The story of demons in the 21st

in #demons6 years ago

3099.jpg century is already like a fairy tale. But there is another world where there is evil, which is waiting for its time to break free and parabot the whole world. In the Inquisition, I would have already burned at the stake for the like. But to the glory of God that the Inquisitors are over. But as it seems to me, everyone should know this, because you don’t know anything else in the real world. Or will God have mercy on you !? I do not propagandize demons, I only try to devote a little time to you in order to shine you into the world of demonologies. I personally believe in the existence of 2 worlds — good and evil. With me personally there were things that by no means yielded to a logical explanation. On the other side is scary and even more scary than in any horror movie. I had to die more than once in my life, and for inexplicable reasons, I survived. It is easier for me to say how many books I have read in my whole life, than to say how much something saved me or someone from death. Well, this is only a small part of incredible events. Why did I write about demons and not about good? Well, this is a separate story. Probably few people believe in these 2 worlds and even more so in the like. But know the Demons are just as evil. And when the apocalypse comes, and his horsemen will be sad. I hope it will not be soon. But in one very old and famous book it is written that when this day comes, 12 horsemen of good will appear and stand up for the salvation of mankind and all living things. Brad or not to judge you! But according to this book a lot of things have already happened and the fall of the twins and the war. The age of this book, according to scientists about 12,000 years old, has been poorly preserved, but of course not all have restored them. And 45% of the book has not yet been translated. It is encoded and no one knows how it was made. This book reminded me in some way of the Voynik manuscript (it is also considered to be the most mysterious book and it has not been translated so far. Since it has not been seen in this unique slate).
So maybe the book was translated wrong? Maybe the minds are wrong? But still they translated the text of the book which says about the war and about the fall of the twins. Coincidence? NOT! So I think we should think about the world in which no one believes. In a friend, the Necronomicon will one day be discovered, which, as many people think, no. If it appears somewhere and falls into the wrong hands, then the planet will collapse. After all, the author Azif Al claimed that he met this book. But little is said about this, as it is clear why, if this book exists and they learn about it. Although there are assertions of one author to little-known. His name is still not relevant because he hid it and the books he wrote only one and just about the Necronomicon. He wrote that it was made of human flesh and gave a greater raskaz how and what the book was made of. This author was discovered 300 years earlier than Azif Al. On the Internet, this manuscript is not present. And the oreginal is in the orab possessions. From a reliable source it is known that they hide the Oreginal. But in 2021 they want to show it to the whole world, from Tibet to Istanbul. This manuscript is going to be spent on all corners of the world in every museum. And in 2026, this manuscript will be accessible in electronic form ..

