A Steemit Original Experiment

in #delegation7 years ago (edited)

This is a delegation contest open to anyone with the ability to make a stupid comment

George Holden Creative Commons  License CCO

I challenge anyone and everyone to play

This is a chance for any account to be reviewed for a chance at delegation

This is a chance for any user to cast a large up vote for someone besides themselves

This is a chance to buy votes for a good cause post and takes rewards from the trash

Only stupid comments will cause your account to be reviewed

I challenge anyone else with a little power to spare to also look at those who can follow the rules and give their account a review

Let's make steemit Great again and play a game while we watch the cave troll be slaughtered

Psalm 37:21

The wicked borrows and does not pay back, But the righteous is gracious and gives.

There are 4 pages

I like coins. They are teh shape of teh earth.
now check out my beautiful photography:

What a shitpost! Why is it not trending? Did you forget to buy votes?

I are poor.

Poor people don't have vote sliders.

If only I had 300K steem power to give you, but taking care of 10 other humans takes most of my money.

If Albert Einstein had eaten poop, he would be like @suesa although insidious creatures like @erodedthoughts are erinaceous even jentacular monetary affairs of the state suffer snake bites giving way to erosion and heart attacks. If you upvote me with @ned holding @acidyo by the bellybutton and frying maggots to circumcise on Thanksgiving. Giving in to the stench of cupboard and moonlight juicing itself over the roof of Gandalf as Jon Snow drinks piss from wires of pure contusions as zombies commit abortions and make out in @jerrybanfield's house. @themarkymark fell.

You sir are a master.

🙏 at your stupid service

Wow this post is listed in trending! Congrats.
Learn how to avoid

crap posting here / https://steewit.com/etiquette/@aggroed/satirically-yours-etiquette-for-young-modern-steemers-shit-posting-101


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Steemit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of scamming physics most of the post will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Ned's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these post, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Steemit truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ned's existential catchphrase “Your voice is worth something,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ned’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Steemit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

I hate it when everyone tries to act smart, just like the organizer of this stupid contest. For instance, who here knows what 'Delegation' is? Nobody, of course! So please don't come here and be fronting like you do! You're just as dumb as the rest of us. Tho I'm still a bit smarter!

am still pondering on what to write. don't mind me. just following the word of God.
proverb 15:28:The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.

I don't know where these Proverbs come from but I like them. I found mine watching the Frankenstein Chronicles Season 2.

oooops....thats strange. ..i found mine in the dream..it was really interesting

Have all your thoughts been eroded and stupidity was all you thought was left worth delegating too in this steemian world!!!

Imagine me, I had thought you better than that but I also believe in dragons so it's my own fault for having faith in humanity!

I shall not play that game! Best of luck to you kind sir!!!

You WILL play rather you wish to or not! You don't make the rules here in my contest.

LAMO, I feel like this a my house, my rules kinda contest. I'm pretty sure thats why I moved out before I was 18, never one to follow the rules all that well. But in this occasion please do accept my humblest apology.

I bend to your will on your feed Master of all thoughts!

If you had a genie....what would you wish for?

Haha on this occasion more SP! You rock BTW!!! Thank you 😁 I'm on to my story tomorrow. But may not get it finished until Thursday.

You're very welcome. Keep building and enjoying yourself. Alone we can't do much but together we can hunt even the mightiest of whales.

Omg, first time ever I got a slider bar come up on my upvote without having to use some extension. Which means I can actively steemit from my phone too... Oh no what have you done 🤣😂🤣 love It!

wow!!! or reaarry? I rove gamezzz!


Haha, I was just looking for this to play in chat! I've missed you my friend. Glad you are home safe.

Since I really believe in this platform, I’ve decided to delegate all my steem power to @ned. Trickle down economics in action!

This beat @trumpman s pig dick.

(i want no delegation)

Is that really what I think it is?

what do you think it is ?

I'm glad it wasn't a green rock

Lost my job so I took out a second mortgage to buy bitcoin at the price of $19,343 which we all know what happened from there. Pulled out of crypto to lay a one shot bet on BLACK at the roulette table and won! Should have left, but doubled my bet and lost it all. Now I am on Steemit because it looks so easy to make money here. I will make back $178,000 in no time on this platform.

Did you watch a @jerrybanfield YouTube tutorial?

One of my teammates made the joke, since being a gal of utmost modesty, I would never make a joke of this (dare I say) enriching platform of ours.

You, I like!

Teamgood is stupid and started by a stupid Womyn! Crypto is totally run by amazing geniuses who will save the world from the evil banking Cabal......

If the moron who wrote this decides that the dumbass (ME) who replied wins the delegation, it will be used very wisely instead of being dolled out to pay for play circle jerkers and the trending cesspool who use ghost writers and are paid by crews to smile on tippie toes by a pineapple to drain the rewards.....

