Shadows Of Illumination Chapter Six: The Dutroux Connection

in #deepdives15 days ago (edited)


Noted Research

I have declined rewards for this article.

Much of the information shared in this chapter is derived from the De X Dossier (X-Files) book (English translation has since been removed from the internet) written by respected journalists Marie Jeane Van Heeswyck, Douglas De Connick, and Annemie Bulte. The work of journalist Joel Van der Reijden, has also provided an invaluable resource. Alongside translating dozens of newspaper articles, I have also utilised the sanitised remnants of the Dutroux files and witness statements, alongside a further 1235 page summary file.

I have opted not to disclose all of the horrific details recorded within the witness statements. If researchers wish to dig deeper, I must first warn them that the X-files are highly disturbing. Equally, I feel it only fair to provide forewarning that even in its sanitised form, this is a distressing insight into the monsters that walk in our midst. Aside from the obvious connections, the reason for including this case will become clearer the further we progress through the series and associated articles.

The blackmail elements discussed in this two-part article should not be considered as an isolated incident. Indeed, within the video below former conservative whip Tim Fortescue discusses how they used the “abuse of small boys” to control politicians.

Alongside my research, I have used archived (self-translated) newspaper commentary to highlight certain points and perspectives. This BBC documentary includes interviews with witnesses, parents, the police (who were removed from the case) and the journalist writers of the X dossiers. Further documentaries and books will be referenced throughout this article.


Deep Implications

In 1996 Marc Dutroux was arrested for the abduction, rape, abuse, and torture of five young girls, four of which he murdered. The next two chapters focus upon the evidence that he was part of a larger criminal network whose roots are intertwined with the fascistic/occultic elements of the black nobility I elucidated in the previous chapters.

Disturbingly, individuals within the members/visitors lists of Le Cercle, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, Cercle des Nations, CEPIC, the PIO, and the Bilderberg Group, intersect with those named within witness statements of the Marc Dutroix & Pinay, sadistic (at times ritualistic) child abuse, torture, and murder scandals. The full horror and scale of these abominable accusations penetrating into the heart of European hierarchy, nobility, aristocracy, and royalty.

In their book titled: Pedophilia Dossier – The Scandal of the Dutroux Affair: Journalist co-authors Jean Nicolas & Frederic Lavachery clearly state that King Albert II organised child sex orgies. King Albert is also implicated in the witness testimony of the Dutroux Belgium x files.

The Pinay scandal (which culminated in an arson attack on Pour magazine) broke before the Dutroux case but contained witness statements against those who would become embroiled in the latter case. Prior to the arson attack, Jacques Jonet, the fascist lawyer and one-time political secretary to Otto von Habsburg, was accused of warning the magazine editor not to publish the details. Separate allegations (included in the above list) were made by Count Yann de Meeus d'Argenteuil, who "committed suicide" a year later.

Much of this depravity appears to have been centered around the demand to satisfy some kind of sick twisted perverted pleasure or to blackmail high-profile targets into contrition. Equally, in light of the fascistic/occultic links that connect some of the named individuals and networks, the Satanic/ritualistic, and potential mind control elements are too prevalent to ignore.

Connecting Strands Of The Accused

I have opted to include the names of the accused due to the fact they're already a matter of public record. I am also not making any personal accusations, I'm simply recording the available information and historical interconnections, leaving it to the discernment of the reader to arrive at their own conclusions.

In a stark contradiction to the lone "monster" of the official narrative, alongside being a child abuser, rapist, and cold-blooded murderer, it was broadly claimed that Dutroux was part of a larger network that was affiliated with alleged abuser/murderer "businessman" and (highly connected) crime boss, Michel Nihoul.

One of the regular organisers of these parties, she claimed, was the man she knew as 'Mich', Jean Michel Nihoul, 'a very cruel man. He abused children in a very sadistic way', she said. Also there, she said, was the young Dutroux.
Dutroux was a boy who brought drugs, cocaine to these parties - he brought some girls, watched girls. At these events Nihoul was a sort of party beast while Dutroux was more on the side.' Source

It is further alleged that this network procured children for wealthy elites and powerful interests. These conclusions were voiced by numerous witnesses, survivors, informants, and indeed Dutroix himself. To this day, truth and justice remain obscured by the shadows of unscrupulous entities with a vested interest in diverting the glare of scrutiny.

Dutroux, who is charged with kidnapping and illegal imprisonment of children, owns 11 houses. Yet he was an unemployed electrician with no legal source of income, apart from the dole. TheTimes: August 21st 1996

Within this screenshot of the dossier we can observe the payment of hundreds of thousands of francs in the accounts of Dutroux and his wife (accomplice) Michelle Martin. Several payments coincide with the dates of the kidnappings. Equally, Dutroux appears to make his financial settlements around the same dates.

