Shadows of Illumination Chapter Nine: The Technocratic Spiritual Syncretism of One-Worldism

in #deepdives2 days ago (edited)


Enter The Global Transformation Project

I have spent a lot of time contemplating and indeed participating in the cultural and spiritual zeitgeist of the moment - observing its infiltration into the festival scene and youth movements. Certainly, behind the veil of individualism and self-atomisation there is an increasing desire for inner meaning and a sense of personal and collective purpose - to feel as though they are part of something more than the sum of its parts. Indeed, be it politically, spiritually, or technologically (irrespective of the political climate of the moment) ultimately, everything is being nudged toward a singularity. A statement personified by Elon Musk. An individual who is espousing nationalist ideals while at the same time wanting to connect us all to the internet

The momentum toward oneism is the antithesis of an organically evolving state of awareness. What we are observing is a (documentable) industrial scale of perceptual infiltration - one that is being financed by the very architects that (on the other hand) people are fighting against. Bound by elements of truth and blinded by scintillas of subversion, they're stirring a melting pot of concepts, blurring the boundaries and interweaving them within the multi-coloured spectrum of blind alleys.

The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence exists to help align necessary resources for the current human and planetary transition. This transition is, in its essence, about moving from separation and polarisation, towards coherence and complementarity. This same transition is playing itself out across all sectors — ecology, economy, and governance, to name a few key ones. Source


The above Hague center are linked to the Lucis Trust and partnered with a Club of Budapest that (as we shall document in later chapters) is an offshoot of the Club Of Rome.


From now on the Earth is number one, and humanity is number two. Humanity is number two because we wish humans to decline on this planet. I have just attended the Gorbachev meeting on the State of the World in San Francisco, and I have gained a lot of hope. They had the courage to get some of the best world experts to look into the state of the world and into the future, to create a vision of the society we want in the next millennium . . . and then do it. They want to implement the population plan, support simple and frugal lives, and get multinational corporations to acquire global consciousness. This gives me hope, UN guru/assistant secretary-general and Alice Bailey disciple, Robert Muller: reprint of a talk given by Muller at the Findhorn Foundation in October 1995

A brief history of Muller

Robert Muller (March 11, 1923 – September 20, 2010) was an international civil servant with the United Nations. Serving with the UN for 40 years and rising to the rank of assistant secretary-general, his ideas about world government, world peace and spirituality led to the increased representation of religions in the UN, especially of the New Age movement. He was known by some as "the philosopher of the United Nations" Source

As we march toward one worldism, what we are observing is the attempted merger of spirituality, technology, environmentalism, culture, and assisted evolution - all of which are being systematically pulled toward a premeditated singularity. Something for everyone, with no one fully comprehending how everybody is dancing to the same tune. Indeed, by applying distinction and compartmentalising its components, we blind our eyes to the monumental scale of what is occurring.

The mission of the Club of Budapest worldwide is to be a catalyst for the transformation to a sustainable world through:

Promoting the emergence of planetary consciousness
– Interconnecting generations and cultures
– Integrating spirituality, science, and the arts
– Fostering learning communities worldwide

Question everything - including yourself.

A key purpose of this series is to document the socially engineered formation of a new era of human perception - and then follow it to its logical conclusion. How this impacts upon the reader is left to their contemplation. Certainly, the eye is now fully focused on future generations. As I shall document, whilst I acknowledge the associated naive benevolence, for all their platitudes of love and light, the hierarchal infrastructures behind the "global transformation project" are as malevolent as the darkness they purport to fight against.

the problem with which the Hierarchy is now concerned is ... to awaken all the nations ... to the dramatic import of the present time ... and thus to engineer a climax wherein the correct world lesson may be learnt; whereby the world may be purified by the elimination of the undesirable elements which hinder the new era and the upspringing of a more spiritual civilization; and whereby the forces of hate, of cruelty, of materialism and of darkness may be driven back (wherever found) before the sweeping onslaught of the Forces of Light Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology pages 373-374

What we are observing is the syncretised formation of an esoteric form of Malthusianism, totalitarianism, and assisted evolution. A narrative that both comprises and traverses all boundaries and distinctions. One whose mantra is intended to be energised by the polarity of conflict, chaos, and cleavage. An agenda that is going to become surreptitiously equated with the spiritual awakening of humanity. The heretics who refuse to bow to the vision of the Luciferian hierarchy - equated with impeding the apotheosis/evolution of the collective.

