So I've been on MeWe for several months now & it SUCKS.
While I like the people on it (for the most part), the site itself has HUGE issues & just now I couldn't comment no matter how many times I tried. I kept getting the error that I couldn't share (I wasn't sharing, I was commenting) & to check my Internet.
That happened about an hour ago too. on a different thread/post.
At first I thought they were great, but their site is hard to use, IMO, b/c I can never tell who's comment is attached to who's other comment & when I reply, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to reply.
It's not obvious like it is on FB.
Their design is bad.
Also, I search for my last name to find my posts/comments, & nothing shows up, so their search function doesn't work.
I can't tell how many people are in a group, not even my own groups.
Supposedly you can ONLY see that info if you are on mobile which is ridiculous. I don't use toxic cell phones, I use a REAL COMPUTER.
I've pointed people to MeWe & they can't sign up, there's technical issues.
They have taken down one of my groups from their directory "claiming" that no one is posting at least once a week.
I DO post a lot & sometimes 3 times in one day, but to be held hostage to posting once a WEEK when we have LIVES to live is RIDICULOUS.
Before I was even active on MeWe another woman was ranting about this in a FB group b/c her group was also removed from the directory.
Now that others are posting more that may not be a problem, but I still think my group is no longer in the directory & of course no one responded or cared even in the MeWe group.
People generally don't answer my questions on MeWe. Even if there's thousands of people. Depends on the group of course, but 2-3 times this has happened.
There's NO support. They are sooo inept, they told us to put MeWe on our FB profiles so we could get a verified badge, but did they ever respond back when I told them to look???
Nope, & I wasn't going to leave it there, so after a month I finally removed it.
And no matter how many times I've told them about things they could change to make things better or bugs that need to be fixed, they just ignored me. Even via PM.
And they haven't changed ONE THING since I've been on the site which tells me they aren't even working to improve the thing.
Someone I talked to about them is suspicious they are just owned by another controlling faction & they are the controlled opposition spying on us.
I don't know if they are. I was told Larry something started it, but then I found out that wasn't true.
Anyway, so there is my review of MeWe.
I'm looking for something way better.