My Hunt App Design Process

in #design5 years ago (edited)

My design process for the project was an iterative and interesting one. First I defined the problem, I thought I had outright solution to the problem then I decided to do my research. From the research, I was able to discover more problems which needs a solution. For the research, I conducted both qualitative and quantitative surveys, discovered key findings and I recommended solutions. The research phase was really helpful in filling all information gaps that were empty before the research. After getting all the information from my users, I collected the information and grouped them into themes and opportunities. From this, I was able to come up with features for the digital project. I prioritized my features base on the value it would give to users and how complex it was to build. To give initial visuals to my solution/features, I used the crazy-8 technique to have ideate through rough sketches. From this sketches, I built my first mid fidelity wireframes. This has the core features in place. After building a prototype with the mid fidelity wireframes, I did usability tests to validate my design. From the usability test, I iterated on my design using the feedback from participants. I then went on to create style guides and pattern gallery to be used to build high fidelity mockups/prototype. I seek inspiration from sources and build the high fidelity mockups. After building the high fidelity prototype, I did another usability test this exposed me to new I insights, I iterated on my design putting these insights to mind and checked for accessibility issues, with my data points, I was able to create alternative solutions to the design. This was how I was able to design be do this by going through all the stages of design which involves empathizing, defining, generating ideas, testing and prototyping.


👋 Hi @donaldpete, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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