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RE: Upgrading Democracy

in #democracy7 years ago

I don't want to, nor do I have time for a long winded debate right now and I haven't even responded to our conversation from like.. What seems like over 2 weeks ago now, so.. I'm just going to keep this really simple and short, and it may take me a while to get back to the response. But.. I wanted to ask you about this part.

I’m personally not a fan of the dismantlement of government, for all their flaws, I really believe that the good outweighs the bad, but it is in our nature to place more importance in the faults and be unable to see the parts that work well!

What's good about government violence and force? And.. Which parts work so well by the way? Like.. For example.. What does government do so well, that regular people freely organizing without violent force, coercion and manipulation can't do?

I'm genuinely asking cause government is essentially violent control and force, behind every law is a government gun that will try to enslave you or even kill you if you disobey. So.. Where is violent force and government guns necessary where the free will of people would not suffice?

What can government do that's so "good", that regular people working together voluntarily can't do?