One world spirituality and technocracy are reflections of a singular process. From a technocratic perspective, boiling it down to its simplest equation - it is a population control, resource, and social management programme.


Web Weavers

I have yet to share chapter one - so just to highlight, the Lucis Trust etc are components of the communitarian system - I am not stating they are its architects. That said, as we shall observe in later chapters - their intersection with global governance is an interesting observation.

Alice and Foster Bailey were serious students and teachers of Theosophy, a spiritual tradition which views Lucifer as one of the solar Angels, those advanced Beings Who Theosophy says descended (thus “the fall”) from Venus to our planet eons ago to bring the principle of mind to what was then animal-man. In the theosophical perspective, the descent of these solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name “Lucifer” which means light-bearer. Lucis Trust

Whatever your thoughts, by reading the literature of the Lucis Trust, it becomes clear that (as shown above) they worship Lucifer as a spiritual entity. They believe they’re preparing the earth for the return of a “world teacher” a “cosmic Christ” (ie a reincarnated Adam Kadmon) that within Christianity is termed as the anti-Christ. As I shall document in subsequent chapters; through a vast network of interconnected stakeholders, NGOs, and "change agents," they're spearheading the spiritual "transformation" of humanity, and are aligned with the one-world system of global governance and the decentralised principles of the global doctrine. Language (prosaic buzz-words) a form of participatory initiation.

In 1968, the IUCN led a lobbying effort with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (headed by Robert Muller) to adopt Resolution 1296 which grants "consultative" status to certain NGOs. This resolution paved the highway for global governance. The Lucis Trust was one of the first NGOs to be granted "consultative" status with the UN. Source

United Religions 2.PNG

Within the hierarchy of Catholicism we can observe the incremental move toward the false unity of "interfaith". Through it's Holy Sea the Catholic Church is both connected to, and holds NGO status within the United Nations. It has permanent observer status within the same UN economic and social council as the Lucis Trust (who has consultative status), both of which echo its associated principles of global governance.

In religion too, even though the focus is on more timeless truths, there will always be different ways of interpreting these truths and leaders must wrestle with the question of which interpretations are most appropriate for the evolving consciousness of their congregation. The efforts of Pope Francis to reform the Roman Catholic Church can be viewed in this light. Taken from the Lucis Trust newsletter.

Trouble is (as I will document over subsequent chapters) what we're observing is an industrial scale of social and perceptual engineering. Much of which is verifiably Luciferian - the scale of which is in equal parts staggering and humbling.

Interfaith dialogue is often conducted through the Temple Of Understanding (TOU) and the Global Peace Foundation (GPF). The Temple Of Understanding is a global interfaith organisation that is often referred to as a "spiritual United Nations" and is again an NGO in Consultative Status with the UN Economic & Social Council. The TOU was previously housed at the interfaith Cathedral of St. John the Divine (which as I will document was financed by the Rockefellers) St John being John of Patmos - the author of the Book of Revelation.

As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council, the TOU is an active member of the NGO community working on the inside of the United Nations to advance social justice. The TOU actively supports the aims and principles of the United Nations by attending world summit meetings, sponsoring programs for NGOs, and participating on committees and coalitions of NGOs with similar values. Source

A trustee of the Temple is Sherry Bronfman, the Bronfman's being an elite Canadian Zionist family with close connections to the Trudeau’s. Family member Joanie Bronfman is a director of the “progressive social change” NGO, The Tides Foundation.

Stephen Bronfman, who played key role in Canadian PM’s rise, was involved in complex offshore web, leaked papers show. Source

Tides is probably best described as a social justice NGO that funds many of the globalist funded anti-globalist (fake grassroot) social movements I have documented over numerous articles. The foundation has a myriad of financial (and collaborative) connections to the Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Family Fund, Rockefeller Bros Fund, Rockefeller Philanthropy, Open Society, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, and Vanguard Charitable - which is an aspect of the Vanguard group.

