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RE: How To Get Rid Of Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists

in #deepstate7 years ago

Caitlyn, I love most of your writing. You are speaking the truth about power and money in the developed world, and I have been sharing your insights widely among my friends and acquaintences. It's essential that as many people as possible read your words, think about them, and then hopefully translate that into action.

Which is why I'm writing to say, please stop peppering your sentences with "fucking" (or whatever term you think evokes hipness and edginess). It's annoying and adolescent, and therefore it gets in the way of your VERY IMPORTANT message. Join the table of writers and political analysts that is set aside for the grownups. You have something that we all desperately need to hear and think about. Don't undermine it with faux edgy literary indulgences.


Thanks for fucking mansplaining how to write to one of the most talented bloggers/journalists in existence.

Sure. Whatever works to get the word out to as many people as possible.

The only 'fucking's are used in the sub-headings, not in the body of the text. To me, this makes emphatic sense within the context and the use is consistent, not random. I don't see it as trying to evoke hipness or edginess, nor as annoying or adolescent - I consider the writing produced by CJ to be pretty grown up already. Fair enough your reaction and you are fully entitled to it, I just don't agree with the tone of censorship re. CJ's writing, and am saying so.

I hear that. When I read or watch videos off the main stream outlets my opinion of what they are trying to say goes down with every four letter expletive they use. That's just representative of if I can take what they are saying seriously, my opinion of their intelligence is another matter.

Fuck you post a lot of comments...

I picked up blogging about three years ago, it's now become a hobby, what can I say I enjoy it. This isn't the only site I blog guess you can say I am long winded?

So am I!! I am so glad you pointed this out. Who does he think he is having somme sort of stripe near his middle region!! The nerve!!

i don't hear it like that, as an evocation of hippness etc. 'fuck' is an intensive in certain usages like those above. i.e. it adds an emotional charge to adjacent lumps of meaning. colloquial speech uses these all the time and it's not confined to certain social classes, types of english, or age groups. the writer's use of this emotional energy of the colloquial strikes me as skillful and therefore 'grown-up'.