Lucifer (Heb. לוציפר; lat. Lucifer) (light carrier) - Lord of Hell. After Lucifer was cast down from heaven, his appearance from the beautiful angelic changed to the ugly: red skin, horns and dark hair. Behind him are huge wings, and each finger is crowned with a pointed claw. Devil's power is enormous, everything in Hell is subject to him, and everything in him worships him. Such characteristics as freedom (rebellion), pride and cognition are associated with the image of Lucifer. After falling from heaven, he acquired the name of Satan. First of all, they attribute to the sins of this demon the attempt to obtain the throne of God, but also that Lucifer gave people knowledge. In Christian demonology, the Devil is also his name. Cacicandriera is the wife of Lucifer. The mistress of Hell. Mentioned in a small number of sources. Astaroth (Latin Astaroth; Ivr. רתרות) - the first in Hell after the Devil. He is one of those fallen angels who followed Lucifer and therefore were cast down from heaven with him. It has remarkable strength. Very talented, smart and charming. He is handsome, and it is not difficult for him to evoke the love of himself with the help of his charm. However, there is as much beauty in it as cruelty. Astaroth more often than other demons is depicted in human form. In grimoires, on the contrary, he is ugly, but in no source does he detract from his strength. Popularization of the image of this demon comes down to its use in literature and other art. The famous Woland, for example, is in many ways similar to Astarote. The characteristics of the right hand of Satan include the ability to make a man invisible, give power over the snakes, as well as answer any question. Astarte (Heb. עשתורת) - Astaroth's wife. In some sources, the images of the demonic husband and wife merge into one fallen angel called Astarte. The spelling of both Hebrew names is identical. The ancient Phoenicians called Astarte the goddess of war and motherhood. Beelzebub (Heb. בעל זבוב, Beelzebub) - The Lord of the Flies, the demon of Power, commands the legions of Hell. The name of Beelzebub is also well known: it is sometimes also called as another name for the Devil. This demon is extremely powerful and is considered the co-ruler of Lucifer. Beelzebub is sometimes identified with the sin of gluttony, confusing him with another demon — the Hippopotamus. Perhaps this is because the looks taken by the Lord of the Flies are varied: from a three-headed demon to a huge white fly. This nickname, in turn, has two possible stories: it is believed that Beelzebub sent plague to Canaan with flies, and the reason may be that flies are associated with dead flesh. Bufovirt - wife of Beelzebub. Lilith (Heb. לילית, Lat. Lamia) - Adam's first wife. The legends about her are different: she is called the first woman before Eve, who was created after Lilith, in her appearance, but with a submissive character. According to this theory, Lilith was created from fire and therefore was a freedom-loving, stubborn. Another legend calls the first demon a snake, which was also in alliance with Adam and, jealous of him for Eve, seduced her with the Forbidden Fruit. In the Middle Ages, Lilith was called the Spirit of the night, and she could appear as an angel or a demon. In some sources, this demoness is the wife of Satan, and many demons respect and honor her. The list of women's names would start exactly Lilith. Abbadon (Heb. אבאדון; lat.Abaddon) (death) - another name Apollyon. Lord of the Abyss. The demon of death and destruction. His name is also sometimes used as another name for the Devil. Fallen angel, exterminating everything around him.
Hippopotamus (lat. Behemoth; Ivr. בהמות) - a demon of animal appearance, able to take the form of all large animals, as well as foxes, wolves, dogs, cats. In Jewish tradition, Behemoth is called the king of beasts. It symbolizes carnal sins - gluttony and gluttony. In addition to them, this demon causes the worst features in people, inclines them to animal behavior and appearance. The hippopotamus is very cruel and incredibly strong - his very appearance reflects this fact, but he can also influence a person indirectly, not by direct violence - by awakening his passion for sinfulness. In Hell, he is the Watchman in the Night. The image of a demon was used in literature: the most famous example is the cat Begemot Bulgakov. Favorite jester Woland from "The Master and Margarita" contains more characteristics from the author than from legends, and nevertheless bears his name. Also Bulgakov cat has the property of a werewolf. Leviathan (Heb. לִוְיָתָן) is a huge beast about whom many legends walk. In some sources, Leviathan is a demon, one of the angels, who was overthrown from heaven with Lucifer. In others, Leviathan is called the biblical serpent tempter, he is accused of giving the idea to Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Still others argue that Leviathan is not an angel or a demon, but a completely different creature, a monstrous creation of God, created earlier than all life on Earth and in Heaven. In one, all these sources converge, calling the monster a huge snake. This makes it possible to cast doubt on the first theory of the fallen angel. A multi-headed snake, whose name translates as "wriggling beast" is mentioned in the Old Testament. It is assumed that God's creation was such in the name of the personification of all the forces of evil, and that the Creator himself destroyed Leviathan in prehistoric times. However, there is another legend already mentioned above: about Leviathan and Behemoth, whose fight and death are still to come.
Lucifer - Pride (Latin Superbia). Having become proud of himself, Lucifer tried to take the place of God, for which he was expelled from Heaven. Beelzebub - Gluttony (lat. Gula). Leviathan - Envy (lat. Invidia). An interesting parallel with the snake face of Leviathan and the green color of Envy. Asmodeus - Lust (Latin Luxuria). The Latin name of this sin is similar to the English word luxury - luxury. Mammon - Greed (Latin Avaritia). Belphegor - Sloth (lat. Acedia). Satan - Anger (lat. Ira).