga Khan claims descent from Fatima, the daughter of Islam's prophet Muhammad, via the Fatimid rulers, who founded Cairo in 969 A.D. They later transferred to Syria and Iran, where they were known and feared by medieval European crusaders as the Assassins. Source

Ismaili Cosmology & Ideology
Antinomianism has been considered to teach that believers have a "license to sin" and that future sins do not require repentance. Johannes Agricola, to whom Antinomianism was first attributed, stated "If you sin, be happy, it should have no consequence. Source
the term is also used to describe certain practices or traditions in Frankism. Source
aspects of Vajrayana and Tantra that include sexual rituals are sometimes described as "antinomian". Source
Apart from individuals, entire groups of Muslims have also been called antinomian. One of these groups is the Nizārī Ismāʿīlī Shīʿa. Source

His Highness The Aga Khan is a man of vision, intellect, and passion. I've had the pleasure of knowing him for almost forty years, ever since he was an undergraduate at Harvard and a roommate of my nephew Jay Rockefeller. David Rockefeller

Correspondingly, the cosmos created by the doubt of the Archangel is also that ”which is the instrument of their [that is, of the angels formed in his image] purification and the scene of the combat which is at once theirs and his” source
This final resurrection, of course, is the restoration of the spiritual Adam to his original status. source
This “Grand Resurrection” which is the focal point of the drama, both in heaven and on earth, is proclaimed by the figure of the last Imam Resurrector. Two important notions are attached to this figure. Firstly, this Imam, who Corbin calls the Anthropos or Perfect Child, “engenders himself in the secret of the cycles of the aeon, and who, in his eschatological Epiphany, is expected to be the ultimate “exegete” of mankind, a member of the true posterity of Adam, which he will lead back (ta‘wil) to the celestial archetype in which it originated”. Thus “each of the Imam’s manifestations, the Imam of each period, is only the manifestation of a unique and eternal Imam who, in the person of the last among them, will consummate the totality of the Aeon or Grand Cycle” Source

Thus we find the great Sufi poet Jalal al-Din Rumi, who may have been influenced by Ismaili ideas (Chapter 6), saying that he has died and been reborn successively as a mineral, a vegetable, an animal, and a man; why, then, should he fear to die again, since he will be reborn at a still higher level? Page 64: The Assassins of Alamut by Anthony Campbell
Much of Dönmeh ritual is a combination of various elements of Kabbalah, Sabbateanism, Jewish traditional law, and Sufism.Source

Ismaili Globalism
Today we all regret that last year’s award recipient, Lord Rothschild, is unable to be with us as was originally planned, but I’m delighted to have the privilege of introducing this year’s honoree in his stead. His Highness the Aga Khan is a man of vision, intellect and passion. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him for almost forty years, ever since he was an undergraduate at Harvard and a roommate of my nephew Jay Rockefeller. David Rockefeller

Bellerive acts as a catalyst for action - promoting public, media and political awareness of issues as well as associating, where appropriate, with other organisations/networks to stimulate lobbying activities at the highest level. It also has a long tradition of convening major international conferences on themes having direct implications on the long-term stability of our planet. Source
Nowadays, sustainable development is becoming more and more part of our daily life. An important visibility was given to the concept in November 2015 during the COP21 in Paris, confirming the 17 sustainable goals announced in August of the same year by the United Nations as well as through the encyclical letter “Laudato si” safeguarding the common house of the Pope Francis which appeared at the same time. Earth Focus Foundation

