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RE: Welcome to Steemit.

in #deserted6 years ago

True dat.

But then why do you bother wasting anymore time on here? Surely you have better things to do.

Is spamming weak shitposts the only way you have to make money anymore man? I guess I'd be sore too if I was you.


You might as well abandon your account again, ignorant shill.

It's called automation, ever hear of it? Dumbass.

Oh I will, and on my way I go with my shill money.

Auto-ma-tion? Nope, can't say I have.

Was that an automated comment?

Welcome to the list, retard.

why thank you very much kind sir, I do love being on someone's list.

There are three trillion trees on this planet, which means 400 for every person. They are working very hard to produce oxygen. Why don't you, instead of desperately trying to type one handed while you jerk yourself off with the other one (because obviously no-one else will), go track down those 400 trees and apologise.

Edit: Can I be at the top pretty please?

Joe see how he told you all your comments will soon be invisible. It is only if he is the man behind the curtain that this would even be possible for him to do. If and when this happens, which I believe it will.. this will confirm he is Steem.

Hence why no one will touch him with a 20 foot pole.