Pick Your Poison

in #democrat7 years ago

Source: nydailynews.com

By now, we have all heard of the major upset of Joe Crowley by upstart Ocasio-Cortez. Cortez running as a democratic socialist defeated Crowley by stacking her platform with every major talking point, promising to flip the current policies and solving every problem the US has.

Source: twitter.com

Here are some of the major bullet points. I would elaborate on them but one can see that she is proposing to rectify every problem being experienced by every one in the US to include immigrants. I still have not heard or read any concrete plans on how she expects to accomplish even one of these.

She was likely schooled by the same ideologue that tutored Bernie. It has been a proven tactic used by politicians to make promises to give away trinkets which they can charge to the taxpayer. Speaking of which, I need some more minute for my Obama phone.

Not to be out done, Joe has now decided to give immigrants money. He believes that families whom illegally crossed the border and were separated from their children should be financially compensated.

He stated "The damage that has been done to these children will be lifelong. To these family units will be lifelong as well. And in fact, I suggest that they need to be compensated for what this administration did to them, and the first form of compensation needs to be the reunification of these families".

Source: youtube.com


To be fair, and not that either of the two parties will ever do such a thing. Just cutting off a third of military spending can pay for a shit ton of obama phones. Your point that the likely hood she will achieve any one of those ideas is taken, and yes promising that which you cannot deliver seems to be a prerequisite for all politicians. Some purely pander to what they think the people want to hear with no intention of even attempting to achieve them. Some are truly impassioned and strive to make it happen. Alexandria I believe is the latter but that does not mean it will get done. The problem is our pseudo democracy has been designed and dominated by the same royal blood lines. While it works beautifully to keep the population divided on the issues that either party touts as its vision of a better world. It is very easy to keep control is a two party system. While it should be alerting everyone to the facade, anytime the media covers the fact that nearly almost every presidential candidate for the two parties are of aristocratic bloodlines. It is blown off as being coincidence. Not that it gets covered often but its certainly verifiable facts adn every single election we get to vote for this or that cousin

Your point is taken and I appreciate your comment.