With a generation hell bent on killing free thoughts and controlling the human nature, it is safe to say that thought control is at a paramount. However, in this same world new innovations which can break the bounds of the mind are coming into existence, one of such is Basis Neuro. Basis Neuro's technology allows devices to recognize brain signals associated with certain motions via EEG (electroencephalogram) monitoring thereby making the mind control these devices in the surroundings. The use of the Basis Neuro stretches from Medicine to Games down to household appliances.
Below is my entry for the @MediaWorks Design Contest

The Graphic starts with a slogan no more thought control, now thoughts controls this simply means our minds and thought are no longer under control instead our thoughts now control,the next obvious figure the man on vr art this basically shows one of the cases of the Basis Neuro. Another content on this graphic is the brain which is before a set of items it controls and finally the last motto which states ......your thoughts now controls your world
Basis Neuro Website