After several of the disappearances, Mr. Dutroux paid large sums of money into several bank accounts. Source

Police said Dutroux was part of a child prostitution ring that may also have been responsible for several other disappearances still unsolved. His gang allegedly offered to buy young victims for $5,000 apiece. As part-time car thieves, too, they may have enjoyed local police protection. Source

Such was the public revulsion to this case, that over a third of those who shared the Dutroux surname registered to have it changed.

Baron de Bonvoisin: Source

Numerous witnesses claim the previously referenced "Black" Baron de Bonvoison (who financed numerous fascist militias) was a prominent abuser. Within numerous testimonies, he is noted for his sadistic torture, abuse, and hunts where children would be captured, raped, tortured, and murdered. These hunts were held at prestigious chateaus, castles, and private parks, with military personnel (potentially connected to the previously referenced fascist networks he was funding) acting as security.

Witness X2 was a serving police officer with a history of child abuse, she claimed to have been taken to Castle Chimay where the child hunts occurred. It is a common theme that children were made to witness abuse and (sometimes forced to commit) murder.

PV 151.044, March 27, 1997: "The events in Chimay. She went 5-6 times. In an immense wood... She was forced to go. She was never a [visual] witness of whatever was done. Participated: the most violent of the group in Knokke, among them the Lippens brothers. In Chimay she heard shouting and gunfire... It was around the Castle of Chimay. The wood is surrounded by a wall. Those were screams of children of maybe 10 years. She thinks there were 4-5 children. The screams stop all of a sudden... The participants had all been in Knokke and in Eindhoven. She never saw the children. The screams were horrible and indescribable

Prince de Chimay is a title of Belgium nobility. The first Prince de Chimay was Charles I de Croy, a nobleman in the service of the House of Habsburg, and a knight of the house's order of the Golden Fleece. He was knighted by Holy Roman Emporer Maximilian I, which elevated him to the title of prince of the Holy Roman Empire. The son of Princess Jacqueline de Riquet de Caraman-Chimay and Prince Casimir Poniatowski, is Opus Dei connected Prince Michel Poniatowski, named in numerous articles as being associated with the aforementioned fascist network surrounding Otto Von Habsburg.

The testimony of X1 alledges/provides a visible witness to similar events.

PV100.399: Tony (X1's alledged pimp) brought her to a domain - there were four other girls (Marianne; Valerie, Catharine, Sonja) [present:] VDB (Paul Vanden Boeynants) - person from Sabena - 4 Gd (gendarme officers) - de Bonvoisin. There was also a gamekeeper that raped the girls but did no more than that. Bonvoisin was the most dangerous - he had come to kill,,, The girls run into the woods and each time they're caught they have to remove a piece of clothing. X1 is forced by Bonvoisin to stay with him - she must choose and point out the girls... Bonvoisin forces X1 to pull the trigger whilst telling her that if she misses she is shot. She fires on Sonja and kills her. Marianne is killed with a crossbow. X1 is raped and brought back home.

As does X3, who is noted as being respected for her subsequent work with child abuse victims.

PV 151.829, June 2, 1997: "A hunt is prepared by Charly and Polo. Present: Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb. This is at another place. Big white house with [at least one additional floor] and stables. The park has a round basin and a fountain coming out of a statue. The children were released naked and when caught, they were raped. The hunt ended with tortures in the spectacle room.

As referenced above and accused within several witness statements, two brothers alleged by numerous witnesses as being connected to the abuse, torture (noted by X2 as her rapists, being present at child hunts), and murder network, are the Counts Leopold & Maurice Lippens.

Their father (Count Leon Lippens) was both a follower of Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and a public speaking advocate for his philosophy. Whilst I'm in no way connecting Chardin to this depravity, his philosophical interconnection to both the control structure, and a further prevalent and indeed pertinent aspect of the macro agenda, will be revealed in later chapters.

“The Lippens family was one of Belgium’s major aristocratic families to take over Société Générale de Belgique, which used to be the Société Générale des Pays-Bas since its founding in 1822 by King William I of Orange and until the Belgian revolution of 1830. Its purpose since its founding was financing the growth of the Belgian economy, becoming a major bank in Belgium and a central pillar of its industry. Other families that had taken over the SGdB include de Merode, de Meeus, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Janssen, Boël, and Solvay, with the Vatican Bank (IOR) also holding stock. Source

I pause to note the connection to several of the bloodlines I discussed in chapters two and four.

