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RE: I could be in jail in 60 minutes. I've been using myself as "stingbait" for 8 years, gathering evidence of corruption at Court. On Friday, I got what I needed, but at the cost of exposing myself to being jailed on contempt.

in #deepstate7 years ago

I contacted him but he never responded. What I've learned in my decade of hot activism is that people quickly say, "You should contact X; they will help you.", not realizing that X is inevitably a part of the Deep State deception.

For example, the ACLU is fucking worthless. They won't touch a truly controversial speaker who is getting creamed by government with a ten foot pole, because they are all about donations. Fuck the ACLU and FUCK all of the attorneys in this shithole county (the County of Santa Clara).

If I had more space and time, I could tell you some real eye openers. That is the whole point of my interest in creating a truly free speech zone. You have no idea how deep and thoroughly metastasized the corruption is, worldwide, including in the United States.


Yeah, i got a state supreme court ruling in my favor, not my case but identical, and the aclu refused to help me.
I need to go back and fight it, its cut and dried.

You wont get marc to talk to you for less than 100usd, he wants family time and has plenty on his plate.
Join the frankrizzo3 skypechat on his page, and those guys will help you, its what they do, day in and day out.

You don't get it yet. You will all remain powerless, and your children screwed totally, until you personally adopt an "all for one, one for all" attitude. It's part of being an adult man. In a different form, it is also an important part of being an adult woman.

Don't mean to offend, and certainly not attack you for being one of the extremely few people here who will actually have a conversation. I'll be in jail in two days. I fear for my life; it is easy to arrange bad things to happen to someone in jail. But no one will fucking do anything meaningful, even though it would be very easy to do it.

Yeah, two days in that skypechat would be plenty.
You got to do it for yourself, nobody can do it for you.
Dont use my name, they may still remember me as the pinko.
Especially the fella from detroit and gary capps, two of the best voices in there.
Their economics aside they can give you the monkey wrench to get you out of jail free, but you have to be able to place it in the machine.

We are too rare in the population to find favor with those that go along to get along.
They embrace their slavery, and cant recognize freedom when it slaps them in the face.

You're a pinko commie? Shit; I'm not gonna talk to you.... (Just kidding). I love you, my pinko commie brother, because you are not a sheep. You are awake.

BTW, communism works great "in the small", i.e. within nuclear families and, historically, also with race-based clans and tribes. It works when there are emotional bonds that unite people so that they don't "free ride". Absent such bonding, such love, incentives inevitably ruin the "brotherhood". IOW, brotherhood only works if it is real, biological brotherhood.

I'd like to hear more of your economic viewpoint. Would you say that you are a communist because you think that communism in the large can work well, or are you a communist mainly because the alternative, "crapitalism", is even worse?

This book presents a viable picture of communism.
It is what finally explained why all the more senior anarchists were communists.

If you havent embraced communism, you havent fully stepped out of the matrix.

This one gives a more ancrap vision, but it doesnt use money, either.

The first ten pages of "Looking Backward" are delightful. On page 10, the author introduces his theme with the view that income from an investment should be viewed as "a species of tax ... upon the product of those engaged in industry...".

I would counter that the fallacy of this view can be exposed by pointing out that in a "free market" there is no coercion; all participants participate voluntarily, including the investors, the entrepreneurs who borrow and issue shares, the workers in the factory, and the purchasers of product. All of the relationships are voluntary, and hence presumably mutually beneficial, exchange relationships.

There is no doubt that this happy state of affairs does not fully manifest in the real world. My point is only that living on the income from one's "capital" cannot be fairly characterized, per se, as a tax on workers. Workers might well be taxed and otherwise oppressed in capitalism as it exists in the real world, but the oppression cannot logically be attributed to capitalism itself.

The book is so delightfully written that I will keep it bookmarked for a while in the hope that I will continue to read, so that I give it a more fair chance to persuade me of its thesis and also so I can understand how you see the world.

The choice of submit to exploitation by a crapitalust or starve is not a free choice.
We have no choice but to eat and the crapitalust system has a lock on that.

Emma Goldman and Alex Berkman are the authorities on the subject i most rely on.

This book presents a viable picture of communism.
It is what finally explained why all the more senior anarchists were communists.

If you havent embraced communism, you havent fully stepped out of the matrix.

This one gives a more ancrap vision, but it doesnt use money, either.

Russell's story is also engaging. I read up to the point where farmer #2 is released and the Ambassador orders the ship moved. I can guess that the colonists have "established" (if that word can indeed be used) anarchy on the planet and that the Ambassador will eventually discover that his search for an authority is futile as there is none.

I will keep this bookmarked also, but it is frankly unlikely that I will find the time for this "pleasure reading", as I am fully engaged in a hot battle in both State court and now in Federal District Court, and also am more than a month behind in my administrative work.

If we continue our conversation, that will remind me of these links and those reminders will enable me to find moments to read farther.

Yes, it works on 'obs'.
If i do some work for you i have planted an obligation on you and honor requires that you get it up off of you as quick as you can by either trading my ob for his, or working yourself.
Its quite ingenous.

Good luck in court, dont forget to ask for the prosecutor's evidence that you surrendered to his jurisdiction.
Otherwise he has failed to meet his burden to bring the issue to court at all.
Unless he can show for the record that you agreed to abide by the law the judge has no choice but to dismiss, if hes not a crook.