My, my, my, what do we have here, a billionaire who was going to work for free by asking for volunteers to do the same to make recommendations to the government of how to cut regulations and cost being stewarded into an established government entity complete with its own staff. Imagine that, something foisted as not costing taxpayers, costing taxpayers. It was never going to be free to begin with, on The Digital Services website it states: "We worried if ten people would even apply. 1000 did." Sound familiar, Elon's call out for people to come work free echoed the same sentiment. Reasoning for it is that this has, according to Robert Rice, professor of public policy at UC Berkeley, the picture painted over the last ten to twenty years by republicans, have painted the elites as basically a deep state, like people who are coming into the country illegally, people who are transgender, but it's a whole different elite here that is really operating and pulling the levers of power, and that's the economic elite, that the democrats, he claims, have not talk enough about. The economic elite that he said is actually and has actually undermined American democracy over the last thirty to forty years. This DOGE scam is just part of that decades long process, it was always intended to be, and it wasn't cost free.
"The thing is that the republican party has used cultural populism over the last 10-20 years to paint the elites as basically a deep state or you know, people who are coming into the country illegally, people who are transgender. I mean there is a different elite here that is really operating and pulling the levers of power, and that elite is an economic elite the democrats have not talked enough, in my humble opinion, about the economic elite that is actually undermined American democracy over the last thirty or forty years."
His bias aside considering he worked in the Clinton administration, it's obvious the bias involved phrasing Republicans at fault while ignoring over the last thirty to forty years, both parties held the presidency, the house and senate. Once you get past that, it was actually Obama who sat up The Digital Government Services of which was the main focus that prompted the discussion. Remember that mess that was the Healthcare gov roll out, well after they fixed it, they never left. They've actually been some rather busy, busy bees ever since. More about that later. They are now at a cross roads, or, if you want to put it this way, how to take a small government entity and apply the technologies they've developed across the whole of government being a small government agency.
The main challenge with the USDA approach is determining how it might be applied to larger more longstanding federal agencies.
We are a small agency about one hundred seventy staff in total. That is not easily scalable to agencies with thousands of employees.
Since they worked with the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Social Security Administration, those administrations would seem to fall within not easily scalable to a small staff of individuals so what's this all about that you need to bring in Elon Musk and his freebie work force, whom you know, just like his lottery winners, really aren't being chosen by happenstance. You know they aren't because this move will give Elon and his allies unprecedented insight across the government and access to troves of federal data. "It's quite the clever way of integrating DODG into the federal government that I think will work in the sense of giving it a platform for surveillance and recommendation", said Rice.
Rice went on to say, "In fact, power today is not just wealth, it's information, it's data. It's knowing what it is that everybody else is doing, and certainly is you have all of that data that government have access to it, and you can slice it and dice it anyway you want, that translate into greater wealth and great powers. If you look under the hood and what you'll always find is monopolization. In fact every time you follow the money, and you're dealing with one of these robber barons, you know, in the gilded age, that's what they are. They are the new generation of robber barons. You follow the money and you get to a monopoly because that's where the big money is. Combine the monopoly with data, combine power that is the market power with power that is information and you get Elon Musk. Trump hoodwinked the average American into believing that he's on their side and convinced enough voters that Kamala Harris and democrats were on the side of the cultural elites, but Trump's hoax will not work for long given the oligarchy's conspicuous takeover of America under Trump Two. Trump's regime is already exposing a reality that has been hidden from most Americans for decades. The oligarchy's obscene wealth and its use of that wealth to gain power over America."
That's an interesting observation, again though with a political slant attached. It fails miserable to the two sides of the coin being attached. It could be labeled bias, or being politically blindsided, where ever it falls it hard to believe that one side the coin is so good at something as to make it believable but the other side of the coin is doing actually that, so how is that convincing people into believing something they claim the other side is just making up. Doesn't make much sense. Democrats never do. If something has been hidden from Americans over the last thirty to forty years, it took both sides of the coin to accomplish keeping it hidden.