Further connected to Bank de Belgique we find the Black Baron’s father, Pierre de Bonvoisin. Alongside being a Bilderberg founder member, he was also the director of the Société Générale de Belgique (now an aspect of the Suez corporation who regular readers may recall I linked to the World Bank privatisation of 3rd world infrastructure that led to the Bolivian water riots), his grandfather being the former director and governor. Pierre de Bonvoisin was also the director of AG insurance, noted for the fact that Maurice Lippens would latterly become its chairman and managing director.

Also worth noting is that Maurice Lippens was the director of the Societe Europeenne de Venture Capital whose major shareholders were the Rothschild and Agnelli (whose connection will be discussed in a subsequent chapter) groups. Alongside being a regular Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg attendee/chairman. He also created the Belgian Commission on Corporate Governance, which included Bilderberg member Baron Daniel Janssen (accused by Count Yann de Meeus d'Argenteuil of trafficking children and drugs) as its director. Lastly, Lippens was chairman of the Board of Directors of Solvay S.A.

With an eye on a later chapter, Count Leopold Lippens was a member of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club.

Baron Janssen was another chairman of the board of directors at Solvay S.A, an honourary chairman of the Solvay group, Club of Rome member, a member of the Executive Committee of the Bilderberg meetings, member of the Trilateral Commission, and a trustee for the friends of Europe (currently "aligning COVID-19 recovery with the 2030 Agenda") whose president is Viscount Etienne Davignon.

Here we can observe that another member of the Trilateral Commission and CFR was one Jeffrey Epstein.

Alongside his friends the Lippens brothers, Visount Etienne Davignon was accused of child abuse by policewoman witness X2. Count Davignon was also a vice president and chairman of Société Générale de Belgique, Vice-Chairman of Suez-Tractebel, president of the Bilderberg steering committee, chairman of the Bilderberg group, former vice president of the European commission, Knight Commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau, European Union Special adviser to the Development Commissioner Louis Michel, and has family connections to the aforementioned Solvays.

PV 117.535: Parties with underage girls in the Cromwel hotel in Knokke.
Present: Delvoie - Karel - X2 - Lippens - Van Gheluwe - Etienne Davignon. The girls knew where to go and with whom. Lippens hits the little girls. Several meetings between Karel and Davignon in the Memling hotel with the two Lippens."

Continuing, Davignon was a close friend of Henry Kissinger, partner at Kissinger assoc inc, director at Solvay S.A, member of the CFR, member of the Trilateral Commission. Alongside the Club of Rome's Prince El Hassan Bin Talal and Le Cercle's Frank Wisner, Davignon is also a board member of the Dialogues: Islamic world - US- The west, which is sponsored by the Rockefeller Bros Fund and Carnegie Corporation. It is also noted that Davignon was a member of the International Club Chateau Sainte Anne - a meeting place for European nobility, diplomats, and politicians, which was chaired by Jacques Solvay. Davignon was also chairman of the Association for the monetary union of Europe (a precursor to the European Monetary Union/EMU).

PV 118.383, December 13, 1996 'Interview with X2': She frequented the Platos,,, After midnight: orgies, sometimes with consenting minors of 14 to 15 years. At the time of an orgie she had sex with Karel... he strangles her until she almost loses consciousness.

PV 150.565, March 4th, 1997, 'identification of persons cited by X2': Karel Van Miert (17/-1/42).

An individual in the statement of X2 is documented as Dr Karel Van Miert. He is a former European commissioner, a Bilderberg attendee, member of Belgiums Grand Masonic Lodge, Rabobank advisor, Goldman Sachs advisor, and the person that succeeded Etienne Davignon as the director of Solvay.


According to witness statements, another highly prevalent participant was former Belgium prime/defense minister, and key architect of Belgium's fascist underground Paul Vanden Boeynants. As documented in previous chapters, Boeynants was closely connected to Bonvoisin through the aristocratic Cercle des Nations - that included the aforementioned Jean violet, CEPIC, P.I.O (private intelligence agency), Opus Dei, the social Christian party, and the Knight's of Malta.

With funding from the Black Baron de Bonvoisin, in 1971 Vanden Boeynants created Nouvel Europe Magazine. Associated NEM clubs operated as a meeting point for fascist militias. An offshoot of NEM was the paramilitary group Front de jeunesse (FJ), which was headed by Bonvoisins advisor Francis Dossogne. A member of both (FJ) and (PIO) was Nazi Paul Latinus, who had been recruited by the US Defense Intelligence Agency, and received training from NATO - Further reference: The Gang & Co page 113.