Stakeholder/Inclusive/Communitarian Capitalism
"For our survival we must purge and purify our minds of the myth of sovereignty, which is a political and philosophical leftover from a dead past." Before its too late Page 100: A dialogue between Club of Rome co-founder Aurelio Peccei and Daisaku Ikeda.
The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican is a global nonprofit organization established under the auspices of the Vatican with the moral guidance of Pope Francis. Source
The time has come in this interdependent world for individuals to submerge their personal interests in the good of the group; for the group or groups to merge their interests in the national good; for nations to relinquish their selfish purposes and goals in the interests of right international relationships and the good of humanity as a whole. Lucis Trust
Sustainable = The control over every facet of our lives.
Inclusive = Divisive/Hive mind of accepted opinion.
Inclusive language = Orwellian Newspeak
Transformation = Social engineering.
Selfish = Individuality/national identity/divergent opinions.
Nobody left behind = No choice.
Vibrant community = Corporate gulag.
Harmonious = An ever expanding array of forbidden questions.
Common good = Communitarianism.
Fourth industrial revolution = A transhumanist devolution.
Sustainable development = Global governance.
Community = Localised Agenda 2030.
Expert = The professional face of the communitarian consensus.
The new world order will recognise that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet, and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category ‘haves’ and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organised distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole. Lucis trust Founder Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p191.
Council Announces Support of Convergence Toward Common Metrics and Standards Around ESG and SDG-Aligned Investments. Source
SDG = Sustainable Development Goals
The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is a movement of the world’s business and public sector leaders who are working to build a more inclusive, sustainable, and trusted economic system that addresses the needs of our people and the planet. Source
The needs of all must be met … much of the work will be purely economic … the reform of the world religions will draw on commonsense and progressive theology … nations need orienting to each other so that differences can flourish within a unity of purpose based on a desire for the welfare and progress of all. Lucis Trust
Aspirations for Systemic Change
Council members make actionable commitments aligned with the World Economic Forum International Business Council’s Pillars for sustainable value creation—People, Planet, Principles of Governance, and Prosperity—and that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Source

While many countries are now consolidating individual recovery plans, there remains an urgent need for a global plan that can create new or regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global governance, and help to build a new network of international relations for advancing the integral human development of all peoples. Pope Francis letter to the World Bank & IMF
The most coveted badge in all of Davos is one with a shiny holographic sticker on it -- despite the fact that most attendees, and even some Forum employees, don't actually know what the sticker actually means. It's seen on the badge of every head of state, so some people thinks it means you are a head of state. It doesn't. In fact, the shiny hologram grants you entry to the hyperexclusive Davos-within-Davos known as IGWEL, or the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders. Source
Introducing COVID 360, a free full Coronavirus treatment solution for patients & citizens at risk. COVID 360 is built by Deloitte Israel, based on Salesforce Health-Cloud, & "Diagnostics Robotics" Al triage and clinical predictions platform. Source
A new, sustainable financial system is under construction. It is funding the initiatives and innovations of the private sector and amplifying the effectiveness of governments’ climate policies—it could even accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Unfortunately, like virtually everything about the response to climate change, this new sustainable financial system is not developing fast enough for the world to reach net zero. Source

It is my hope that your discussions will contribute to a model of “recovery” capable of generating new, more inclusive and sustainable solutions to support the real economy, assisting individuals and communities to achieve their deepest aspirations and the universal common good. Pope Francis

‘‘Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose,’’ Fink wrote in his letter. ‘‘To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.’’ BlackRock CEO Larry Fink

They demanded that “all relevant stakeholders exhaust all efforts to ... confront vaccine hesitancy by sending a clear message about the safety and necessity of vaccines and counteracting vaccine myths and disinformation.” Vatican
“Our age has seen priests of the mind teaching that gregarious is the praiseworthy form of thought, and that independent thought is contemptible. It is moreover certain that the group which desires to be strong has no use for a man who claims to think for himself.” Julien Benda, La Trahison Des Clercs:The Treason of the Intellectuals (1927).
“This coming age will be as predominantly the age of group interplay, group idealism, and group consciousness as the Piscean Age has been one of personality unfoldment and emphasis, personality focus and personality consciousness. Selfishness, as we now understand it, will gradually dissappear, for the will of the individual will voluntarily be blended into the group will.” The Rays and the Initiation, p109.
“In the coming world state, the individual citizen — gladly and deliberately and with full consciousness of all that he is doing will subordinate his personality to the good of the whole.” Education in the New Age, p122.
The protection of the Biosphere, as the Common Interest of Humanity, must not be subservient to the rules of state sovereignty, demands of the free market, or individual rights. The idea of Global Sovereignty must be supported by a shift in values that recognize this Common Interest. — Earth Charter, “Green Cross Philosophy
“increase the body of knowledge which in the hands of competent technicians may be expected in time to result in substantial social control.” Source
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At's always a "pleasure" to read your work. It's a big club, and we ain't in it.
That's very kind of you my friend - I trust everything is going well for you X