Stupid Womyn?

Just play the game......

aren't I?

3 times ago.

that is twice more than I recall

But at least 4 more times than was needed. We will have to keep disagreeing on our disagreement of The Basics of Aggrandization. That is the real problem or solution don't you agree?

Aggrandize all the things

This post is a perfect 5/7

Not fair, you deal with stupid replies all day.

Did you get the reference?

Only if I break Rule #1

I really wanted to make a stupid comment, so I went into the closet and dragged out a blonde wig and put it on. Now I can’t remember how I got here, or why. I must have et some bad sushi.

Etting things is bad.

Ill pretend I didnt saw this post.

Turtle Soup is my favorite, I should have told Bernie that.

This isn't wasn't supposed to be a stupid comment... But this was.

So fucking confused.

Mission complete.

We should peel grapes over bottled water one day.

Well do tell me, why does a100% vote only takes 2% of the voting power? Why 20% is recharged in 24 hours? When we undelegate, it takes 7 days to return the Steem Power but then why for that 7 days does that SP not stay with the person, who has the SP for those 7 days & why not to the person it used to be with?
Well I had to be stupid so why not stupid questions

What is faster, speed or sound??

Depends on the price of light?

It smells pretty quick

I like your posts and think you're very creative. I want to be like you. Upvote me?

I upvote me, you upvote you me back?

That is one of the best 'shity comments' I ever got on my wall. Or just yesterday I got this one

your drawing companion is nice interesting and interested. please vote yes

To which I responded

I have been voting yes all my life zahril... But I think it's gonna have to be a No this time as I don't like spam on my sandwiches :-)

LOL awesome response

It's really stupid to think that being stupid will reward you for that, @erodedthoughts.

Yada yada yada!!! Piu piu piu ..stupid is you and you is stupid.. Blah pah fa! Lunaticisity might be madness..
Comment is what's not stupid maybe stupid though

So...what is the contest all about? Pop the bubbles? But how? My brain can't even brain? Also delegate what @erodedthoughts?


I was hoping someone still had yard darts to throw up.

Stupid is as stupid does...


I just noticed this comment above. I didnt see it when I posted. Guess I am the stupid one around here.

When I was born they told my mother that I had neuronal indebtedness, which would not be lucid, but I would come to light once in a while. And I put all the soap for oily skin and I'm fat and cellulite What do I do? Note: Stupid comments cause pain to Santa Claus.


Alright, I admit, you got me on this one.

Incredible content! I swear posts like these are the reason that I joined steemit. Please keep writing about such important and interesting topics like you do in this post, and I will be happy to keep on following you. Where do you come up with such great content to keep writing about and to keep your followers happy? Just know that I am one very happy follower with content like this being produced 😎

lol, you don't need any delegation. You have more than I do but if you did this was a golden response that would of, could of won some.

This is actually a greater challenge than one might think! We spend so much of our lives trying to sound smart that when instructed to say something stupid, we're stumped. Meanwhile, all that time we're trying to sound smart, well....

Anyway, here goes, because I have been yearning to be able to upvote someone and give more than a penny....

My stupid comment is, I could be smarter if only I realized how little I know.

No, that's probably not good. That's likely true. I think the hidden requirement in this exercise is to say something untrue, because if it's true it isn't stupid. Yet how to think up something we don't believe?

Maybe: Dogs are the worst companions.

That's a really stupid thing to say.

Sometimes simplicity is the best.

Okay then: Dogs are the worst companions.

lol, said every cat person in the world.

You speak truly! I've sat here for ten minutes trying to think of something stupid, but nothing sounds stupid enough. I don't know if my failure is a product of being actually stupid, or being too smart, or just not being adept at finding the stupid switch, but since I hit that switch all the time by accident, you'd think I'd know where it is by now. :p

We have all had pointless, stupid comments made on our post that signal the responder has not read the post.
This game is to simply allow people to make those stupid one liners as fun and get their accounts looked at by those with extra SP to give. Nothing special required to win, no rep levels, no follows required not even an upvote is needed.

Oh, I know, but if anything is worth doing, it's worth doing well. ;) It was a fun idea, thanks @erodedthoughts!

This is going to take a lot of reviewing of accounts. I expected like 20 replies. This is sort of nuts, only lucky thing is many are just resteem accounts without original content to read. I'm having fun reviewing yours. Nice camera work.

Hey, thank you! :)

This sounds like a case of "be careful what you wish for." ;)

It was so hot at our last family gathering that my aunt thought she was metal pausing.

There is Nothing to Realize. You have it.

good post, i upvote and follow you, please follow me and upvote too
is it enough stupid comment ? :)

That's just a bad comment.