Far from isolated incidents there are numerous ties between Belgium's fascist underground and NATO/US intelligence.

In combination with their fascist networks, multiple witnesses have accused both Boeynants and de Bonvoisin of running and participating in extremely sadistic child abuse/torture/beastiality and snuff networks. Further testimony alleges that the snuff film network was centered around the former Belgium ASCO arms factory. The CEO of the factory was Roger Boas who was also named as an abuser within the witness statements and had close connections to CEPIC, Cercle de Nations, Vanden Boeynants and Bonvoisin. Subsidiary ASCO Malta was helmed by retired Israeli military officer Avraham Shavit, and can be connected back to the Iran Contra and Eurosystems scandal.

Paul Vanden Boeynants: Source

All of the below men have witness testimonies against them, several of which are found in both the Pinon and Dutroux testimonies. Whilst, alongside Bonvoisin and Boeynants, De Pauw and Boas have further connections to Cercle des Nations.


"The intention was that she (X1) would show them the way to 'the factory', where she already had spoken about in a previous interview. At the time, she talked about a secret studio where snuff movies were recorded. On the E40 Brussels-Luik she had pointed to exit Sterrebeek. From there she made the inspectors drive until a crossing. 'Go left here, she said. A few miles down the road she made the car stop. That's it,' the factory'. De Pauw looked and saw a large board with a name on it (ASCO). It was the company of a business friend (Roger Boas) of a politician pointed out by X1 (Paul Vanden Boeynants) ... 'It has changed', she noted accurately, The X Dossiers Page 259.

She (X1) can give a pretty good description of the building, and when it is identified a month later it also turns out to be accurate: a glass gateway, lots of aluminum, red bricks, square building, an aerial photo in the entry hall, a waiting room with four dark brown couches and a large white astray on a salon table. She describes the murder on a baby, about which Tony V. later insinuated that it might have been her own child…” The X Dossiers, pages 165-166, 259-260

On page 262 of the X Dossier, witness X1 identifies Gendarmerie officer Madini Bouhouche as the "very violent" driver of a BMW that took her to the factory. The officer is further identified by witness X2, and accused of raping X1 whilst he held a gun to her head. Witness X1 further identifies Bonvoisin associate and OAS terrorist Christian Amory, as a driver that took children to recording studios and child hunts.


Evidence Of Corruption

To my mind, the failures and corruption of the Dutroux debacle should be considered as one of Europe’s most catastrophic miscarriages of justice. Analysis and research revealing a monumental top-down level of corruption, complicity, negligence, and ineptitude that far surpasses the realms of chance, or any attempt at an official/rational explanation.

With the wrong people in the right places, what follows is a lesson on how (within even the most heinous of crimes) the course of justice can be subverted and perverted.

In 1989 Dutroix had previously been sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for the sadistic rape and abuse of young girls, he was released after three years.

Dutroux was sentenced in 1989 to thirteen years for his crimes but was freed after having served just three. This was in spite of the fact that, as prison governor Yvan Stuaert would later tell a parliamentary commission: “A medical report described him as a perverse psychopath, an explosive mix. He was an evident danger to society.” Source

The judge who released him was Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, who was later named as a violent (ASCO connected) abuser within the X dossier witness statements.

Even Dutroux's mother had begged that he not be released.

Mrs. Lauwens heard then that her son might be released. She pleaded with the prison authorities not to let him out, arguing that he was too troubled, that he could not be trusted. Source

Judge Wathelet had numerous connections to accused Paul Vanden Boeynants. He was also named by psychotherapist Pascal Williams who was working with two young children who had been the victims of satanic ritual abuse that took place at a castle in the region of Verviers. The children would later be murdered. It was alleged by Williams that he’d been severely intimidated by the local head of the Judicial police and an advisor of its local youth support section.

Following the release of Dutroux, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet would be promoted to a judge within the European Court of Justice at The Hague.

In April 1997, the parliamentary panel named 30 officials it said had failed to uncover Dutroux’s misdeeds. None so far has been punished, and Melchior Wathelet, then the justice minister, has been elevated to the European Court of Justice Source

It was claimed by Dutroix that he was aided by members of the police. Certainly, senior police inspector (and "Dutroix associate") Georges Zicot was initially arrested, as were a further nine serving officers.

And, in further disclosures which Belgium is doing its best to ignore, a book by the highly respected chairman of a parliamentary inquiry into the case claims that his commission's findings were muzzled by political and judicial leaders to prevent details emerging of complicity in the crimes. Source

Police surveillance operation Othello led by BOB officer Rene Michaux, seemingly ignored evidence supplied (on two separate occasions) by police informant Claude Thirault. In conversation, Dutroux had explained to Thirault how to kidnap girls and how much you could earn from doing so, this was immediately reported to the police. After Julie and Melissa disappeared Thirault returned to the police to remind them about the conversation and Dutroux's basement modifications.


