It seems I’ve fallen off my horse.

in #deepshit7 years ago

The last few months have not been bad. I’ve not be entirely uninspired. I feel peace. I feel good enough. I am motivated to keep going and relatively optimistic.

I have to admit though, that in comparison to my first few months here and then the first two months or so of my comeback in late November, the magic isn’t as strong. I’m not going to stay silent for weeks until the real excitement and raging passion comes back. I still have a lot to offer, even from this state of “meh”, but I would definetly like to get back to those great heights.


At that time, I woke up full of excitement every day. I didn’t need to ponder what to do with my time. I had flashes of inspiration that lasted as long as they needed to to finish the task. I saw through the skin of every person I met, and beyond the physical appearance of objects into pure essence. I had superpowers.

Once any routine, outside of working on the self, starts to feel like routine, it becomes hard to hold on to. I actually did manage to hold on to it for a while, but then when some inevitable stressful situations came up, I lost sight of it.

I’m trying not to put any pressure on myself. You can’t force passion. There will always be highs and lows in life. Things come in waves. I’m just trying to figure out what going with the flow really means. How do I invite that incredible inspiration and peace back into my daily life? That’s the question of the moment.

I may want to read some books in the coming weeks and so if I miss a bunch of your posts I apologize in advance. I will try to stay as active as I can without allow any of it to distract me from the reflective state I’d like to rediscover, where I can see myself in others and them in me. Conversations about all his help so feel free to find me in discord.

Have an awesome day. Remember how beautiful life is.


Join the "Be Awesome" discord community

The Be Awesome discord chat, was created with the intention of making deeper connections with fellow steemians. Come talk about "deep shit" and make friends.

I’m also a language learning coach. Come find me if you need help learning a language.

Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


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by @skyleap


Maybe work on changing your perspective to longer term focus and goals than your daily activities, if you do, what your doing will become easier and adaptable to meet your goals.

To focus on the present is to forget the future and to guide your future through the present moment in decisions.
To focus on the future is to forget the present, guiding you to a point where your desire to fulfil your destiny takes control of your daily activites.

While the latter can sound freightening I am sure there is an optimal balance of this scale for everyone.

If it is peace you wish to find, study your ambition and set a lofty goal to surpass that ambition then know that your subconcious will help guide you to peace as it has found a purpose. I think doing this will help you in your day to day life.

That may actually be some awesome advice, I will have to try it first. Most of what I have heard has told me to focus on the "Now" but if Now is all that exists than future exists in the now as well, and I can focus on it without avoiding Now.


I'm right there with you, I've been struggling to motivate myself to write. Rather I've been reading and advancing my understanding of life with books and meditation. The whole "meh" feeling makes interacting here much more difficult, almost like I could... but I'd be forcing it a little.

I think getting in the flow is something we all want and strive for, and that striving is the problem. It's like "How do I get there?" but it isn't something we can just DO. I also really struggle staying with it.

Maybe we can chat it out. We have both acknowledged the ability for conversation to propel us into that state we want to be in so maybe we can try it out on each other :-D Sometime this week.

Definitely, I'll hit you up, there were already a few things I wanted to talk about

We've all been there. Sometimes I look at my feed and think "Wow, everyone has so many intersting things to say" and then there's days that I look through and wonder "Wow people must not have anything interesting to say". It's a hit or miss. But when inspiration hits just go with it! I get that way. Last week was really good. Now I'm trying to find what will interest people. This morning I was excited I flipped my pancake perfectly and posted a picture Lol!! Don't give up, just keep going.

I'm just trying to find inspiration which is not exhausted in the process of sharing it. I've found it before but never for for any extended period of more than a few weeks. We all want that I guess :-D

My following the unfolding path experiment is going well. The key i'm finding is to have no expectations or judgements. When I think something more exciting should be happening I loose my peace. When I judge what is happening to be not enough I loose my peace.

Instead I have been simply following the next step and trying not to think beyond that. Then that step leads to something else. So far they are all little things but i'm have a fun time again and feeling good.

My vlog this morning was simply a tour around the attic. Yesterday I just didn't feel inspired so didn't make one.

I'm staying in the conversation, but only when I feel like it. And, an unexpected bonus is finding myself clearing out a lot of stuff.

What if you could never find passion again? How would you live your life then?

What if there was nothing you could do to invite inspiration and peace back into your life? What then?

Have a wonder full day @whatamidoing! 💙

Those are good questions. There are two methods of fixing this and I may bee too focused on one (Increasing desire), and not enough on the other (reducing expectation). I will spend some time with these thoughts. Thanks!

Glad you found the questions helpful. 😍

Don't worry about missing posts, time should be spent offline doing offline things occasionally with offline friends :) Enjoy the books and hope you rediscover your superpowers soon :D


Offline! 3D! Or 4D maybe so you don’t get confused

I am generally confused by 4d. I think it's supposed to be time but I tend to apply it to stuff I can see that no one else can (usually but not always inside my head). Perhaps that would be 5d? Now I'm more confused XD Must be coffee o'clock.


I want to hear more about the weird stuff in your head!

Some of it should come out in stories. The rest of it well enough people think I'm a mental case as is ;D


we must be on the same wavelength because I literally wrote a quick blog post on this feeling last night and I used the same metaphor of getting back on horse lol glad you're in an upswing my friend!

People keep sending me to posts that make me feel like I need to insist that I didn't copy anything, I didn't even see the post :-D The same thing happened with @brightstar yesterday who posted about learning from dogs a day before I did.

I usually check everyones posts after I write my own haha.

ohhh don't take it that way - I definitely did not mean it like that! lol I just thought of the wonderful synchronicity in my universe where as soon as I'm putting myself out there to try and make positive changes I see the same thought patterns mirrored back at me ! :-)

Believe me I have such a hard time keeping up with any posts on here - my feed is over flowing and I miss so much stuff. Honestly I enjoy your posts so much that I've tagged you on with my ginabot so I see when you put new things up! LOL

I by no means assume you saw my post so please don't feel like that - and fuck anyone who assumes that because clearly they must be rather conceited in their thoughts @whatamidoing - I know there are copycats floating around out there but someone like you? LOL I would die of shock to learn your ideas were not your own.

I didn't take it that way! Haha I just mean it's happened twice this week! I don't think anyone thinks I copy anything but I do borrow ideas from people sometimes, and topics to talk about, but I try to always mention them in the post.

Thanks for putting me on your ginabot, I have no idea what that is, I'll have to check it out. I get updates on steemify when some people post but i haven't updated that for a while, I should.

glad to hear I didn't offend you! loloohh I haven't tried steemify - @ginabot runs through discord and is super simple for not-so-tech-savvy peeps like myself LOL she will tell you when you're tagged in things, or people use a tag you follow - etc. I couldn't do half as much on here if I didn't use her