Great post idea to discuss, Piotr! While I still haven't deleted my Facebook account, I know many who have and I have been busy at the long process of removing myself from hundreds of groups I've been in and/or added into w/o my permission. I think it's far more complex than maybe you realize.
Bottom line: They are criminals violating the U.S. Constitution, as so many other big heavy weights these days too. Such as Google. Google (and Facebook record all conversations via any device you may be in hearing distance of and then sells or uses it - since you are the product they are selling. Pay attention the next time you google something, if anything pops up in the search results related to one or more keywords your last conversation spoke of.
If you have a Facebook account it's not just tracking you there, but everywhere you go that has any code from Facebook on it, such as a Like or Share button. If you live in Malaysia, for example, and happen to visit webpages with any Facebook code on it in Poland, maybe a hotel or something, their AI will figure you are about to visit there and, if you carry a smartphone and it arrives there, it will attempt to push other relative ads your way. That may be a positive, but criminals can also access this data and be waiting to rob you or who knows... There are cases of this happening too.
The whole thing is getting way out of hand in many cases, mainly because we the people, who in their eyes are the product that they sell to their real customers (the advertisers, governments and who knows else) are forced to comply without often any options to opt out, via Terms and Service agreements to use their services.
Supposedly, the EU has made new laws for this, but I honestly have my doubts it's much more than a tricky ploy to appease the angry product (I mean people), since those that make the laws are one of the main customers of these tech giants.
On the other hand, we've built up connections on Facebook that we don't want to loose either. And of course they map out all of that data to sell on us as well. Steemit is probably even worse, given the open access to our wallets and data to mine. To the best of my knowledge, is the only social networking site really making an honest effort to honor privacy and free speech.
Thanks for another amazing comment. You're always surprissing me with very well written replies. I appreciate it a lot.
I didnt know that fb and google alghorytms are that advanced. Great read :)
Perhaps I didnt know much about it because I dont have smartphone and I only use fb via laptop. So maybe things are a bit different?
I guess this law will have holes and will be easy to go around for any large corporation that can afford to hire experts.
Facebook seem to be related to old generation and young ones are not eager to be part of it. Since it a platform used by "their parents".
I think days of that platform are already numbered and they cannot survive without rebrandingu and changing their technology (using blockchain for instance).
One more time big thx for amazing comment.
You are right in the generation divide of Facebook and the older ones are leaving in droves; some trying to get into steemit with no luck that I know and many many pouring into, which has surpassed steemit in many areas already, such as numbers and visability. Let's hope Facebook wakes up and changes their tune, but it doesn't look like it...
facebook would need huge resources and time to change much. and they are under heavy pressure. I dont see bright future for fb.