When someone you love Dies.

in #depression7 years ago

There is no greater emotion then the emotion of Grief, especially when someone you love passes away. The death of a loved one can completely change the world as one knows it. I have personally seen, and experienced the harsh effects of Loss and grief. Grief is something that has many manifestations and untreated grief can become clinical depression. While others have the natural ability to communicate feelings, and utilize natural resource to go through a very normal and stable grieving process, some of us are unable to communicate our feelings or ease into the transitions life may bring when a loved one dies. Most Mental Health Workers would probably agree that hearing those words "there's nothing wrong with crying" can make us cringe. Not because crying is wrong, but crying everyday for two years or even 6 months can be a sign that something is very wrong.

When someone you love dies the most important thing you can do is reach out to others, express your feelings to someone close, I can't say this enough DO NOT BECOME THE HERMIT!!!! Isolating yourself from the world will only serve to make you feel even more alone. Fight the little voice telling you that your world has ended, embrace the reality that your on a new journey of change. It's important to look for warning signs that you may need professional help. Feeling suicidal, unable to connect with people, can't get out of bed, letting important matters go unattended to, Crying for months with no relief or end in sight, feeling like your life has lost it's purpose, deep mourning longer that 6 months with out any healing or acceptance of the change, these are all signs you need to talk to a professional.

Getting help to overcome devastating loss makes you wise. A professional mental health worker can help you to find resolution and peace in the midst of what can easily be the hardest part of life, the perceived loss of our dear ones. For whatever reason the good Lord has decided to take one and leave the other, If we are the one standing at the stone with tear drenched eyes, it is because we still have purpose and destiny on earth. The angels who have taken flight may have completed their race, but I am a firm believer that even in death it is never goodbye....Only see you later blessed souls!

Seek & you will find,

Depression Help