Whenever “ALEC” and “dark money” are mentioned in the media, however, there ought to be a third name given at least equal attention – the Tides Foundation. That's because Tides, the San Francisco-based funder of virtually every liberal activist group in existence since the mid-1970s, pioneered the concept of providing a cut-out for donors who don’t wish to be associated in public with a particular cause. It is instructive to compare the funding totals for Tides and ALEC. Source

Alongide being a "legal firewall", the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded sister NGO, the Tides Centre, operates as an umbrella organisation that provides charitable status to movements such as Black Lives Matter.

The Tides Center serves as a “legal firewall insulating the Tides Foundation from potential lawsuits” filed by those potentially harmed by Tides Foundation-funded projects and assists in the organization and creation of new left-of-center political advocacy organizations. Source

Returning to the Bronfman's, as referenced below, Clare Bronfman is currently serving a prison sentence for being the benefactor of Keith Raniere. It was Raniere that ran the NXIVM sex cult (that was charged with human trafficking, sex trafficking, child pornography, and racketeering) within which Bronfman also had a leadership role.

We'll return to some interesting connections to Raniere in a later chapter.

She used her vast resources to dispatch armies of lawyers at Raniere’s former members and Nxvim members. During the sentencing hearing victims described Bronfman as “a predator” and a “dangerous megalomaniac” Source

At a Brooklyn courthouse on March 14, Raniere — who was already facing forced labor, wire fraud conspiracy, human trafficking, and sex trafficking charges — was hit with additional charges of child pornography. Source

As highlighted below, family patriarch Samuel Bronfman was a well known associate of the aformentioned Meyer Lansky.

During Prohibition, Sam Bronfman shipped liquor to pickup points along the Canadian-American border, where it was bought by American bootleggers. One of Bronfman's closest business associates was the American gangster Meyer Lansky. Because others brought his liquor across the border, Bronfman always insisted he was not a bootlegger. Lansky's associate, Lucky Luciano, however, said Bronfman "was bootleggin' enough whiskey across the Canadian border to double the size of Lake Erie." Source


Moving forward, grandson Jeffrey Bronfman is leading influence within the psychedelics movement. He is also a regular speaker at the World Ayahuasca Conference, which has founding and funding connections to the ICEERS Foundation, the Riverstyx Foundation, and the Beckley Foundation.

I pause to note that Lynn De Rothschild is chair of Bronfman E.L Rothschild. E.L Rothschild LLC being a member of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism.

E.L. Rothschild LLC is a family investment company that was established in 2003 by Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Source

Why is this important? Well Jeffrey Bronfman is also a member of the Steering Committee of ICEERS’s Ayahuasca Defense Fund. ICCER's is funded by Soro's Open Society Foundation and the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (which was co-founded/funded by David's brother, Richard Rockefeller), the Riverstyx Foundation, and the aforementioned Bronfman connected Tides Foundation.

The Riverstyx foundation (which alongside Rockefeller philanthropy advisors) has financial connections to a George Soros board membered Drug policy Alliance that is heavily funded by the Open Society Foundation. Previous research has revealed that the formative funding for Riverstyx was provided by Laurence Rockefeller. Finishing with the Beckley Foundation, it was founded by Countess Amanda Fielding who is scion of the aforementioned Habsburg monarchy. Of further note is the fact that Fielding recently attended the WEF's psychedelic conference. As I referenced in chapter four - Otto Von-Habsburg was a "key speaker" at the very first World Economic Forum.

She is descended from the House of Habsburg and can trace a direct line back to Charles II. Source


A last word on Jeffrey Bronfman, he has often spoken at Mikhail Gorbachev's (elite sponsored) State of The World Forum. The below is taken from a final report written by Ethan Nadelman, the Soros funded director of the Lindesmith Center. The center being a drug reform Open Society project that later merged with the aformentioned Drug Policy Alliance.

The last panel, "Drugs, Technology and the Mind in the 21st Century," included a remarkable discussion among some of those most involved over the past three decades in the field of hallucinogenic drugs, as well as some comments from those who have thought deeply about the transformative role of technology. Robert Jesse and Jeff Bronfman focused on the religious aspects of hallucinogenic drugs and discussed the implications of their work for drug policy. Source

Whilst I have spoken about my historic use of psychedelics and plant medicines, and condem the war on drugs, this doesn't prohibit me from approaching the subject matter with the same level of scrutiny that I've afforded every aspect of my multi-layered investigation. As per the all-encompassing nature of the control model, alongside funding pretty much every influential social movement and scientific body, the hierarchies of the drug reform and psychedelic movements are (as per the oligarchy sponsored spiritual awakening I'll document in later chapters) often controlled by the same elitists that on one hand people fight against, and on the other (in multiple ways) they embrace.