The informer told the police in the summer of 1993 that Dutroux was building a bunker at his house in which he was going to imprison the girls, but officers believed Dutroux when he said he was building a new drainage system. Source

The team ignored Dutroux’s mother when she presented evidence from her son's neighbours, who were suspicious of his involvement in the kidnappings.

A year ago, when young girls were disappearing in Belgium, Jeanine Lauwens contacted the police to point them toward an obvious suspect: her own son.
Frightened neighbors, Mrs. Lauwens recalled in a recent interview, had complained to her of strange nightly goings-on at one of her son's many homes. They had seen two young girls entering the house, which had windows covered with black plastic. ''I knew he couldn't be trusted,'' Mrs. Lauwens said. Source

A video surveillance camera targeting Dutroux's house failed to register (due to only filming in working hours) the kidnap of An and Eefje, and the failed escape of the latter. During the same surveillance period, both girls were removed from the house, drugged, and buried alive at an undisclosed location. Within the same timescale, Dutroux would kidnap, imprison, and torture three teenagers (one of whom escaped and informed police) he believed had double-crossed him. Associate Bernard Weinstein would also be drugged and buried alive alongside An and Eefje.

In turn those observations are just a joke, keeping in mind the status of Dutroux as a suspect in a kidnapping case, which, we might assume, would require some urgency for the victims. Six times in two months Dutroux is shadowed, a total of fifty hours, despite the use of energy-saving time lapse. That’s not even 2% of the total observation period. According to an experienced police officer, so ridiculously little it was as good as useless. Meisjes Verdwijnen niet Zamaar page 86: Fred Vandenbussche.

The police held in their possession a videotape showing Dutroux building a hidden cell and raping a woman, which they returned to Dutroux's wife without reviewing. During the trial, when they eventually gave the taped evidence to prosecutors it had both scenes edited out. If they had watched the video when it came into their possession they could have saved the lives of eight-year-old Melissa and Julie, who “officially” starved to death in the cell whilst Dutroux was in prison for four months.

The force admitted that it had held on to the footage for nearly four years without passing it to the judges investigating the country's paedophile ring. Prosecutors were given copies of the tape earlier in their inquiry with the vital scene, and footage of Dutroux sexually assaulting a woman edited out. Source

They found films which went undeveloped and videos which they didn't watch. Had they done so, they would have seen Dutroux building the dungeon. Source


The police had also been informed of the cell by a former cellmate, in subsequent searches it was missed. They visited the property three times, on one occasion that followed Dutroux’s arrest (related to car theft and the kidnap of the three teenagers, and whilst Melissa & Julie were being held) hearing children's voices. Ultimately, the failure to attempt any further dialogue led to the deaths of Julie and Melissa.

Below is the testimony of the locksmith who let them into the house.

I remember almost nothing of the house search, except one thing: when I went down with Rene Michaux and handed him a searchlight, we both clearly heard two children’s voices. Of two little girls. One said three or four words, the other briefly answered; one word of one syllable. It lasted a few seconds. At that moment, a colleague of Michaux came running down the stairs making a lot of noise. Michaux shouted: ‘Tais-toi – Silence!’ We heard nothing after that anymore.

When a parliamentary commission examined the series of failures in the Dutroux investigation the police officer responsible, René Michaux, claimed it was a genuine mistake, that the entrance to the dungeon was well hidden and that the children's voices seemed to come from outside. He found a speculum on the floor which he lifted, handled and returned to Dutroux's wife without forensic analysis. Source


On page 72 of the X dossier it is noted that during the search the police also found locks and chains, chloroform, and vaginal cream.

It appears a second opportunity was missed to save Julie and Melissa.

When officers went to Dutroux's home to arrest him for car theft in the autumn of 1995, they heard children screaming but accepted Dutroux's word that it was the voices of his own girls playing. Source

When Dutroux was arrested under suspicion of kidnapping Sabine and Laetitia, a fruitless further three-hour search was led by Michaux. Letters written by Sabine and hidden under the carpet were also missed, to be found upon their release. Forty-eight hours later, under the weight of evidence and information supplied by accomplice Michel Lelievre, Dutroux revealed their location, and they were found alive.

Police investigators discovered about 30 such letters under a carpet upon her release. Source

Leading officer Michaux would later be promoted to the position of local police commissioner.


