I appreciate this particular post quite a bit, having been long persuaded by cryptic evidence that Bush Sr. was involved in the CIA even during his matriculation, and certainly was the principle logistician of the anti-Castro efforts of the CIA during Zapata Oil's explorations for oil off the Cuban coast. The Barbara II, Zapata's ship parked offshore, was far too convenient to be not utilized to resupply and move personnel in Cuba at the time.
Given his personal involvement and financial dependence on such matters, I suspect he himself was not just there, but fired the killing shot. I have seen (but no longer possess, sadly) a memo from J. Edgar Hoover regarding 41's visit to him in his offices (purported to be somewhat of a life insurance policy) and discussion of the consequences of the assassination and it's relation to Cubans. Some have said 41 threatened Hoover should the FBI not play ball with the CIA.
It also specified that it was 'George Bush, of the CIA', and given George W. Bush's denial of being involved in the assassination investigation (or execution) by the CIA, or being orally briefed by the FBI, I am pretty sure it was 41 threatening to shoot Hoover with a bullet of ice should he not play along.
Bush was quite obviously capable of shooting both men, and his running of the Iran/Contra operation, invasion of Panama, and the betrayal of Saddam Hussein show he was utterly without scruple, and indeed, prone to savagery beyond even that revealed by the history of the Avars, notorious for sewing cats into the bellies of pregnant women.