Fake Food Fashion

in #design9 years ago


Fake Food Hatanaka's Got Your Food Accessory Needs Covered

While most people dream of wearing Chanel and Dior, there are the few who think a fake piece of bacon or a pizza slice would make great accessories, and Japanese manufacturer Fake Food Hatanaka's fake food fashion is making bizarre dreams come true.

In this glossy plastic collection, Hatanaka brings hamburgers, sausages, bacon, eggs, french fries and many more favorite food items into the fashion arena. Attached to hair bands, fashioned into earrings and eye catching necklaces, these food replicas will make you the drool-inducing envy of any room you set foot in.

Whether you're a food lover, or just think that wearing some bacon and eggs with a touch of ketchup on your head is the hottest look right now, Fake Food Hatanaka's got the answers to all of your strange needs.




Cute! I would love to see a tutorial on how to make things like this. :)