Depression: how to cure soul dysphoria

in #depression5 years ago

It is important to make this association: depression x sexuality


There have been several achievements over the years, by people considered sexually "different", but the world is still quite cruel when it comes to judging and disparaging a human being who runs away from heterosexual "normality". Because although there are no statistically significant differences in the prevalence of depression between heterosexuals and homosexuals, clinical studies demonstrate that there are some specificities in the genesis of depressive symptoms among homosexuals.
Considering that the known causes of depression involve biological, psychological and environmental factors, what has been noted, as noted by American psychologists Marny Hall and Kimeron Hardin, who specialize in the treatment of depression in homosexuals, is that in the case of homosexuals the factor tends to play a disproportionate role in this equation. How many individuals, who commit self-mutilation or suicide, because they are in an advanced state of depression with causes directly linked to the fact that they are unable to accept themselves sexually, who have suffered prejudice from family and society; and do not know / knew how to deal with all this pressure?

What am I sexually talking about?


About my sexuality, I lived for years in a hidden dungeon surrounded by hypocrisy, other people's prejudice and my judgment that I was bad for being who I am. It worsened my depression even more.
Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, Sapiosexual? All of the above options can ?! Yes, of course I can, YOU can too! I am interested in people, I continue to be, because the verb to be limits me; I usually say that I have nothing passive, active or relative, I am fun! I speak of this, because today it takes courage to be authentic. Because only in this way can we avoid the mediocrity of a life guided by the opinion of others, which injures the soul and poisons us even more in our depressive situation.
I was raised in a homophobic interior society, in a traditional Catholic family that figured me as a "social stigma", linked to my sexual orientation. I quickly developed internal mechanisms for repression and sublimation of my feelings. At the same time, as a way to avoid the rejection of the one I love and social discrimination, learn to disguise my impulses, to control behaviors and attitudes and to avoid any sign that could compromise the people closest to me who had (and still have) , ashamed of what I am. As a result of this internal and external process, I ended up seriously harming myself, I will raise my self-esteem and become defensive, introspective and emotionally distant.
It took me a long time to turn on the "F ..." and stop hurting myself because of that / that relative (read relative, because family is something else), who indirectly rejects me for being "problematic"; it took me a while not to feel inferior because of those people who look me up and down when walking on the street; it took me time not to feel wanton just because one day i date a guy and the next day i decide i want to be with a woman; it took me time to adjust to religious sermons from family members and outsiders; it took me a long time to put it all together and much more, to set up the foundations of my moral building, based on the fact that all of the above is just what I don't want to be in life. It's all I don't want to do with people (I follow the philosophy of "don't do with someone what you don't want for yourself"). And that goes on 28 years here, and sometimes I still get hurt with a lot of things related to these negative things related to prejudice with sexuality; but I do not allow them to cross the fine line for a relapse of depressive crisis.
Do not allow them to subdue you for what you feel, for whatever reason. Do not allow them to argue that their sexuality is a sin, because no religion gives anyone the right to think of themselves as "the great connoisseur of the truth". Homophobia is the same in any expressed language!
Finally, please think about it and never forget: the greater distance between your soul and yourself can sometimes be just a big misunderstanding. And that the path you have ahead is more important than the one left behind. Do not become a fossil paleontologist from your past or do so much psychoanalysis about your future, as you are today and now.