Is the evolving globalist promotion and legitimisation of the psychedelic renaissance due to the fact they facilitate a state of increased suggestibility? An open mind through which to insert new ideas? Aligning the subconscious with the conscious, is such a mindstate perfectly aligned with this era of oligarchy-funded global, biological, and spiritual "transformation?" A perceptual initiation into a desired unified state of oneness? ? Certainly, throughout history - hallucinogenics have often been an important component within a ritualistic rite of passage.


Staying the above thought, it's worth noting Extinction Rebellion co-founder Gail Bradbrook (whose establishment connections I have documented throughout previous articles) has also been touting the virtues of a psychedelic revolution. In this article we find Bradbrook discussing how a psychedelic experience led to her formulating the rebellion. In another we find her calling for "mass psychedelic disobedience." Anyway, for now, I've digressed - but rest assured I'll be back to add some meat to the bones of these statements.

Continuing; The Global Peace Foundation enjoys UN ECOSOC Special Consultative Status and affiliation to the UN Department of Public Information. Equally, both the GPF & TOU are UN sustainable development (Agenda 2030) partners. Whilst here we can observe that UNICEF have affiliations with over 30 faith and interfaith organisations. The UN World Council of religious leaders, galvanising the move towards the syncretised one-word spiritual community at the United Nations World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. Dig beneath the veneer of peace, and you'll find the usual suspects.

Funding for the World Peace Summit is being provided by the U.N. Foundation/Better World Fund, founded by Ted Turner, Ford Foundation, Ruder Finn, Inc., the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Carnegie Foundation, the Modi Foundation, and the Greenville Foundation among others. Source

“It is my hope that the World Council of Religious Leaders and the signing of this charter will serve as a model and guide for the creation of a community of world religions, says Bawa Jain, Secretary-General of the Millennium World Peace Summit. Source

The philosophy of interfaith has been (quietly) evolving over a long time period. The World Parliament Of Religions first convened in 1893 and included the theosophical societies Annie Besant ("a leading member/speaker for the pro-Malthusian Fabian Society and the Marxist Social Democratic Federation ") as a "special delegate." Besant would later groom a young Jiddu Krishnamurti into believing he was the aforementioned world teacher. In adulthood he disavowed his role and disolved the Order Of The Star In The East, an organisation that had been set up to prepare the world for his arrival.

The Parliament of the World’s Religions Announces a New Director of Climate Action. Source

The World Parliament has since evolved to become the Parliament Of Religions, an organisation aligned with the UN climate action plan, and funded by (alongside several other interconnected NGO's) the UN, the Baháʼí Fund (who we'll discuss in a later chapter), and the RiverStyx Foundation. In reference to the latter and in relation to my previous observations, my investigation has revealed numerous intersections between psychedelic and interfaith NGO's.

2016: The meeting of Pope Francis & Russia’s Patriarch Krill. In over 1000 years this is the first meeting between a Pope and Russian Patriarch.

2016: Pope Francis meets the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar mosque. Again a historical first meeting between these religious figureheads.

2015-2018: Indeed in a series of world firsts Pope Francis has met leaders across the entire spectrum of religion and politics. Individuals that the Pope has met have included the Grand Muftis and political leaders of Istanbul & Egypt.

2018: In another world first the annual Bilderberg meeting is attended by a Vatican member of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

2019: After signing a "document on human fraternity" with Islamic leader Sheik Ahmad el-Tayeb that stated: “pluralism and the diversity of religions are willed by God”. The Pope then has an official visit to Morocco, the Vatican created a symbol of which, has been termed the Chrislam logo.

2020: Pope Francis and a top Muslim envoy meet to discuss the implementation of their document on human fraternity and the building of their interfaith Abrahamic family house.

2022: Pope Francis attends the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions and begins to replace the word religion, with the term "transcendence" - in the context of my evolving investigation, this is an important observation.

