More and more these days I get asked for my business card upon meeting potential clients.
All I have ever been able to do in this situation is give them my email address or phone number and generally I never hear from them again.
So, I am currently thinking about potential designs!
And I wondered if the steemit community might be able to help me with this?
Do you like the landscape image? I made it by setting up my camera on a tripod for the whole day and shooting all the different changing colours before combining them into strips.
My main problem is that officially I am a film maker but I have so many other skills too...
And these days I would call myself more of a blogger than film maker! But I can’t very well put ‘Steemit Evangelist’ on my card!
Can I?
Perhaps I need two cards depending on the situation?
Here are a few of my current design ideas...
I even put together a document 6 months ago to try and figure out exactly what were the most lucrative and enjoyable aspects of my life, in the hope that somehow this would help me see the brand and design in my head.
It didn't help!
![who am I?.jpg](
The full document is 3 pages long and I won't torture you with the rest!
A samstonehill website is clearly required to best advertise my many skills.
But for now I must decide on a business card!
You have a difficult task here... made more difficult by trying to create an everything / forever card.
It is more appropriate to think about what you are trying to sell.
You would like to have a card sum up your sales pitch.
What is the story you are trying to tell the customer?
What will remind your potential customer of your story?
I would also like to say that the cards you have pictured here are not very inventive. err... they are all of one form. And the form is not your business, they are all one type of thought pattern. In other words, you are married to a thought that isn't your business.
Thanks so much for your really thoughtful response here.
Very useful indeed for me to think about.
I have followed you and given you a little upvote gift here :)
i am a studiant in 4th years of my school, graphism and visual communication, in france, and i'm french.
I think that you should use differents cards for your differents skills (if you have very differents skills to show). If you make one card for everything, people would think that you might not be serious, because of mixing everything.
Then you should not mixed all thoose color. Try to find one thing that represent you, maybe somethng easier ( a symbol ),why not a picture (but with only one color, two maximum). If it s a picture, choose one that represent you r way of working, and try to also make it by yourself, people would feel it !!
-----bSomething REALLY IMPORTANT, is that you should only use one typographic on your card (maybe two, but ask yourself why ? You have to be able to justify it :) ). But never more ! -----
And a bonus... Something that can be different, and being different and original, in an artistic production, is what might make people remind you:
to put a fold somewhere in your card that is accord to you graphism!!
Because if one of your clients has many differents cards front on him over his desk, the one that is in volum (your, thanks to the fold) is the one he will see in first :) !
but i love the back side :D even if the front side is maybe not my favorite :)
Sorry i forgot to say: good luck for your project ! ;) :) :)
Many thanks :)
Thanks very much for your really thoughtful response and advice here. You seem like you know what you are talking about!
My partner is french and I am trying to get her onto Steemit. Have you found much of a french community here?
You welcome, it was a pleasure! Don't hesitate if you have any others questions :) I can help !
Not really, sadly :/ i wish we could me more. I'am actually in sweden for a visit, and i'm new on steemit, but as soon as i come back i will told to my friend about steemit !
And it's also the reason that I post in english, to try to be read by people, as no frenchs people are here.
I will go with op 8 cause that one define you niche.
Thanks for your input! Let's see how this turns out...
Loved the article. Followed and look forward to seeing more of your content. :)
Many thanks for the comment.
Looking forward to sharing lots more cool content with you ;)
I like the dark ones but I think the text doesn't carry though, while my favorite is the OP1 design it is probably to busy for a business card. I think I would go with the classic one that really shows your business proposition OP3.
Many thanks for your input.
Lots to think about now :)
I would go for 4 or 7. The more abstract the better imho because you have multiple areas of interests.
Thanks. I like that advice :)
Glad to help! :)
Sam, sorry I need my eyeglass, it is too small seeing your design through smartphone. But I like when you make a business with HDR picture. That is your specialization, many steemians know you are as HDR expert. Nice Sam! :)
Haha! Yes, too small to see on a phone. I think you are right about the HDR. That does seem to be my 'thing' :)
Hey, let me know when you do the next ASWD Treasures from the Ocean. I am very bad at following our fast feed these days so I may miss it! Just send it to me as a private message and I will resteem & pin at the top of our group :)
The first one is actually great. No, I'm not talking about the Op 1, but the one before that!
You could increase the size of the font that says what all services you provide. Maybe that will ring bells?
Apart from that,
Op 5 is attractive. It tells about the drone footages that you do as well as looks like a camera in HDR mode! Hope that helps.
PS: I create videos as well. :D
Many thanks for your useful advice. Great to meet another film maker here!
I will follow your account :)
Always glad to help. :)
I've been following you since a long time, great posts, keep 'em coming! ;)
Thanks very much! :)
I like options 4 and 8. Interesting how you went about creating these different options. It can be a bit of challenge when you're multi passionate, right?
Yes, the multi passion thing is a problem when trying to create something so small!
Thanks for the advice & comment :)
Well you are mainly getting profit from filmmaking so option 2 would be suitable but I would also reccomend back 1 and front 4 as a nice combo, even tho I liked the last one the most it's too unusual.
Thanks for your input!
Lots to consider now. Still a bit confused frankly!
haha :)
great post...would go for 8
Thanks. You are the 3rd person to suggest number 8. Interesting :)
its awesome advice.
Thanks :)
Great post check mine and Upvote it
Can you see how you are the only person posting a personal link in response to my article?
I am sure you get it now :)