Sure, increased demand puts upward pressure on prices. But the reality is that when you talk to farmers their costs have gone up, and many are being forced out of business, for example in the Netherlands, where they have proved intractable to carbon tax out of business. Eggs is all Biden. The USDA slaughter of healthy chickens is the reason for the rise in prices. That's why Trump doesn't want to hear about it.
Spew your nonsense somewhere else, I've already been all over this a couple years ago.
“There are more than 372 million egg-laying hens in the United States. The anticipated potential impact on egg prices due to this incident is minimal to none currently,” according to a Department of Agriculture spokesperson.
With three hundred and twenty six million people in the country that's one egg a day for every man, woman and child that exist on a daily basis with forty six million eggs left over. The next day, if all those hens lay one egg a day the process starts over for all three hundred and sixty five days in the year. If the backyard farmers hens never laid another egg in their lifetime it would have zero effect on the nations egg supply. If it took them a year to rebuild that chicken plant it also would have zero effect on our nations egg supply.
Math leaving you speechless?