The Vatican's recent health conference also had an interesting array of speakers and contributors, including; new age guru Deepak Chopra, Moderna's chief exec Stephane Bancel, George Church (see later chapters) who is recognised as the "Godfather of the human genome project", and is the co-author of "Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves", Chelsea Clinton, primatologist, anthropologist, UN messenger of peace, population control advocate and theosophist Jane Goodall, the aforementioned Marc Benioff, Anthony Fauci, and the Chairman and CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla - who (Like Merks Kenneth Frazier) just received ADL's Courage Against Hate Award.

This is the essence of the new age of unstructured governance - a control mechanism of a million hidden faces that (on matters of consequence) speak with one voice. An intersecting middle ground between faith, new age spirituality, idealism, scientism, politics, finance, the social and environmental, the psuedo morality of the greater good, and its associated laws, protocols, and principles, that usurp the rights of the individual. The unstructured oneness of global to local governance offers a centralised illusion of choice and decentralisation to the age of headline reading constant distraction.

“No”, then, to confusion between politics and transcendence, but “no” also to their separation, for the highest human aspirations cannot be excluded from public life and relegated solely to the private sphere. Pope Francis

Within UN connected collectives like the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) (there are similar NGO's within every country) we find further connections to the Agenda 2030 framework.

There is a need for a global partnership with the world’s religions. It will not be possible to implement the 2030 Agenda unless the religious communities are active partners in the endeavor. This realization must guide our actions. Source

The day is dawning when all religions will be regarded as emanating from one great spiritual source; all will be seen as unitedly providing the one root out of which the universal world religion will inevitably emerge… they will… seek unitedly to co-operate with the divine Plan, as it is revealed by the spiritual leaders… Such a world religion is no idle dream but something that is definitely forming today. Lucis Trust: Page 2 World Goodwill Newsletter, 1993, No.4


Movements like the United Religions Initiatives (URI) connections to the United Nations Population Fund, begin to speak to the population control aspects of sustainable development. Their consultancy within the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and UNESCO, UN Population Fund, UN Environment Programme, and sustainable development partnerships, portraying that they are yet another important piece of a larger picture.


The URI are funded by (amongst others) The Lucis Trust World Service Fund (URI Annual Report, dated 2000, “Honoring Our Donors,” p7), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - through the URI's Global Aid's Interfaith Alliance, Global Peace Foundation (URI, Annual Report, 2003), Richard King Mellon Foundation (URI Annual Report, dated 2000, “Honoring Our Donors,” p7), The Tides Foundation, Soros Foundation (Second United Religions Summit Conference, Pacific Church News, July 1997, p28.), Sierra Club (URI Annual Report, dated 2002, “Honoring Our Donors,”) and the Maurice Strong Foundation for Environmental Values (URI Annual Report, dated 2002, “Honoring Our Donors,” p8).

“Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will unitedly bring to an end the great heresy of separateness.” Lucis trust founder Alice Bailey: Destiny of the Nations, p152.)

The URI are also partnered with the aformentioned Parliament of Religions (POR). Alongside the aforementioned Temple of Understanding, the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions, the Global Peace Foundation, the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, and the World Conference on Religion and Peace etc etc, the POR are further partnered (International Interfaith Organisations,” URI Update, fall 2001, 10th edition, page 11) with the URI's International Interfaith Organisation.

The United Religions Initiative is a global community with spiritual heart including thousands of members in over 50 countries representing more than 100 religions, spiritual expressions, and indigenous traditions. Source

In September 2020, UNEP’s Faith for Earth Initiative, the Parliament of the World’s Religions, United Religions Initiative, and Bhumi Global published a report to celebrate the five-year anniversary of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The report featured data they had collected on faith-based organizations around the world doing work that fell within the scope of the environmental SDGs. Source


The URI have further collaborative projects with Religions For Peace, who are often considered as a religious United Nations. Their "multi-religious-collaboration-global-partnerships" include; Soro's Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation (which as I've previously documented is another Rockefeller front) Ted Turners United Nations Foundation, the Rockefeller Bros Fund, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

Religions for Peace and United Religions Initiative signed a Memorandum of Understanding on December 22, 2021. This partnership will address the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals related to the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change by combining organizational efforts and globally implementing multireligious and interfaith collaboration. Source

Here we can observe that Religions Of Peace partnered with UNICEF for their Covid-19 initiative, and have further partnerships with the UN's Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals. Equally, here, we can observe that Religions For Peace USA have further connections to the Rockefeller Foundation and Ted Turners UN Foundation.

