The images are difficult to read, especially the first one with the comparison graphic. Could you please add links to high quality images.
Apart from that really informative and well written article. I am looking forward for the releases. Would prefer the stealth addresses but I guess the next release is vote central
I think you can click into the image on steemit to zoom into it too. Thanks again..Hi ra213 thank you very much.. Yes i cant wait for the other privacy features which will be out soon ..oh I have updated the image more coin data and showing time line Q1 to 3 I've just posted the newer one in my forum designs thread page 18 Its available as my twitter pinned tweet
Thank you for your response. It doesn't seem that you can click on the image, but you can copy the image url and open it in a new tab. Here is the full size image:
One question regarding the nodes. The image states that there a 406,472 nodes online, but this doesn't seem right. I remember an article which mentioned that it should mean 406 + 472. Could you clear things up? Are there about 900 nodes and what is the difference between those two counts?
Hi ra213 I zoomed into the image using my browser.. plus depending on what browser you use allows the image to be further expanded...
Regarding the nodes I copied the info from another member who created a different comparison poster..
However the total node number of DeepOnion is huge as it uses all the nodes on the tor network and not just the DeepOnion wallets.
There were two posters the dev put onto bitcointalk quite a while back showing the amount of tor network nodes vs bitcoin... The data from that was between 2012 and 2013 which gave the total tor nodes as over 200,000 (200K) back then.. I combined the two images so it was twitter friendly here is that tweet ..
Plus an uploaded preview here possibly not zoomable ::)

So i assumed that the total daily online nodes now is over 400,000 as in the other comparison poster i referenced...
I have another update to the privacycoin comparison poster too in my thread on the forum which includes the completion of the DeepOnion Android wallet & Stealth addresses aka DeepProtocol. This is on DeepOnion wallet Version 1.6.0 which is mandatory before block 460,000 . P.S I've just seen your article about the wallet update. Good work..