I'm Cryptomaster, one of the online community forum Moderator's at https://deeponion.org the Tor Integrated Cryptocurrency
To participate in this competition you must be a registered member of https://deeponion.org
Here below is a link to page 1 of the competition on the DeepOnion forum
I think it would be fun to try and find the best post in support of DeepOnion but it must have under 50 characters. :eek: , the exact opposite of the bitcointalk DeepOnion signature airdrop character checker BOT. Haha.
Prize Breakdown
One Member will receive a Prize of 50 Onions each
Ten Members will receive a Prize of 10 Onions each
Ten Members will receive a Prize of 5 Onions each
Total number of Onions = 200
Maximum of 1 post per member
Must be under 50 Characters
Must be supportive of DeepOnion
Full stops/periods and apostrophe's , wont be counted
Include your DeepOnion wallet address
Other Details
Competition will run for 1 week and close next Sunday, the 8th of October, at 06:00 PM GMT
The winner and runners up will be chosen according to the number of likes they receive.
However if there is a tie or for any other circumstance where the number of votes received does not meet the number required in order to choose the winner or runners up democratically, then I will choose them myself.
Winners will receive their onions after competition close. I will quote the winners posts with the transaction ID of the sent onions.
I am not going to enter myself but this is my quick attempt below...
DeepOnion, a great brand and an amazing community
Anyway here is the link again to my competition on the DeepOnion forum.
...Good luck all