I dunno where you're headed, but I like the direction your thoughts take. I don't think we need most of those agencies, particularly the CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA, EPA, HUD, and so on and so forth, skipping the obvious targets the CIA and etc. Those agencies have proved to be horrific liabilities rather than assets, and these are trying economic times. Ask any Russian, or BTC holder.
This is why I don't have any BTC. Crypto is just data, easily censored. Decentralized exchanges might be able to prevent being sanctioned, but BTC, ETH, and, sadly, Hive cannot. At least I remain unaware of any decentralized exchange that could tell the USG no when told to freeze accounts, on which Hive can be exchanged to Rune, or LTC, and etc.
I guess I'm old fashioned where government is concerned. I mean REALLY old fashioned. I've heard it said that Benjamin Franklin took many aspect of the Iroquois Confederation, which had existed for over a thousand years, and gave it to the dudes who wrote the constitution.
It wasn't broke so why fix it? The constitution intended for the FEDERAL government to defend the border and a few other things. That's it. (read the tenth amendment) nothing else. Everything else is 'states rights' do or not do, up to you
So yeah. I'm as old fashioned as the Iroqouis Nation.