Remember that commercial for milk a while back that stated “milk…it does a body good?”

It seems that may extend to your mental health as well. Here in my private counseling practice in Fairfax City, I work with a lot of people who struggle with depression.
The link between Vitamin D and depression is quite astounding.
Now the origins of my clients’ depression are not always clear and differ from person to person. However, for some of them, there seems to be a VERY clear biological issue at play.
There have been a few small studies over the years that have shown an increase in vitamin D has a positive impact on certain types of depression. Recently one of these studies popped up on Science Daily, a blog of science studies I read from time to time.

I hope more studies in this area are undertaken, the neurological research is important and for me, fascinating. The mysteries of the human brain are many and continuous research in this particular area is important.
So how about trying that glass of skim milk or yogurt for breakfast, it just may help.
The article on this small scale study in regards to the link between a lack of Vitamin D and Depression can be found here.

There's absolutely a link between the two, just look at seasonal affective disorder. Now, how and why, those details seem to still be under debate but there does appear to be a correlation for sure.