My name is Pierre.
I'm only 19 yo and I already earn enough money to live thank to design.
It's not my main money income, and that's my choice. It could be.
And it could be yours too.
You are a GFX ?
You're doing artwork ?
You're a beginner in the design world?
You make some things that looks like this?
Source : Google Image
That's cool ! Great start. But I want you to know that
you can take it to a whole new level
I don't care how you call yourself in the game. the design world is big, and I want to help you succeed in it.
I started just like you. During my adolescence, playing with Photoshop & Illustrator...
I was creating arts that, today, are… horribles to me.
I had to struggle three years and pay a super expansive school to learn what really is design.
Starting from today, I will help you. I'll give you the keys I wish I had when I started.
You'll be able to get a head start on everyone.
I'm going to write some articles, it's all happening very soon. Free of charge, up to you.
Join my Facebook page, you'll know everything.
Have a good day
Salut !
Tu vas faire des formation axées 2D ou 3D ?
Salut Théo,
Je ne vais pas donner de conseils techniques dans un premier temps ! On va travailler autres choses.
À bientôt ! Si tu veux un aperçu de ce que je vais faire : https://medium.com/@pierrerbn/latest
Hello et bienvenue !
En attendant, si tu as envie il y a une série d'articles et de vidéos pour t'aider à mieux Comprendre-Steem (il y a même un guide à télécharger avec tout tout tout ce que tu dois absolument savoir pour débuter!). Tu peux aussi consulter mon profil :-)
N'hésite pas à me contacter si tu as des questions sur le fonctionnement de Steem !
A bientôt !
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