Religions for Peace enjoys consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), with UNESCO, and with UNICEF. Source


Religious Transformation

Within communitarianism, the adherence to the governance structures of the global to the local community and the pseudo harmony of the manufactured consensus, is referred to as a "healthy society", thus, to challenge or exist outside of these consensus-led protocols and principles, is perceived as unhealthy. The transformation of "unhealthy" churches into the one world governance structure of the "common good" continues apace through the Goldman Sachs connected organisation known as the Leadership Network (LN).

Join a community of kingdom-minded changemakers shaping the future together. Leadership Network

The Leadership Network was founded by Bob Buford who also founded the Peter Drucker Foundation, which has since changed its name to the Leader to Leader Network - the LTLN. On the dedication page of his book, "Halftime" Buford referred to Drucker as "the man who formed my mind."

Leadership Network would not be the same–in fact, might not exist at all-were it not for Peter Drucker. Source

The LTLN is focused upon an "Innovative Change Agent leadership model." We'll get into the insidious nature of "change agents" and "change makers" in subsequent chapters - but ultimately whilst they play to specific audiences, they're differring expressions of the same "transformative" narrative.

There will be the invocative work of the masses of the people, everywhere trained by the spiritually minded people of the world (working in the churches whenever possible under an enlightened clergy) to accept the fact of the approaching spiritual energies, focused through Christ and His spiritual Hierarchy, and trained also to voice their demand for light, liberation and understanding. Alice Bailey: Problems of Humanity, p159.

Representative of the (oft veiled) faces of a top down industrial scale of global to local social engineering. This does not mean that all of these individuals have a neferious intent, consider compartmentalised aspects of an agenda that is far more than the sum of its myriad parts.

We are a Network of certified Christian coaches and facilitators who are dedicated to developing better leaders and stronger teams in the organizations, businesses, churches, and communities we serve. Source

We believe that every leader has a "leadership lid,” a term used for the current level of their leadership ability. Organizations and communities cannot grow above their leader's current "leadership lid." In order to grow the organization or community, we believe we must first grow the leaders. We use our framework to help create a movement of “leaders sharpening leaders,” nurturing a leadership culture that will help to raise the organization or community's leadership lid. Source

Within the context of my overarching investigation, I note that Peter Drucker was a communitarian and regular writer/contributor to the CFR and their Foreign Affairs magazine. Like the aforementioned (father of communitarianism) Amitai Etzioni, he was also a student (Michael Schwarz: Early Influences upon Peter Drucker’s Perception of the Public Interest) of Kabbalist Martin Buber. In relation to the first part of this chapter, he is also recognised as the "prophet of stakeholder capitalism," and the Drucker Institute is a member of the Council For Inclusive Capitalism."

Buford has called Drucker a “social philosopher,” which may be the most inclusive label that can describe this complex man. The soul of a philosopher was apparent in a 1992 article in Harvard Business Review, where Drucker stated he wants America to find solutions for “the old–and never resolved–problem of the pluralistic society: Who takes care of the Common Good?” Source

Vienna-born Drucker was the son of Adolph Drucker who in turn was the Grandmaster of the Austrian Freemasons. Another protege of Druckers and proponent the of the "emerging church" and church growth movements, is Christian evangelist Rick Warren. Below is the definition of church growth from the Great Commission Research Network (formerly the American Society of Church Growth).

If you’ve ever used the words decentralization, knowledge worker, management by objectives, or privatization, you’ve been influenced by Peter Drucker, who coined all of them – and more. In the church world, if your ministry has been impacted by Rick Warren and Saddleback Church, Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel, or Bill Hybels and Willow Creek Church, then you’ve also been influenced by Drucker, who developed a significant mentoring relationship with each of these leaders and organizations. Source

Notice how they utilise the same behavioural sciences that I have documented throughout my corporate environmentalism investigations.

