The Rise of Cryptocurrencies Creates Tension in Banks

in #deeponion7 years ago

As we all know, there are currently many movements of cryptocurrencies worldwide, bitcoin influences the market and therefore are large sums of money, something that a bank also manages but only the bank and not one or several people, of course, this it has to do with the Blockchain technology, which, at the moment of having done the cryptocurrency activity, when people change to their local currencies, the banks record large movements of money, under which, people do not do with a common job and current.

Several countries are aligning with this technology, creating a certain distrust or loss of control in banks, all because they lose track or find it difficult to trace transactions, but, most of the cryptocurrencies in the block chain can be traced, if they propose to investigate, especially bitcoin. With a cryptocurrency like DeepOnion it would be impossible to track, since it uses the integrated Tor network with OBFS4 and MEEK, and now with the early release of "Stealth Direction" under the pseudonym "Deep Protocol" where you can send Onions without knowing who did it, and apart from the fact that they can not see the balance of their wallet, this would complicate the situation of the bank much more.

In fact, at BanK Of América, he publicly mentions that he fears the great participation of people with cryptocurrencies, because he obviously endangers his business and is implementing measures to prevent his clients from acquiring bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but if this is the case, then, DeepOnion will be the biggest executioner, because once people start marketing with onions, the bank will do it? If it can not be traced? Will they put their engineers to find a way to do it? I think it would be impossible for them.

In addition there are countries that try to adapt to this technology, the case of Venezuela with the Petro, backed by hydrocarbon reserves, recording sales of 1000 million dollars on two days a week, and also aroused interest in other countries such as Iran and Turkey , that will initiate tests to also create their own cryptocurrencies, just imagine the impact that DeepOnion can create in these countries, because in these countries they do not have the DeepOnion technology, the transactions and the movement of money would be double or triple that could be executed. , of course, now that they will launch the wallet in Android version, it will be a feature that will set the standard in the world! Making the value of the Onion grow much more.

Already because of all these events, the Bank of America has prohibited the purchase of cryptocurrencies through their credit cards from February, I think it is a desperate decision and that people will be inclined to buy by other means than credit cards, but if you want to participate and buy onions to protect yourself from these measures is totally valid, with the integrations that DeepOnion uses, those prohibitions are not a problem for us, because you would enjoy the privacy and anonymity that deserves impossible to trace your transactions, and if you want to know more about our currency you can go to: and also on twitter:

If there is such a difficulty that it is impossible to trace by the bank, it would mean a great failure for all the policies they handle, in this case the Bank of America, since there would be no control carried out by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ( OFAC) and other instances that fight money laundering.
It is clear that alternative technologies, such as cryptocurrencies, and in this case DeepOnion, would limit the ability to control totally the movements of Funds. The announcements and measures that the bank has taken, has limited to its clients in stock exchange of Merrill Lynch the investments related to the bitcoin.
This is a great opportunity for people to operate with us, take care of their identity, provide them with the privacy and anonymity they deserve without being tracked, another cryptocurrency like DeepOnion is hard to find (it does not exist), still in Airdrops, you can enter, there is a great opportunity to do it, I know that very soon people will know about us, whether on television and in good press and news, there have already been some there, little by little becoming the cryptocurrency leader in anonymity and privacy, I am sure of that.