Hi steemit Friends! I,m here with a new tutorial.In this tutorial, I will show you how to create this Pop out effect with photoshop.So, the friend let its started.
This is the final output.
For this effect. I will use different images.
These ingredients are used:
1)The photoshop.
2)iPhone image.
3)Cycling image.
4)Road image.
5)hill image.
Step 1:
First of all, we open a photoshop tool.
Step 2:
Now we open a new page. Go right side and open layer adjustment then select option gradient.And set gradient.
Step 3:
Now open the iPhone image.
Step 4:
Then add hill road image.
Step 5:
Now we add boy image.
Step 6:
Now we add sun effect.
Step 7:
Now we add bird image.
Step 7:
now we add plant image.
Haniya @haniya
Doing great but can u tell me that shall we use animation images in it?Great job @haniya
no we can not use animation images