You're pretty good at this writing thing aren't you?
The problem with depression and suicide are those that are left behind. I had a close friend who killed themselves. I missed a phone call from them about an hour before they died. It was the summer of 1998.
I won't discuss depression here as its not something I like to talk about but if you suffer, I truly hope you have the intelligence and state of mind to keep your support network on speed dial and your outlets open at all times.
Take care there. Keep writing. Keep breathing. One breath at a time. :-)
PS Have you checked out the Inkwell community yet? They are a group of proper writers that have some really great writing competitions and lots going on.
I don't want to take pride on it too much cause I know I'm far from being a good one but, thank you :)
I'm so sorry to hear about your close friend. 😔 But the thing you said about being left behind is really true. In my case, I know where I am but I don't know where I should be. Its like, you're there but at the same time you're not. You're walking forward but it feels like you're being pulled down. Its like, all these years you thought you've drove a mile but in truth, you never moved at all. I don't know if you get that but that's how I feel about being left behind. 😅
And yes I have friends to call and hold on to. I may feel suicidal but I try not to. Its a good thing writing stuff like these and composing songs are there to help me stay away from thinking bad stuff.
Thank you for caring. I will continue writing. Here's an excerpt of a song I recently wrote:
I'd be sure to keep breathing :)
Oh wow really? Thanks! I'd be checking them out :)
For me, its like walking in thick fog. You can only see everything around you to a distance of about a metre and beyond that, just grey.
Thinking about suicide and expressing the thoughts is a positive for a depressive in my opinion, it shows that even in the darker moments, there is still functioning reasoning which is a good thing. Its all so personal though and no one coping mechanism is 'the right one'. Its down to the individual to find what works for them.
Anyway, The Ink Well which as I mistakenly called 'Inkwell' (I wouldn't be able to get within a lie of their door lol) is here.........
If you get chance, say hi to @shanibeer , she's a lovely person :-)
Beautiful. Exactly.
Thats right. In the end, everything all comes down to our "choice".
I like expressing my depression to others. Not to support depression or trigger it, but rather make people aware that people who suffers depression feels like this, that they need to be given attention to, and not to be judged.
hahaha 😅 well thank you so much for the link!
oh wow sure! I'd love to 😊
The Ink Well 🙂. We have a writing prize going on at the moment (closing date Sunday 10 January) which you would be very welcome to join. Look forward to seeing you!Hello @anarkia, we'd be delighted to see you in
Thank you for the mention @nathen007 🙂
Oh wow! Thank you! I'd be happy to join 😅 But I'm not that good tho 😅 But I'll try 😊
We have lots of writers tips and from 11 January we are running the Fast and Furious Festival with a daily prompt focusing on different writing skills. It should be lots of fun!
wow thank you for the info! I'm excited :)
oof, I can't seem to find that Inkwell community. hahaha 😅 Do you have a link that I may be able to click on to directly?