DeepOnion - Personal experience

in #deeponion7 years ago

DO History text.jpg
Hello to everyone!
I want to share an experience that I had with DeepOnion coin and community so far from my personal standpoint. I am relatively new to the world of cryptocurrencies, and I am still learning about it every day. I knew about Bitcoin and other coins for a long time and I was reading about it from time to time and, as many people do, I wish that I have invested into it in the early days. But that is a water under the bridge, no point in looking back.
At the beginning of this year I have decided to get involved into all of this a little more instead of getting left behind by people who jumped in early. I started to investigate and learn how things work and started to try mining on a small scale with my PC that had a R9 270x GPU just to see how things work. i started mining Digibyte coin DGB as I have decided that it has potential to grow in the future.
After two or three weeks of mining like that I wanted to have more power so I have decided after thinking for a few days about it to sell my GPU an add all of the money I had at the time and to buy a GTX 1070. I still have that GPU and it is mining ZEC at the moment.
You may ask why I am writing this long introduction and what it has to do with DeepOnion, well we are getting to that.
Of course, as anybody that is getting more serious about this world of digital coins knows you will get to the famous Bitcointalk forums sooner or later. My first mistake that I have made, and will never forgive myself for, was not registering to the forum when I found it. I just wanted to learn about everything and to see what people are using for mining and did not feel the need to get actively involved in discussions. I took some time for me to decide to register and i was posting mostly in local forums with my native language.
There I found out about DeepOnion as someone mentioned that he is included in airdrops. I was interested but after I found out that my account is a month and a half too young to be accepted (that mistake that I mentioned for not registering earlier) I did not get involved into it. I have watched from the sidelines from time to time and even downloaded a wallet and got some small change in Onions from a faucet.
My first significant transaction was from a contest that themonkii organized on reddit, and it was for a best post in a contest thread. I remember it was 2 or 3 AM and I decided to write a little poem expressing how I felt for not being included in the airdrops. I got 2 Onions right after posting it, and another 7 a few days later when it was announced that I was a winner. My first contest won! :)
Here is the link to that reddit contest:

After that I have registered to the DeepOnion forum to give a thank you for the reward and made a few posts but I was not active after that as my account on BCTalk forum was too young. I thought that I will never get a chance to get in because of that so I have just moved on. That was another mistake. Some time after that there was first shift in rules and younger accounts were allowed to apply for the airdrop than before. I remember when I saw that I just got home from a night out with friends, and it was 2-3 AM again and I rushed to apply for the airdrop as I thought that I had all the requirements for it. I was sure that I will get accepted and was very disappointed when next day my application was rejected and I was blacklisted. My account was flagged as suspicious as it was young and with almost no interaction with DeepOnion.

I was thinking about letting it go and giving up on DeepOnion and moving on but something told me it was worth to try harder. So I started to be more active here and in the BCTalk DO thread. I posted almost every day and tried to be helpful and hoped that my contributions would be noticed. As I like to do amateur graphic design I have decided to try and make something that would be interesting to this community but also that could attract interest of people that do not know about DeepOnion.
The name "Airdrops" reminded me of Airwaves chewing gum from the start and I had an idea to make a design for a chewing gum with DeepOnion taste. And as DeepVault was announced at that time I have incorporated that into design. So my first DO design was born:
Airdrops 2.jpg
It was received very well, and everybody liked it so I have made another one. A DeepOnion history book from the beginning of this article. I have entered a contest that was made by Vaas with chewing gum design and won it for 14 Onions, and he was very kind to send me another 20 Onions because he liked a history book design. At that time I have opened a ticket for application review and bykardinal said that account looks OK and will be reviewed for future airdrops but unfortunately it was not resolved before new airdrop rules came into play so I missed an opportunity to be included from the start and to make a good foundation for new rules that are based on number of coins that you hold.
But that was because of my newbie mistakes and missed opportunities, so what can you do. I continued to contribute and my thread with designs got some more entries. If you want you can see them here:

I have also started to make wallpapers and I have made a thread for them to keep them in one place for people who want to use them. Latest one was received very well and it includes our devs and mods that have custom avatars. From left to right: DogLover, Impressive, Deeper and themonkii.
Family portrait WP.jpg
You can find this wallpaper (and its version with light background) in higher resolutions, and many more wallpapers here:

Of course my contributions are not only with graphic design but also with helping other members, giving suggestions, getting involved in constructive discussions, spreading the DeepOnion word online etc.

Right now my DO wallet has 672 Onions, not even close of what I could have if the stars have aligned for me and if I was included from the start, but not too bad considering everything and the fact that I have not invested anything but my time. If I had spare funds I would be buying Onions left and right but unfortunately my financial situation is not great (and that is a massive understatement :D ).
As regular airdrops are considered I have received following amounts:
16th airdrop: 8.04
17th airdrop: 15.69
18th airdrop: 24.73
19th airdrop: 31.61

DeepPoints airdrops were much better for me but as regular airdrop amounts are increasing DeepPoint airdrop amounts are decreasing. What I got this past 4 Sundays was:
I was equally active every week more or less, but more members got involved and domination tasks took their share. I got some more Onions in some contests so i can't complain.

I have to give a special Thank You to a member MetaSk who was so kind to borrow me 51 Onion that I was short to a 100 when 16th airdrop by new rules took place. He only knew me from a forum for a week or two and he trusted me that I will return it which I did right after that first Sunday airdrop. I did not even ask him to borrow it, but when he found out that I am short he just sent me a PM that said "check your wallet" so thank you again for that.

So, that was supposed to be a short version of my experience with DeepOnion so far. It got longer than I have expected. I have tried to include all of the important things that happened to me here up to this point. If I would mention every person that helped me or said a kind word this would be a thick book so i will thank you all together. Thank you for all of your kind words and support. Thank you for every like and every comment. I can say that I am proud to be a part of this community and that I will continue to give my best to promote this coin that I really believe has a great future. I hope that we can work together, everyone to their best ability and most important of all we all need to pull in one direction, together as a team, and not everyone for himself.

In the end I want to invite everybody that has interest in cryptocurrencies to come and join us. This community is the best that I have ever seen, mods are great and very helpful and you will always find an answer to your questions. It does not matter if you have experience or not, if you have money or not. Just come and join us. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of creating something really great. If you are looking back and ask yourself why I have missed Bitcoin, Ethereum or something else, don't let it happen again. Mark my words: THIS COIN IS HERE TO STAY!!!

You can find all the information needed here:
