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RE: Sydney Rock Orchid

in #dendrobium6 years ago

Description: Epilith or epiphyte with stems erect to spreading, succulent, cylindrical, thickest just below the middle and tapering slightly towards each end, rooting only at base, 30–100 cm long, 20–40 mm diam., with 2–5 leaves at apex; roots smooth, some creeping but others growing upwards as 'basket roots'.

Leaves spreading to erect, elliptic to oblong, 18–25 cm long, 38–65 mm wide, conduplicate, thickly leathery, smooth.

Inflorescences 30–60 cm long, 90–200-flowered. Sepals and lateral petals white to cream; dorsal sepal 16–28 mm long, 3–5 mm wide; labellum white to cream, finely dotted and striped with dark purple, 8–10 mm long, 7–8 mm wide. Column 3–4 mm long; column foot 4–6 mm long.
