Simple things for great ideas: DeepVault as a revolution in essence

in #deeponion7 years ago (edited)

DeepOnion is not a project focused to be only a payment method.


Blockchain is becoming a new paradigm for data storage and distribution of descentralized networks, clearly it's expanding very fast and every day we can find more an more projects based on this technology proposing poweful and interesting solutions for a lot of issues and processes we perform dayly.

In certain aspects of life, where we need trust about others for let an action success, sometimes we ask ourselves many questions about how we can trust completely in those others, live is a process which is composed for perceptions, own perceptions, but all those perceptions, are to a large degree builded by the others and ther actions.

Smart contracts are one of the most helpful and innovative features that blockchain technology has allowed to live, it has raised the idea of non-needed trust in others because the contract knows perfectly how, when and in what way execute a process particularly.

and... what's with that?

Now let's talk about DeepVault. DeepVault is a feature from DeepOnion that gives us the opportunity to register a file (either a document or an image) hashed and signed with a wallet address which represents the document owner, allowing us to validate and verificate the autenticity of such file in the future. It technically does not seems as a truly mega feature, but keep in mind the concept, the idea.

It's not a secret that corruption are one of the biggest problems we affront actually, it entails many circumstances when equilibrium disappears and leave one of both sides bad affected.


Decentralized and non-hackeable networks can provide us more security what we imagine, if we think for a while about authenticity as such, a lot of issues come to our mind, but, if authenticity is stored and distributed via blockchain, for sure many of these issues will take another face.

Let's see some things about solution implementation based on Smart contracts and DeepVault concept.

some examples...

  • Legislation.

If governmental decisions and process are all stored in the blockchain, keeping authenticity and transparency on all documents containing pacts and agreements performed and are all available for population, many things will start to run better.

  • Judicial processes.

Each detail of a judicial process stored and signed in the blockchain, can make that both all parts immersed and evidence can be in an unmodifiable and secure site, deleting danger of future forgery and conspiracy against integrity of all people immersed.

  • Education and evaluation systems.

No doubt, educational and evaluation processes can be improved thanks to blockchain benefits taking the DeepVault concept, turning it into transparent and secure procedure that keeps the true aim standing.

think in all those ways which DeepVault can improve our world...

Talking about thinking... personally I think this is a reason for believe in a project, when simple ideas really can change our lives and generate a benefit to the community.

DeepVault is already implemented in the desktop version of DeepOnion wallet, currently DeepOnion dev team is working on its web version. Smart contracts will play an important role to achieve that goal. Although currently Smart contracts are in development by DeepOnion team, support is worth it to help people accomplish great ideas.

I hope something here is useful for you, thanks for your attention.

For more info, go to:

What are smart contracts?

Click here for a brief introduction to DeepOnion


Awesome article, going to share on twitter and facebook right now. VOted up too!

Great article! Thank you for sharing this information! You deserve my vote. Keep Up!

It is very inspiring, we have a great winning feature, it has a lot of future, thanks for Sharing.