You really haven't done your homework have you. The internet is ablaze with scientist sounding the alarm about the amounts of discharge into the upper atmosphere of the fuels that rockets use. Of course, like many argued about the science surrounded around covid and the vaccines, you have to look at the source, you'll find the same thing here with some scientist saying what rockets produce in the upper atmosphere as miniscule to what is produced on the surface of the earth but the argument fails them in the consideration of those fuels being trapped in the upper atmosphere longer, years, some a hundred years longer than anything produced at the surface. Not only trapped there but the ability to produce heat in the upper atmosphere, warming it's environment, and also the ability to produce what they call mesosphere clouds in the upper most layer that prevents the suns full spectrum rays. The latter, possibly why some argue there's been more of a cooling effect than warming effect on the earths surface and that we'll trend cooler over the years as a result of it rather than warmer.
What you are trying to say here Ralph, without having gone looked at both sides of the issue like I have, and just deciding to make me sound ignorant of what I am saying, is akin to you trying to convince me you can blow up a balloon, and without releasing it from your lips, let the air flow back into your mouth and your cheeks won't expand as a result pushing them outward. Stop, you are embarrassing yourself more than you are trying to embarrass me.
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