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RE: An Art Nouveau Fireplace Mosaic For an Atlanta Home

in #design7 years ago

That is gorgeous. I absolutely LOVE Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts. Particularly the glass and wood and brass/burnished metal aspects of it. I use a lot of that in my created science experiment art. And I have many Frank Lloyd Wright and other large photo books I just LOVE to peruse and dream about. Those houses...I yiii yiiiii! Maybe someday.... when Steemit passes the moon and heads on out to Mars and beyond. We can all hope ( :

It is so nice how you work with clients to give them what they truly want. Kind of rare in the world of the higher end art and craft least that I'm aware of. You have a very large heart, that's for sure. And to put all that effort (and time and some potential, added profit) into doing it 'right' is amazing. I'm sure that is one thing your clients really appreciate. Integrity above it all.

Though I can certainly relate on a much smaller, less weighty scale. I often spend WAY too much time on my photos for writings on this site. But it's something I just have to do. More for me, I suppose, than anyone else. Probably from a background of photography and the darkroom days. "If it ain't right, it ain't right."

I'm sure your viewpoint and end result on all of this is what brings your clients back, as well as new ones to the door. Keep up the great works and rare attitude about the process and end result. The world certainly needs a whole lot more "do what you know is right" in it's daily spinning's. Though as you've pointed out before, it is a fine balancing act, so you can still buy more clay and sandwiches.

Hope you have a nice weekend...and 'clay away'.


Thank you for your hugely supportive comment, it's much appreciated ;-))
And I'm glad to hear that you slave over your photos until they meet your satisfaction, and to echo you - this is what the world needs more of. When we really put ourselves into what we do, even if it's just raking the leaves, it does make a real difference!

Have a wonderful weekend as well....wonder if we'll all get snow tomorrow