Demons really write the sucessul songs you know?!

in #demons8 years ago (edited)

Its even writen in imagine dragons lyrics.jpg

So you know all the speculation about song writers and singers "making deals with the devil" and "selling their souls for a period of time and success" then please watch Tori Amos speaking on Sunday Brunch today (just now 27th August 2017) she said when she writes music, "it's torture, because she has to let the demons take over" - then said the "mews' come in and demand attention at the most inopportune times" - then said "but hey...that's the deal you make with them" and shitty white it though if you can, was totally upfront about it all.

I've watched load about this on you tube etc, but to hear her say in in no uncertain terms on live TV was a bit surprising to be honest.

Wow how corrupt is this world we exist on... :( the brain is susceptible to all sorts of learnings and we're all singing songs basically written by demons who get into you if you let them...this worlds young generation is become fatter and fatter, and eating more and more junk lazy fast foods full of chemicals, and just forgetting how to be even pleasant to another in the street it would seem.


I was not aware that writers and singers are so reliance on making deals with the demons.....I have heard of them having writers blocked and need to go away to relax and recuperate in order to write again.
Will go to you tube and read about this.
Thanks for the info

Its so corrupt, watching Tori on a live interview saying out loud was like....they really are not bothered about being in plain sight anymore, I think the sheeples have become so dumbed down with all the fluoride and meat filled with chemicals that they're must feel we're now ready to accept this fact. No longer needs to be such a secret. so, so sad.

Thanks for reply :)