in #deepweb5 years ago

This is a little taster of what is to come, and keep in mind this is the tip of the iceberg the easy to find stuff.


The first picture is my desktop.
I like to use linux parrot security for my main operating system.
For this type of activity using Windows is a bad move as the majority of viruses are written to target windows OS.
Maybe start buy using Ubuntu on a virtual machine if unfamiliar with Linux and the command line or alternatively create a Tails OS live disk.
If you would like I step by step post comment below and I shall create one.


Switching to anonymous mode and getting tor ready


#3 & 4

A very common and easy to find introduction point. It's not my usual go point, but it's famous.


#5 & 6

This is a very common type of site on the deepweb (drug store). As you can see it's a pretty basic looking page as in the deep they are purely doing business, It's the transactions not the site. And as you can see everything is brought with Bitcoin.


Deepweb hackers for hire.
This speaks for it self make services available.




#8, 9 & 10

Guns to your door.
If you go to the right places you can find anything. Unmarked guns anonymously shipped to your door.


Passports and citizenship for sale.
Yet again speaks for itself.
Become a USA citizen with all documents in exchange for Bitcoin.


A site seized by various law enforcement agencies. This is common on the deepweb when the one amongst the millions gets caught.
Hey it happens they probably deserve it.
Thanks for reading as I said this is the tip of the iceberg, it gets a lot darker from here on out.


Thanks for the update pal.

There will be lots more to come I am in the process of filming some new weird sites please keep an eye out its only a couple of days away.

Thanks for the positive reply

Its nice guideline to the deepweb

I will dive a lot deeper soon. I will find some great stuff please follow me here and on YouTube I'd be really greatful

I have recently done a video showing some more sites found please have a look it's in my newer posts.
Many thanks

I know what it is about but dont dabble. Thanks for the sneak peek.

There is loads more to come I will upload soon.. Please like and subscribe on YouTube