Lone Perpetrator?

In keeping with the lone perpetrator narrative, officially his wife (an accomplice and school teacher) allowed them to slowly die. Equally, whilst the official response is that Dutroux acted alone, at 22.40 in the aforementioned documentary, it is noted that the autopsy revealed that one of the girls had been repeatedly raped (whilst Dutroux was in prison) two weeks prior to her death. There were also reports that Melissa had been seen at various clubs in the build-up to her death.

The autopsy report reveals Melissa was raped repeatedly over a prolonged period. But there is nothing, no DNA evidence, no witness sightings, no forensics of any kind to show whether it was Dutroux, or anyone else. Source

There had been reported sightings of eight-year-old Melissa Russo after the date of her kidnap, at various nightclubs. These were never followed up by police, who maintain that Dutroux was a lone paedophile, rather than someone supplying young girls to a network of men, as he claimed at his trial. Source

"I speak not only as a lawyer, but also as a citizen and father," M. Magnee told the court. "He was not the only devil." The lawyer added that some 6,000 hair samples found in the basement cellar where some of the victims were held had led to the discovery of 25 "unknown" DNA profiles. Source

Journalist: “Can you explain why there was no DNA analysis done?”
Prosecutor general Anne Thily: DNA analysis was done madam”
Journalist: “What does that mean?” “That there was no sperm?”
Prosecutor: “They were in a very putrified state, it did not allow to make an analysis of that type, of sperm, or anything”
Journalist: “That’s not what’s written in the autopsy report. Again the story doesn’t square, the bodies weren’t decomposed, DNA can be taken from samples after death. The question remains unanswered, why is there no DNA result? Might it have shown someone else raped Melissa? 23.30

Carine Russo points to a wall of files in her office. 'Where are the results of the swabs taken from Melissa's body for analysis? We know swabs were taken. It says so in the reports. But there are no results. I've asked the prosecutor repeatedly and no one seems to know.' Source

As her testimony corroborated the lone perpetrator narrative the trial focused solely on survivor Sabine. Still, she also spoke of hearing voices outside the room where she was held.

Although she said she sometimes heard voices outside, she only ever saw Dutroux. He allegedly justified his acts by saying he was protecting her from a worse fate. Source

It was also noted by accomplice Michel Lelievre that the girls would be held/conditioned on their own before being shipped to clients.

Dutroux explained to me that he conditioned the girls to be obedient and submissive when they arrived at customers PV 100.223 & PV 100.241 Page 73: The Nihoul Dossier the knot in the Dutroux trial


Further Connections

As we can observe below the recently released (and subsequently physically attacked) kidnap accomplice Michel Lelievre also alluded to a larger network.

A third accomplice, Michel Lelievre, a drug addict and petty thief, told police soon after his arrest that the girls were kidnapped to order, for someone else.
The investigating judge suspected Jean Michel Nihoul, a Brussels businessman and nightclub owner, was the brains behind the operation. Nihoul was arrested.
But Lelievre suddenly stopped co-operating. He was with Dutroux and Nihoul, in prison where they all mixed freely in the exercise yard.
He told police he'd been threatened and couldn't risk saying any more. Source

I would like to reveal other things about Jean-Michel-Nihoul, but I don't want that these testimonies are taken up in the dossier. As I said, I fear for my life and those around me. I remind you that Nihoul told me the following 'if you cross me, I will destroy you'. PV 2.557 Page 62: The Nihoul Dossier the knot in the Dutroux trial

Marc always told me that he kidnapped for people who had placed an order. When he came out of prison in March 1996, I asked him who did the orders when he was in jail, he answered that somebody else did that and he certainly wasn't the only one. When we went to pick up a girl, Marc wanted that she corresponded with the order, small hips. He gave me a description of the girl that we were looking for. I asked him why they (An & Eefje) were still with him even though he claimed he had an order, he told me that the people who had placed the order had come, but they weren't interested in them. PV 100.223 & PV 100.241 Pages 72-73: The Nihoul Dossier the knot in the Dutroux trial

As noted at 7.20 Dutroux was finally arrested when a witness identified his van as being in the vicinity of a sixth abduction. Shortly afterward Michel Nihoul was also arrested, on the night before the abduction he had been spotted (by multiple witnesses) with Dutroux at the scene. They had remained in constant phone contact on the day it happened. The subsequent day Nihoul supplied £10,000 worth of ecstasy to an accomplice of Dutroux.