Church growth is that discipline which investigates the nature, function, and health of Christian churches, as they relate to the effective implementation of the Lord's Great Commission to make disciples of all peoples (Mt. 28:19-20). It is a spiritual conviction, yet it is practical, combining the eternal principles of God's Word with the practical insights of social and behavioral sciences. Source

As highlighted in the below letter from David Rockefeller, Drucker was well connected.


Returning to Rick Warren, here we can observe that he is yet another member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Whilst here we can observe that the CFR have their own "religious and foreign policy initiative, a membership that included both Warren and Madilyn Albright. Perhaps this unholy alliance goes some way to explaining the unwavering evangelical support for war. Certainly, in their hunt for non-existent WMD's the Bush administration (and their UK allies) killed over 500,000 children, a price that Albright described as "worth it".

I am not here to denigrate faith - I am showing you the corruption of it.


Rockefeller Evangelism

Whilst currently utilising left-wing social schisms, spiritual idealisms, and environmental activism as new age control mechanisms, for several generations the Rockefeller family has also been intertwined with Christian evangelism and missionary work. Utilising both as a means of pervasively penetrating the influence of their business and oil empires into the heart of uncharted territories - whilst re-engineering the church from within.


!n 1922 (the above) Pastor Baptist pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick delivered a controversial sermon called “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” that questioned fundamental elements of the Christian faith. Whilst the sermon would lead to his forced resignation, he was subsequently hired as the founding pastor of Riverside church and had his voice elevated to a national level. At a cost of $4 million, Riverside church was built and attended by John D Rockefeller - who personally approached Fosdick with the offer to become its pastor. Of significance is the fact that his brother Raymond Fosdick was president of the Rockefeller Foundation.


The World Evangelical Fellowship was the forerunner to the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), both of which were and are interconnected with the Rockefeller-funded Federal Council of Churches, later named The World Council of Churches. The Federal Council was previously represented by John Foster Dulles, who was the brother of the previously referenced Knight of Malta, C.I.A head, and MK-Ultra authoriser - Allen Dulles. Of note is the fact that John Foster Dulles was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was also trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, and chairman of the board for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

As part of the World Peacemakers Network, the World Council of Churches are further partnered with the United Religions Initiative, Religions for Peace, Global Interfaith Network, and multiple UN agencies - including the UN Population Fund.

The below statement takes us back to the evolving nature of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

The World Council of Churches (WCC), UNEP, Muslim Council of Elders, and NY Board of Rabbis have all signed the Climate-Responsible Finance – A moral imperative and responsibility to all children and the living world. The signatories also agreed to review their “pension, banking, insurance and other financial service arrangements to ensure evidence-based accountability”.

Here is the "stakeholder caveat again.

Many evangelical alliances and churches already work on issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals / 2030 Agenda. The WEA seeks to further increase the impact and visibility of their engagement on different levels and to communicate evangelical beliefs and perspectives more effectively to global and national stakeholders. WEA

The World Evangelical Alliance is another United Nations NGO that has special consultative status within the UN economic and social council. It is also an umbrella organisation that encompasses the US National Assoc of Evangelicals, who were previously interconnected with the National Religious Broadcasters. The missionary work of many of these institutions is often funded through World Relief, which in turn are partnered with the eugenics and population control connected Agency For International Developments, (USAID).

The Agency For International Developments is often further accused of being a CIA front organisation.

U.S.A.I.D. was created in 1961 to help the United States win the “hearts and minds” of citizens in poor countries through civic action, economic aid and humanitarian assistance. As a cold war policy tool, the agency was, at times, used as a front for C.I.A. operations and operatives. Among the most infamous examples was the Office of Public Safety, a U.S.A.I.D. police training program in the Southern Cone that also trained torturers. Source

One of the key founders of USAID was Gen William H. Draper, Jr, who was also the vice-chairman of Planned Parenthood Federation. Of note is the fact that Planned Parenthood World Federation comprises a merger between the World Population Emergency Campaign (which was the progeny of the Draper report) and Planned Parenthood. Equally, Draper helped establish US support for the UN population fund, was the founder/chairman of the Population Crisis Committee, and the Draper Fund. The latter of which is where he joined with the Rockefeller and Dupont families to "promote eugenics under the guise of population control".