He's right though that Trump's hoax won't work. If Trump hadn't kept it a big secret who'd been standing behind him at his inauguration, half to over a majority of Americans in a recent Wall Street Journal poll, would have had an aversion to that. When asked on Elon advising the president, 39% said very/somewhat good idea, 50% very/somewhat bad idea with 11% being neither/unsure. It gets even worse when it comes to billionaires advising the president overall. Billionaires advising the president on policy, 60% very/somewhat bad, 12% very/somewhat good, 11% neither bad nor good. Professor Tim Snyder pointed out "that people over time turn against these oligarchies. Doesn't always mean a turn back to democracy, once they realize that they're being exploited, they tend to not like it so much. Americans, in particular have an aversion to aristocracy. The country was founded and revolt against monarchy and against aristocracy in Britain. We really don't like the elites who are enormously powerful."
Exploited is what this is going to come to be. That's where we get into what The Digital Government Services has been up to since Obama administration funded it. Don't let the Obama name blind you, that was just the implementation stage, preparatory stages of what Trump, Elon and the elites are about to finalize upon us. Once Elon gets handed those golden keys, he will have access to every single department in the US government and all the data contained therein. Not only to all those so called deep state actors they want to get rid of, but everything imaginable the government has on Americans, everything from your social security number to your medical records. Most Americans, I assume, had no idea their personal information would be part and parcel to the government getting rid of the deep states, regulations, and reducing waste.
For some, this deep dive into The Digital Government Services and what they've been up to are going to rock your socks off. One of the first things they did was change up how the government hires people. They termed that the hiring processes were so burdensome to HR departments that often times, unable to find qualified candidates, they'd throw out the whole lot of applicants and end the process of trying to hire a qualified candidate. That is such a lame excuse, if true, we wouldn't even need Elon Musk, as the government would come to a slow grind itself just by deciding not to hire somebody. That would be a huge money saver. That's not here or there as it always takes a crisis to create more government bureaucracy, of which The Digital Government Services was born from.
They came up with the idea of SME's, "subject matter experts", and nobody advances to HR department until the SME's have given them a certification that they qualify for a specific job. These applicants wouldn't just be certified because they were qualified, but some qualified applicant would get extra consideration if they ended up not just being qualified but got into the apples group, preferences to diversify the work force. The apple group of qualified applicants would include veterans, blacks, Hispanic/Latinx, indigenous/natives, women, LGBTQ+, members of other underserved communities, ethnic and religious diversity and diversification by region. DEI is now masked as being an apple, and if a department is not diversified enough, regardless if a qualified candidate has ten years experience and is qualified but isn't within that apple group, they'll reject that candidate or any similar candidates that don't fit within the confines of being an apple and go out and search college campuses or hold job seminars across the US looking for a qualified apple. Someone who gets those extra brownie points for being within the DEI requirements are now disguised as being apples.
You really can't make this stuff up the lengths they'll go to deceive the American public, just like saying republicans are convincing the American public in their minds of something that democrats are openly doing. Really doesn't take much imagination or effort, neither does changing DEI to apples. They'll never know it's DEI if we call it apples. Unfortunately it does get worse. Tour of duty is no longer a construct that applies to military service in the government.
Everyone has been thinking the same way for thirty plus years, deliberately eschewing the tendency for federal agencies to encourage decades long tenure among employees.
Terms of service lasting no more than four years will bring fresh perspectives on technology and delivery to the government.
No worries though, part of being an apple is the ability to think outside the box, be open to change, not show bias and you might get another tour of duty in another government agency. To appease those who like having an inside track to get their relatives in a high paying job, 25% of the jobs that used to be called nepotism, will now be called referrals. Which, I mean in an ironic way, was actually one of the mentions that HR candidates had in filling jobs with unqualified candidates that justified having to go through an iron maiden SME trained in valid, fair and effective assessments and hold the secret ingredient that makes DEI, apples. There will always be that spot for the unqualified senators son who calls an SME and demands to know the status of his son's application, but for the rest of Americans there will be no more reaching tenure, no more advancing to the top of the pay scale, you'll always be at entry level pay of whatever department your are toured to. If it ain't worth to you, they'll go to another region of the world if they have to, to find someone who will. The constitution doesn't provide you are entitled to decent wages, home ownership, two cars in a drive way, medical and a retirement fund, and you'd had better get use to it because Elon Musk is going to make sure you do.
The US Digital Services
Trumps Hoax Will Not Work, Reich Says Trump Cozying Up To Billionaires Will Expose A Hidden Truth
That is the one thing I am sure about American government, is that it's both sides playing against us.