@cynetyc i have no favorites really. Neo happened to be in that position because it grew to that size. I think I started with more Ethereum than anything else.
I would have expected Ethereum to take a large % but it hasnt.
@cynetyc i have no favorites really. Neo happened to be in that position because it grew to that size. I think I started with more Ethereum than anything else.
I would have expected Ethereum to take a large % but it hasnt.
I started with bitcoin and invested with ethereum since its beginings ....but i had a hard time ...
Many of the crypto-tech for a coin has at the begining problems ...but slowly it will be better.
Many times I saw that after the release of an app/token the price surges to new highs...then falls down when an app has problem.
And dont forget they say ethereum has a fork -etherzero-
The web is split about this ...and I find it interesting because this will make the price to go down (because of people's faith in a coin will be affected )
But ...when the app will be fully developed ..the price will go to new highs..
I saw this many times so I belive it will happen again.
Well at least it is my opinion after monitoring ethereum from december 2016.