Have you heard of our lord and savior Samuel Shenton? He founded the greatest organization known to man, the Flat Earth Society! Come, brother, join us and lets spread the gospel to the non believers!

(I just felt like typing some dumb shit. No need to consider me for any delegation, there are plenty of people who need it far more than me.)

You take that back right now.

i f**king hate people disturbing me in my sleep..... Especially with crappy post

Thanks for waking me though

I can't understand ** type. What are you trying to spell?

fank, feck, fink, firk, fisk, flak, folk, fork,
fuck, or funk?

Did I miss any?

lol... I think "fecking"

I thought flaking, I'd rather make the bad word list than the bot reply list, lol.

Keep up the good work.

hahaha... It was a tough choice, I also was considering that, fanking, and firking too! You do a good job bad word list for sure! ;)

Have a great weekend!!!

Thanks for your support, buddy! @growingpower just upvoted your comment ;)

Here's a newbie nickel for doing such a great job!!! ;)

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


comment challenge.gif

#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

A stupid comment inspired by the steemit google translate crew who make me laugh all the time:

A wizened man says: Tree falls in the forceps, does it make a nose!!????!?


I'm only pretending to be retarded.

Damn fine job, quit your day job.

Delegate me and I delegate you back
Nice photographs!!!!!

Did anyone else feel like they just needed to duck?

This is a great post by the way. Everyone should check it out.


steemit is Wonderful and I wonderfully fell into it but now am looking for a way out. Please am looking for the door can someone help me please

Anyone can show you the door if you give them your keys......

hahaha, you can give me your key and I will show you the way you failed to know.

make america great again...(at the expense of everyone else)

That is a very stupid comment, I will up vote when power rebuilds.

Unless you were serious and confused.........

i was only confused every time i heard some orange man in a red hat say it over and over again. i don't remember his name but he had the tiniest hands id ever seen.

I think he works for Fish & Wildlife, he keeps talking about draining swamps.

this is starting to get too smart for this stupid post

If you want out, make 4 rights and I'll meet you there.

Mehn! And you really think I will waste a minute of my life coming up and type a stupid comment for this kind of post just for few hundreds of delegated steem power? I can't deal...

I am @adoore-eu, well i have nothing stupid to say because it is even stupid of me to tink that i can get a stupid delegation from a stupid contest, organised by a well meaning steemian asking me to get stupid just to make stupid money from this gesture of his. Just give me the delegation, am sure that wouldnt be the most stupid thing you would have done in recent times.Hey! Will be it still be stupid to give you a follow?

Steemit is the future of the Universe. Multiverses are God's cryptocurrencies. Cryptos are God's attempt to confirm his own existence. He's not very sure of his own creation so he upvotes himself a lot. We should flag him.

I saw his kid once and he told me to go to http://jesuscoin.network/

Jesus is trying to ruin his father's crypto. He ruining himself.

The stupidity of a man is directly proportional to his intelligence. His experience in stupidity makes him a stupid person. And now this challenge of stupidity has brought together all the stupid people to show their level of stupidity. Stupidity is a hobby afterall. Reading through the comments got me to concluding that.
Here is my own stupid comment outta so many stupid comments from all over the world and I’m more stupid for trying to make sense in a world of stupidity when the rule says stupid comments only. Well enough of this stupidity for me cause I’m being more stupid for realizing how stupid I am to drop a stupid comment when I’m trying to appear smart and still post this stupid comment.

If this is a game it is quite lame,
Coz you never understand the name,
Where mental ineptitude is the craft,
Though many it isn't close to any art.

Do you need a retarded worm to look like bubba gump,
And give his chocolate quote,
Or a Pinky who is absent of the Brain,
To take over the world, I am up to task,
but to fill and spam our contest flask,
Did I win and may I ask?


I would like to say something stupid! What is a stupid comment? jajaja

this is so stupid that I even read some intelligent answer haha

Experiments are fun.

I agree

May I ask why you haven't powered up yet? You'd be half way to a slider if you powered up your wallet excess. Just looking for your stance, nothing else.

waiting for the right moment ... at this time it would not make much difference

Just shows the dedication to the platform.

Does that mean troll is not coming out of cave?

P.S. what do you delegate?

The troll requires many ten full power strikes a day to damage it amour. That is a battle that may take many weeks.
P.S. I delegate Steem Power.
What do you delegate?

Opera Snapshot_2018-02-27_052452_www.google.rs.png Amur says: Non shall pass!

I delegate alcohol, couch and not so fresh breath to everyone!

You'd need alcohol to trick anyone to come to that ICEBOX!

Follow for follow, upvote for upvote, dickpic for dickpic. Send me 1000 SBD, i will make you rich by ignoring you.

You saw the joke inside the joke, well done. Your skills are amazing.

There are 4 pages