As noted within pages 93-113 of the X files (De Dossiers) the accomplice was the above Michel Lelievre, and the drugs were supplied free of charge. Further noted is that it took Nihoul eleven days to provide an alibi for the day of the kidnap. The eventual alibi was supplied by lawyer Michel Vander Elst, who (alongside the blood sacrifice of animals) X1 alleged to have been a patron of the ASCO snuff factory and participant in the abuse, torture, and murder of children. The alibi of Vander Elst is noted for several inconsistencies.

As noted in De Dossiers, a family that reported seeing Dutroux and Nihoul together the night before the kidnap later withdraw their testimony after reporting months of intimidation.

Of further note, Vander Elst was previously jailed for providing a false alibi to members of the Haemers Gang. It was the Haemers who had been involved in the (potentially staged) kidnap of the aforementioned Paul Van Boeynants. It was alleged by Nihoul that he met Vander Elst whilst in prison, although they were both previously known to visit the Dolo sex club. Equally, Vander Elst's law office was located in the same building as Vanden Boeynant's apartment.

Briefly, concerning the kidnap being potentially staged, recall we have already connected Van Boeynants to the fascist networks intertwined with the CIA's Operation Gladio which crusaded against elements of the left that were (as yet) not under their full control.

His kidnappers, in rambling notes to Belgian media, claimed responsibility for the kidnapping on behalf of a non-existing left-wing group. Source

We can also find the aforementioned Justice Wathelet (responsible for Dutroux's early release) connection to the case.

While there was no official statement of the amount, reports in the Belgian press mentioned as much as $2 million. Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet acknowledged that there had been negotiations with the kidnappers and said the authorities were still seeking ''the authors of this crime.'Source'


Further Corruption?

Alongside a media-driven campaign to destroy witness testimony. The investigating police and judge (the “heroes”) that advanced the case were reprimanded and removed. The judge and police that failed in their duties were elevated into new positions with higher salaries.

Widely recognised as a hero within the case, on the verge of disclosing the names of government officials, Magistrate Connerotte was dismissed for attending a fundraising dinner for missing children. It had been Connerotte's prosecution that led to the arrest of Dutroux and the release of two girls who had been locked in his cell. Conversely, after a Belgium journalist revealed his connection to two of the accused, it took replacement Judge Van Espen two years and the exposure of his close relationship with Michel Nihoul for him to resign.

The dismissal also followed press reports that Mr. Connerotte was on the verge of disclosing the names of senior government officials who had been recognized on confiscated videotapes, and during allegations of a high-level cover-up. Source

The Belgian judge who saved two young girls from Marc Dutroux's pedophile dungeon broke down in the witness box yesterday, alleging high-level murder plots to stop his investigation into a child-sex mafia Source

On the verge of a potential breakthrough, team-leading officer Rudy Hoskins was removed from the case. Head of the investigation was the highly respected Patrick de Baets, he was removed under the suspicion of manipulating the evidence and planting information, both rebuttals can be heard from 30.35 onwards.

To lead the investigation of Mr. Dutroux, Judge Connerotte brought in one of the National Gendarmerie's top officers, Patriek De Baets, and his team of investigators. Source

It should be noted that de Bonvoisin had previously been implicated in a slander campaign against de Baets. In December 1997 he further accused de Baets of having “overstepped the mark”.

Mr. De Baets was exonerated this year. In November, two journalists from Le Soir Illustre, who were judged to have defamed him and four colleagues, were ordered to pay the gendarmes 2.2 million Belgian francs ($55,000), plus costs. Mr. De Baets and his colleagues, however, remain on leave. Source

Although no evidence has ever been produced and two separate inquiries cleared de Batts of all charges, his career remains in tatters. As noted at 37.00 investigating journalists find that the new police team has rewritten (hence why I note the sanitised version of the files) witness statements, "testimony has been altered".

There was fresh anger in late October when two members of Parliament asserted that the police in Charleroi had destroyed some key files in the case as recently as mid-September. Source

An inconvenient truth is that as with many aspects of this case, publically maligned witness statements corroborated one another with highly specific overlapping details, places, names, unsolved murders, and missing persons cases.

'She gave us some details that made us think it's impossible to give without having been there at that place - the way the body was found at that time, and the way she described the person who was killed.' Source

He had each of her statements checked out, and discovered that she had inexplicably detailed knowledge of the unsolved murders of two young women in the 1980s that supported the thesis of a conspiracy. Source

As highlighted at 16.40 in this documentary witness X1 was examined by a team at the University of Leuven led by the respected Professor Igodt - who was convinced that X1 had experienced extreme sexual abuse during her childhood and that her tesitmony is worthy of investigation. The Belgium justice system decided against investigating her statement any further.

