Questions For Democrats!

in #democrats6 years ago


What are Democrats doing to end America's bombing and proxy wars?

What are Democrats doing to support labor and the Fight for $15?

What are Democrats doing to end The Drug War and stopping more Americans from becoming orphans of the court?

What are Democrats doing to end capital punishment?

What are Democrats doing to prevent voter suppression?

Why are Democrats supporting fracking when alternative energy is desperately needed?

Why aren't Democrats standing up to Big Banking, Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Agri?

Why aren't Democrats pushing for Universal Health Care?

Why are Democrats promoting so many intelligence officials as national candidates?

What happened to the Democrats? I was once a lifelong Democrat. Would love to return to the party if Democrats would be Democrats again. Just 'cause GOPwingers are nasty doesn't mean Democrats need to be just a bit less nasty! We need to live for the loyal opposition for change for the future, not get bogged down with GOPwinger copycat politics!