As chairman of the special Republican Task Force on Population andEarth Resources, I was impressed by the arguments of William H. Draper, Jr. that economic development overseas would be a miserable failure unless the developing countries had the knowledge and supplies their families needed to control fertility. Congress constantly pressed the rather nervous federal agencies to get on with the job. General Draper continues to lead through his tireless work for the UN Population Fund. George Bush: in his forward to the USAID document: The World Population Crisis: The United States Response

The first director of USAID being Dr. Reimert Thorolf Ravenholt

Who was Dr. Ravenholt? An epidemiologist by training, he apparently looked on pregnancy as a disease, to be eradicated in the same way one eliminates smallpox or yellow fever. He was also, as it happened, a bellicose misanthrope. Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory Benefits by Steven Mosher

Although I've covered it in a previous post, it would be remiss of me not to include the fact that; in 1952 John D Rockefeller founded the Population Council, which was funded by the Rockefeller Bros Fund & the (Rockefeller front) Ford Foundation. To this day the Population Council remain heavily funded by the U.S Government, and affiliated with their partner The International Planned Parenthood Federation. Equally worthy of note is the fact that the Council retains financial (separate links) connections with the World Bank Group, USAID, and the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations.

As I have previously documented; through the intertwined Ford and Rockefeller Foundations the US adminstration decided on the latter of the below options, pursuing a policy of enforced (often physically) third world sterilisation. We'll return to the broader context of that statement in the next chapter.

By some, this impact is perceived as no problem at all; others see increasing numbers as an apocalyptic threat to the human race. Therefore the proposed policy solutions have ranged from continued general economic development to compulsory sterilization and celestial emigration. USAID Document



Whether or not you agree with their every conclusion, the interwoven Rockefeller connections are clearly and exhaustively defined and catalogued within the book: Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon, Nelson Rockefeller, and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. By Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett.



Through his "International Love Lift" program tele evangelist Pat Robertsons funded the Gospel Outreach network that helped de-facto Guatemalan President and religious fundamentalist José Efraín Ríos Montt build his communitarian model of peasant villages. The model was centered around a network of church-centered stakeholder community ownership. To be part of this community demanded the relinquishment of culture, heritage, and history, nothing outside Ríos Montt's manufactured reality could be allowed to exist.

after meeting Rios Montt in Honduras later that month, President Reagan insisted that the regime was ‘getting a bad deal’ from the accusations of massacres and deserved renewed military aid from the United States (which he granted the following month). Had not the White House received a flood of letters calling for renewed arms sales to Guatemala after Pat Robertson appealed to his 700 Club television show for prayers and money for the regime? Thy will be done page 819


In many ways the historical ebb and flow of totalitarianism are ripples in the pool of a deeper illusion. Through the documentation of their statements - it is apparent that the Luciferian agenda (which now entangles the entire global structure) seeks to invoke the sacrificial spirit of genocide (justified by our state of manufactured transgression) upon the heretics that refuse to follow the "plan". I am not professing to know if it's the end-time, but I do contend that we are approaching the end of a civilsation - which also happens to align with the culmination of a celestial age. A statement apparent in the era of usury, manufactured crisis, distraction, degeneration, anxiety, repetition, corruption, totalitarianism, platitudes, and plunder. None of which have any future.

Every end is the opportunity for a new beginning. As civilisation consumes itself from within, and the shadow system begins to shed its skin, we have to make sure it's our change - not theirs. From that perspective, this is also a time of opportunity.


Final Thoughts

Whilst criticising religion is now en vogue, there was a time when people turned a blind eye to what they should have rallied against. In their rush towards the generalised and romanticised perception of enlightenment and awakening, how many are prepared to ignore the fallacies and inconvenient facts that underpin its formation? Why are the control structures that on one hand people fight against, funding a verifiable industrial-scale network of teachers, gurus, leaders, and change agents, who are informing popularised philosophies, perceptions, and terminologies of a spiritual awakening?

Why do I find that the same controlling matrix has interwoven its influence within every financial institution, scientific discipline, religion, environmental, spiritual, and social movement? Who has the fortitude to face the monumental scale of perceptual engineering? To look beyond their idealisms, even if it leads them to question all they hold to be true? To potentially stand alone, to become an island in the face of an intersecting tidal wave of premeditated transformation?

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