On numerous occasions Nihoul alluded to the blackmail element of the case.

I met Nihoul in a restaurant in Brussels. 'I am the Monster of Belgium,' he roared at me by way of greeting. He is confident he will never come to trial and that the evidence against him will never be heard by any jury.

He will never come to court, he said, because the information he has about important people in Belgium would bring the government down. The Monster of Belgium denies he's a paedophile but seemed to enjoy his notoriety and demanded £1,000 for his story. We declined his offer. Source

Another individual who several people (including police officers) allege perverted the course of the investigation, is police commissioner Georges Marnette. As noted below, working undercover, commissioner Marnette was well known to have infiltrated the sex clubs frequented by several of the accused. He is further noted as participating in cocaine-fuelled orgies with Michel Nihoul. He was a well known good friend of the (Opus Dei, PSC, CEPIC) satanic abuse accused (see the next chapter) Jean-Paul Dumont, alongside having numerous contacts within the far-right circle of Vanden Boeynants.

Whilst the statements of Marnette are noted for their comedic relief, in the light of the above, one has to wonder who was having the last laugh?

"Yes, we used to go the bars, the gay and lesbian clubs and the sex parties," he said, his bushy moustaches bristling at the memory of his past achievements. Infiltrating such establishments was no easy matter; it was not a job to be done wearing "jeans and a leather jacket". Source


Mysterious Deaths

In 2002 the Guardian newspaper noted that 20 potential witnesses and informants had died under mysterious circumstances. Later research leads me to believe the number is closer to twenty-five. “Suicides” connected to the case include chief prosecutor Hubert Massa, who committed suicide without leaving a note.

Shortly after the disappearance of Melissa and Julie Grace-Holland gendarmerie adjutant, Guy Geubels (who at the time was the only person making a connection to a paedophile ring), was due to hold a press conference on Belgium state TV, he shot himself a few days before it was due to take place. A young man named Francois Reyskens reported seeing Melissa and Julie, he was hit by a train two hours before his police interview. Witness Anna Konjevoda was found dead in the river Maas - she had been beaten and strangled. An individual named Jose Steppe had contacted a journalist friend and the police a few weeks after Dutroux's arrest claiming to have important information on the case - he collapsed and died a few days before his interview.

Bruno Tagliaferro, a Charleroi scrap metal merchant who knew Dutroux, claimed to know something about the car in which Julie and Melissa were kidnapped. But he was soon found dead, apparently of a heart attack. His wife Fabienne Jaupart, refused to accept the verdict and arranged for his body to be exhumed. Samples sent to the USA for analysis showed he'd been poisoned. Soon after, her teenage son found her dead at home in her bed, her mattress smouldering. Publicly it was declared suicide, or an accident. There have been 20 such unexplained deaths connected with Dutroux. Source

During the course of the trial a further sobering fact was revealed.

Mr. Bille tried to establish how many children had gone missing in Belgium. Several of the prosecutors' offices failed to reply, but the Brussels region reported that 1,300 minors disappeared between 1991 and 1996. Source

Whilst writing this article a London based actress warned about the attempted abduction of her child.


After receiving threats in person and over the phone, welfare officer and investigator (who worked to expose the Zandvoort network that implicated members of the German secret service) Gina Pardaens-Bernaer, was killed after her car hit a bridge pillar. Prior to her death, her investigations led her to the discovery of a snuff film that implicated a close associate of Michel Nihoul.

"With what I have found", she said, "either Belgium explodes, or I am murdered". Gina Pardaens-Bernaer

This archived documentary reveals further details about numerous dead witnesses

Where Is The Justice?

Whilst Dutroux remains in prison, Nihoul was acquited of charges relating to the kidnapping and convicted on a lesser charge of drug and people smuggling, he was free within three years. The wider network of accused remained free from prosecution. The survivors, the lost, abused, tortured, and the murdered, now seemingly forgotten whispers in the wind, a heart-rending footnote in mankind's fall from grace. Until justice has been served, may their voices echo through the halls of eternity.

The investigation into the implications of Dutroux case will be concluded in the next chapter.

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Written by @perceptualflaws Banner Gifs create by @doze


A heart-wrenching glimpse into the cruelty and crimes of the rich and powerful. I appreciate you excluding extraneous details of savagery unnecessary to the discussion, as knowing these are the people that run the banks, the police, the courts, and the vile institutions that rule over us is troubling enough, crime enough to endure details of.


Thank you my friend - I wanted to at least try and stay on point, a key focus being the institutional scale of corruption that exists beyond the glare of public awareness and scrutiny. The details that are shared being an important component to the overarching narrative.

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